Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD
N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair)
GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven)
TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
Level 1-2 @ ~55 seconds into the video you run into a pipe. Loosing time.
If this is meant to be a TAS, that would be correctable. Use frame advance and try again.
I am wondering, why there is no 100%-like-run for this game.
Since a real 100%-run is impossible for this game (without dying), we need another goal:
Get as many items as possible without dying during one run.
Everything you collect counts as one item: Coins, Mushrooms, Fireflowers, 1-Ups, Stars do all count as one item.
Would anybody be interested in such a run?
Hi AndiHoffi, it's not the same category as you propose but check out this real time score run by andrewg.
"Super Mario Bros - World Record High Score - 1,435,100"
Link to video
"This is a score I got back sometime mid-2011. This was played by Twin Galaxies' ruleset which basically just states that one cannot leech points by using a single turtle (over 2 times), no glitches can be used for score, and you have 5 lives to do it."
Woohoo I got the flagpole glitch a second time after 2 years. But now I have a recording
Link to video
Of course it's the TAS-only one, because in World 4-1 there are no Bullet Bills or Koopa shells which can be used to make an easier flagpole glitch.
There isn't really an consistent way to do this, you only need to be really lucky, when you press buttons randomly at the flagpole. This was on PAL, maybe this makes it easier.
OHHHHH... Ok that makes a bit more sense. I was confused though because doesn't PAL music run faster than NTSC?
On PAL, I believe if you just do a short jump right before the flagpole you can get this glitch to work. I think it's like if you do a 1 frame jump right as you reach the base (frame perfect). I Think...
EDIT: Oh, I guess I didn't have the volume loud enough. It sounded like NTSC at first. This video just made me spend like a half hour trying random things. I don't think it's at all possible on NTSC, but maybe someone could prove me wrong. I didn't test THAT thoroughly.
EDIT2: Honestly, if it were possible on NTSC like this, I think I'd try for hours and hours on 1-1 until I got it in a run. Haha. I should really test this more.
Oh look, my post count matches my experience level now.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner
- Andrew Gardikis
I've been trying to use the above video to duplicate the glitch -- but I've been using the All-Stars version. Does the trick work in the same way?
(No, I haven't gotten it in real time either)...
Do you think there's a way to find a way to corrupt the value of 0057 (speed in subpixels) to the value of 7F?(or anything above 28) It's amazing the glitches that are caused with a speed value of 7F... you can practically move through walls with it... or has this been searched for
? I don't know how it would be done at all, but if it's possible...
Current TAS:
[SNES] Jelly Boy
[NES] Street Fighter 2010
Do you think there's a way to find a way to corrupt the value of 0057 (speed in subpixels) to the value of 7F?(or anything above 28) It's amazing the glitches that are caused with a speed value of 7F... you can practically move through walls with it... or has this been searched for
? I don't know how it would be done at all, but if it's possible...
SMB1 does not have many variable sized arrays/pointer dereferences/etc, it's a simple enough game that due to how it's coded arbitrary execution glitches and memory corruption aren't likely.
I've been trying to use the above video to duplicate the glitch -- but I've been using the All-Stars version. Does the trick work in the same way?
(No, I haven't gotten it in real time either)...
The trick is hard to even TAS it. It seems unlikely we will have any success with it without extraordinary luck.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner
- Andrew Gardikis
BTW it is possible to get inside the first pipe 1 frame earlier than in the published TAS. doesn't save any time but IMO is better, although it probably shouldn't obsolete it despite it raising the entertainment value ever so slightly (this is my opinion, as it looks like mario is entering the pipe ‛through‛ the actual material of the pipe rather than the hole at the top.) but the real reasom I am posting is for a different part of the game. does anyone know the maximum falling speed, not underwater and not after bumping his head?
Current TAS:
[SNES] Jelly Boy
[NES] Street Fighter 2010
BTW it is possible to get inside the first pipe 1 frame earlier than in the published TAS. doesn't save any time but IMO is better, although it probably shouldn't obsolete it despite it raising the entertainment value ever so slightly
A frame is delayed due to the frame-rule in this game. There won't be any improvement in entertainment, if the frame isn't delayed, the viewers will not recognize this at all.
uhh... i thought that saving 1 frame in 1-1 was actually enough for that frame rule, so theres always that...
It is, but there are different frame rules throughout the stage. When you enter the above ground pipe 1 frame earlier, it doesn't save any time, but if you got the flagpole 1 frame earlier then I think that is when time would be saved.
EDIT: Apparently I mis-interpereted when "getting in the pipe" is counted by the game. it is based on the first frame where pressing down will get you into the pipe, the published TAS does on the first frame possible for their positioning. That frame was frