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It's going good so far. The only problem is that I don't have as much free time these days to do runs, unlike during summer where I could do many runs each day. Right now, I can maybe do a run or two every other day, which is what is making this take so long. The wait is worth it though; during summer my theoretical time was 45, right now it's 43.
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Deviance, check out this page, one of TG's 2005 bounties is DKC 101% completion and the prize is $50: http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=46&id=974
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wow, Robert T Mruczek loved console games from the beginig. will be cool watch the best players in the entire world.
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I don't think those runs will be published...
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Deviance, check out this page, one of TG's 2005 bounties is DKC 101% completion and the prize is $50
something else to motivate me. It should have been more though, since DKC 101% no save is probably one of the hardest on that list. The bounty for GnG fast completion with NO CONTINUES is also insane.
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something else to motivate me. It should have been more though, since DKC 101% no save is probably one of the hardest on that list. The bounty for GnG fast completion with NO CONTINUES is also insane. Maybe you could try to negotiate something with him. How about suggesting that he awards $50 if the winning time is 47 minutes, and an extra $10 for each minute faster.
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And then you have something completely silly like the Joust 2 completion.
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Joined: 12/5/2004
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While we're on the subject of "completely silly", Fastest Completion of TMNT without losing a turtle is up there in difficulty, especially without being able to reenter a building for pizza more than twice (TMNT is MUCH harder than the time-attack on this site makes it look, as anyone who has played the game can attest). Note that I may actually be insane enough to try this. But back on-topic, I know Robert is pretty reasonable about changing some of these bounties if you truly think they're impossible (note that this is actually the point of some of them, such as the Joust 2 one)...one of the premier Silent Hill players discussed the Silent Hill bounty to make it a little more reasonable. However, as I don't think the DKC bount is one of Robert's, your mileage may obviously vary.
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My childhood memories could be deceiving me again, but I think I have seen a friend of me complete TMNT without dieing. Myself, I could never get past the swimming stage. :/ Good luck in any case if you decide to do it.
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So uhh...any updates?
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Sorry about exams, but good luck with 44:xx.
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Surely your exam week must be over by now. Have you done any more attempts? Sorry if I sound impatient, but we've been waiting 10 months for this speed run! I'm sure people will still be very impressed if you get hit a few times, just send in your fastest run so far if you don't have time to do a faster run soon.
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Surely your exam week must be over by now.
you're right, it is over, but now I have finals! I'll still have enough time after that to finish this run and send it in on time for the TG bounty. The wait will be worth it I promise.
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The only problem is that I don't have as much free time these days to do runs, unlike during summer where I could do many runs each day. Ok Deviance, you have no more excuses now. Today is June 21st, the first day of summer, so time for you to get back to speedrunning DKC. :) Let's see a 43 minute run already!
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I wish they had Chess tournaments in NFLD...
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Just one last excuse: chess tournament in 9 days :P. I'll finish this run eventually though, since the bounty is waiting for me. Wtf? That's a pathetic excuse! I've been waiting months for the first day of summer when you'd have more free time just so I could remind you to get back to speedrunning DKC and this is what I get for it? I'm sure the DKC speedrunning must have been already scheduled much more in advance than the chess tournament. Tell them you can't go because your busy playing DKC, or even better, take DKC and an SNES with you and play while you're there! Also, even if you do go, as you said it's not for another 9 days, so that's 9 days you have that you can spend speedrunning DKC before the chess tournament.
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I gotta prepare though, it's over a thousand dollars for me if I win! I could technically set up an SNES and play DKC between moves, I don't think that's against the rulebooks. Unless I play SNES Chessmaster, but I still don't think they'd mind because SNES Chessmaster sucks. :)
I wish they had Chess tournaments in NFLD...
I remember one back in December, but you're right, there aren't as many as there should be. Just move to Ontario. :P
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I could technically set up an SNES and play DKC between moves, I don't think that's against the rulebook. Yeah, go for it! Also turn the music up really loud so your opponent can't think.
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I Agree with MFried... Games is more important then suceeding in life :) [EDIT] Grammer [/EDIT]
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Is the chess tournament over yet?
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Yeah. Some other guy wants to speedrun the GBA version already, you have to beat him to it.
Joined: 6/6/2005
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There are 8 days left of August (and thus effectively summer), so that's how long you have to finish this! ;)
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I replied over at the SDA forums. I'd paste the link but I just accidentally filled my clipboard with some nonsense and I'm too lazy to go back and get the proper url.
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