The IPS patch can be downloaded from here, apply to a clean Rockman 3 rom.
Rockman 3 Burst Chaser is a new Rockman 3 romhack released a few months ago. It has a unique gimmick in my opinion, which has not been done in a megaman romhack before I think. It's focused entirly on speed. Megaman's walking/sliding speed is doubled, as well as almost all enemies and bosses.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.2
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Aims for fastest time


I started the TAS in early September, and finished on November 2nd. I've restarted quite a few times. It's not a groundbreaking hack like 4 MI, but I feel it has it's own bit of uniqueness, and wanted to do this project. Everything is sped up considerably. This was the author's intention it seems.
  • In the original, megaman's walking speed is 01.4C pix/frame, sliding is 02.80
  • In the romhack, megaman's walking speed is 02.98 pix/frame, sliding is 03.CC
About dash-jumping: The first frame causes megaman to move forward an extra frame (3 or 4 pixels), so he'll leap forward about 7 or 8 pixels. When landing on the ground, there is a 1 frame delay where he stops, the speed will remain at 03.CC. So there is no time loss for landing on the ground, due to the little zip at the start of a jump as long as you immediately start another.
I sometimes must jump a few times in specific spots to get the desired sub-pixel values at the start of boss fights or other screens. (1 frame jumps)
Important RAM values:
  • $340: X position (sub-pixel), and $360: X position
  • $3A0: Y Position (sub-pixel), and $3C0: Y position
  • $400 and $420: X speed hi/low byte
  • $440 and $460: Y speed hi/low byte
  • $4FF: Boss HP, only Boss HP value is important to track, not regular enemies.
  • $51F: I only needed to look at this during the Wily 1 boss fight to get the correct "delay time" values between the actions.

Stage comments


The weakness chain is modified for the romhack. Spark was chosen first as the buster does 2 damage to him. Not much to say about Spark, i had to delay a few frames with the needle enemies at the start, cause they cant be shot whatsoever without something like Shadow Blade. You cant outrun the needles at fullspeed without a few frames lost.


I get extra lives here for fun, and will obtain several more to the end of the TAS for enertainment. Switching to Spark for those bee's at the boss door is faster than taking damage.


This was the only time where I was not able to get megaman directly on X position 80 on the final hit for magnet, I got as close as i could, due to the speedup in Magnet's AI.


Damage taken on a sparking trap in beginning, as it's impossible to get through it without stopping. This is the same case in a couple other stages too. Needle's AI is ridiculously un-predictable and a nightmare. I waited some frames between the boss door to try getting the best possible AI pattern I could.


Everything is good here, switching to magnet saves considerable time at the 2 giant cats. All the extra needle shots on Top was just for fun, and it affects the Air man battle later.


This is the first time that I can start using Rush Jet for lots of time gain everywhere, especially the disappearing block screen. I do some 1 frame jumps with the Top spin between the boss doors.


Shadow's AI is just as un-predictable as Needle. So it took a very long time to get a proper AI pattern on him. I also shoot a laser before the boss pose/lifebar fill which lands right on him. Although the "repel" bit is turned on during that time. Just some more fun.


The slide through snake glitch from original megaman 3 isn't needed here as the Shadow Blade is fast enough to get through them both.

Doc Spark

The magnet pulling enemies in the 2nd half resets megamans speed to 01.4C (original megaman 3 speed) when your under them. Then 02.98 when your out of range, so i try to be in that state for as short as possible so i can get back to dash-jumping at 03.CC speed.

Doc Shadow

This stage is pure hell. Magnet Missle is the best weapon to use on the enemies. And I need more than 40 of these seriously. This stage alone probably was worth 30,000+ re-records. All trying desperately to get energy refills for Magnet all the way to the end of the stage (Quick Man). I was forced to even wait about 10 frames apiece on a couple enemies just to get big refills, cause small refills was never enough to make it.
I even tried doing this stage first before Doc Spark, and just changing the order of the 4 Doc Stages, but the RNG is just incredibly unlucky to control. If the hack had instant weapon switching, I would never have problems.

Doc Needle

The section with the mouse trap things in the 1st half can create tons of lag, I did the best I could to keep it to a minimum.
The Metal man battle is funny, but VERY important to make him jump back and forth nonstop, cause I needed the RNG to change a certain number of times for one of the penguin enemies to not cause lag in Doc Gemini.

Doc Gemini

This is the 2nd hardest level to TAS, your required to use Rush Marine for the 1st half. Rush Jet saves more time as I need him later anyway. This took probably 20,000 or so re-records as well. I barely make it to the boss door with nothing left in Rush Jet, and then luckily get a refill on the first enemy in 2nd half.
This is sadly the only single place in the entire game where I can do a wall-zip glitch, or any glitch at all. At the bubble fish section.

Wily stages

Protoman battle takes less than 1 second after exiting pause menu. I really laughed out loud at the dr light cutscenes first time I ever played, they are just skipped literally. You'll see. :)

Wily 1

No comments here really, just need to keep Shadow Blade as full as possible for the rest of the battles.

Wily 2

I get some good time gain with Rush Jet, and I try to add some enertainment at the start of Yellow Devil

Wily 3

Last time i can gain alot of time cutting corners and such with Jet.

Wily 4

Boss Rush was pretty good. It is possible to save a couple frames, but only if the RNG were truly 100% perfect.

Wily 5

Buster is fastest on first form, dont need a menu pause. Shadow Blade is best for 2nd form. I delay some frames before last hit to move Megaman as close as possible to X position 50 where he walks to.

Wily 6

I get some more extra lives for fun. The battle went well. Shadow once again is the only way to attack. Since the weaknesses are different than the original game.

Other comments

  • Getting the RNG to cooperate with the energy drops in Doc Shadow. As that was just hell. That's really the only major thing.
  • Also the Wily 1 boss, it's possible to get some more frames out of it, but very difficult with how the RNG acts.
  • A few less lag frames in some places may be possible.
That's all for now. I hope people will like it as it was my first full game TAS. I put alot of work into it, and I had fun with it.

Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: Replaced movie file with an updated version that eliminates unnecessary shots.
Noxxa: While the run is technically of good quality, the reception of the hack is mediocre. The hack isn't as high quality as the other Mega Man hacks published here. Rejecting due to poor hack reception.

Darkman425: Revisiting and rejudging due to rule changes with regards to ROM hacks.
Darkman425: After taking a bit of time judging this, this submission was solid in 2013 and it's still solid now. The only easily noticeable thing that could be a potential time save is trying to get some bosses to die closer to the center of the screen but I assume the RNG manipulation needed for the bosses where that's even a possible potential would at best save a handful of frames and at worst just end up slower since the boss explosions are sped up in this hack. Turns out someone who developed an improvement patch for Mega Man 3 would know how to TAS Mega Man 3.
Accepting to Standard.

despoa: Processing...

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4105: kuja_killer's NES Rockman 3: Burst Chaser in 24:16.32
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It has a unique gimmick in my opinion, which has not been done in a romhack before to my knowledge. It's focused entirly on speed. Megaman's walking/sliding speed is doubled, as well as almost all enemies and bosses.
I haven't watched it yet, but I just want to say that romhacks of increasing the character's speed has been done before. :P
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Ah crap, my mistake i should of mentioned, in specific to megaman romhacks. Not "any" romhacks. Not including the Hell Wheel weapon on 4 Minus Infinity
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Regarding the hack: it's a neat concept, and seems to be executed well with the exception of the palettes used for, well, everything. This hack is pretty eye-searing. Regarding the run: it seemed decently well-optimized. Of course, everything moves so quickly that it's hard to see mistakes without going through in an emulator, which I didn't bother with. I did notice a lot of missed shots, which tends to look sloppy. I'm not counting sections where the TASer spammed shots just for fun, more areas where he shot several times at an enemy and only one bullet hit. Was there any purpose to that? I don't think the RNG can be manipulated by shots in MM3...
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I was a bit surprised when the Chocobo theme from FF7 showed up. I guess the extra speed isn't all that they changed. (I'm not too familiar with what the normal stage music or layout is for MM3, and this was the first bit I recognized) The run looks pretty good to me, although would stopping for a few frames to avoid the spark traps save the time taken while MM is stunned? Or would that cost too much speed to be effective? (would be curious to see a whole level comparison between these)
Joined: 12/11/2010
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These megaman hacks always have at least one track from Super Robot Wars too, for some reason. The palletes and tiling on some of the levels is pretty ugly. Hard Man for example. The modified boss theme is terrible.
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Derakon wrote:
I did notice a lot of missed shots, which tends to look sloppy. I'm not counting sections where the TASer spammed shots just for fun, more areas where he shot several times at an enemy and only one bullet hit
Oh, i know i did that quite a few times about shooting more than once as in the youtube video, i was afraid that was a problem, and i did address that just before i submitted to TASvideos. i deleted all those extra shots in the emulator FM2 file about enemies. So it doesn't happen on the FM2 file since that's slightly a tiny bit updated compared to the youtube, sorry. I edited it once again after seeing your post, just to make absolute sure I got them all. So hopefully the FM2 submission will be updated.
evknucklehead wrote:
although would stopping for a few frames to avoid the spark traps save the time taken while MM is stunned? Or would that cost too much speed to be effective?
In needle: It would be only 1 single frame faster, but then when i get to the 2nd spark trap, I still cant pass it. I tried many times but it does not seem possible unless megaman has invisible time. In Top I can pass the 2nd spark trap, but when i see megaman's X position, RAM $360 shows im only ahead by 1 single pixel (not 1 frame). So it's not worth redoing the whole entire TAS all over again. Since i've redone this TAS many times.
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MrTickles wrote:
These megaman hacks always have at least one track from Super Robot Wars too, for some reason.
Whoever did this hack loves Squaresoft. Are there any RM hacks that use original music composed just for the hack?
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Prion wrote:
MrTickles wrote:
These megaman hacks always have at least one track from Super Robot Wars too, for some reason.
Whoever did this hack loves Squaresoft. Are there any RM hacks that use original music composed just for the hack?
Not really. It's actually new material in a sense since none of these songs were really made for the NES music chip. It's rather jarring having that stupid chocobo song in there. There's much better square songs like half the tracks from FF6. For SRW in this one they used two - Excellen's theme and Kyosuke's theme. For the first time ever there's no Kirby theme.
Post subject: Re: #4105: kuja killer's NES Rockman 3 Burst Chaser in 24:16.32
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
  • Contains Speed/Entertainment Trade-Off's
Could you elaborate about this? I couldn't find any reference to trading off speed for entertainment anywhere else in the run comments. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Oh i just thought little things might have constituted as that. I was not completely sure really even. examples: the little jumps with top spin between the boss doors on the regular gemini stage ( did not have to worry about Y position sub-pixel value there specifically) the playaround bit at the start of the yellow devil fight (wily 2) i probably mis-understood the meaning of it. sorry.
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It's only a tradeoff if doing something entertaining costs time. If it doesn't matter timewise, it's not a tradeoff. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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ah i see now. my bad. :| i'll take it off the comments oh, since everyone wonders about what all the songs were.. here: This person uploaded all the songs individually and what games they were from.
Editor, Skilled player (1436)
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Alright, I watched the encode, and I must say it really strikes me of Rockman 4: MI with an invisible hell wheel. I think the gimmick makes for a bit of a hard viewing, similar to many DOS TASes set to maximum speed (incidentally, the DOS Mega Man comes to mind on that one), as so many screens just whiz by too fast for you to take in any of the level design. The end-level demos being sped up afterwards is a bonus after having seen it so many times, but it all makes it look a bit alike, like a regular video put on double speed. The TAS itself looked pretty solid technically however, so I'm voting Yes.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
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I watched Rockman no Constancy, this TAS, and Rockman 4 Minus Infinity just now. In my opinion, this game doesn't have the charm that Rockman no Constancy or Rockman 4 Minus Infinity have. From watching, Rockman 3 Burst Chaser appears to be merely a standard level hack with some speed/timing values changed. The game moves a bit too fast. Not only that, but it extends to cutscenes as well, something that doesn't sit well with me. Some of the backgrounds are real eyesores too. I don't know the state of Mega Man 3 ROM hacking, but the existence of R4MI sets a high expectation for NES Mega Man game ROM hacks, regardless of whether such expectation is deserved or not. It is unfortunate that this game comes now, and not, say, five years ago, when it might have been better appreciated.
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I don't think that this hack carries something new in itself other than pure speed. Levels weren't designed to take maximum advantage of it anyway. Looks just like some fast forwarded Megaman TAS, but with less enemies. Voted No on entertainment and on the hack itself.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I've honestly gotten used to the speed, but just cause i spent the past 2 months working on it every single day, and because i had restarted over from the beginning at least 3 times total. And it feels weird to my eyes when i go back and look at a regular normal megaman TAS, cause it looks like everything's in slow-motion since my eyes haven't adjusted to it. heh. :| This should not be compared to 4 Minus Infinity specifically, if I may be allowed to say. There will never be another romhack as advanced as that for years to come. My own, odyssey isn't anywhere near it by light years. But yea i know feos. This one doesn't have much like many others, no new graphics or "new" ASM hacks/enemies/only original megaman 3 weapons sped up, and such. I just honestly picked this hack to try in my opinion... because of the speed, and TASvideos being known for completing games as fast as possible. Just sharing my thoughts.
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It's okay, just requirements for hacks to be published are higher here. We can't TAS all hacks, only the best of them, placing them in Moons, and even sometimes obsoleting one hack run by another hack run if people feel like it. And yeah, when voting for a hack TAS submission, not only the movie quality is being discussed, but the hack itself. Because it's not notable, it won't be accepted.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Before I determine whether this hack is not notable enough or not good enough, though, I'd like to know if there are more notable Mega Man 3 hacks out there. Though so far, I can't seem to find a whole lot of stuff about any particular MM3 hack. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Location: Lake Havasu, Arizona I have not played every single mm 3 hack in existence, but i really liked Rockman 3 Alpha alot from 2007. That was clearly the best mm3 hack out there during it's time before stuff like Minius Infinity ever started But it does not have new graphics, no music edits, just AI, palletes, level design. It already was TAS'd by a person though. ATW is bad, i couldnt stand to play that hack after a couple levels, people felt the same way on the acmlm board dicussion thread when it was first released Battle of Gamma is pretty good, anything by DurfarC is good. Almost all by author "chiko" is to be avoided. See "insectduel" 's youtube videos. The bottom 2 chinese ones directly above burst chaser i have never heard of those 2, so i have no idea whatsoever. nor have they ever been mentioned on the japanese 2ch remodelling rockman thread. I have not tried Anadanstoon's megaman 3 indonesia hack, it does have new graphics, changed songs (i think), AI edits, and level design. However, his most recent hack, megaman 5 indonesian artifact has gotten great reputation, and i enjoyed it alot too, as it's his best one he's done to date. But some people dont like the music choices i've seen in youtube comments.
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om, nom, nom... blech, salty!
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [5856] NES Rockman 3: Burst Chaser by kuja_killer in 24:16.32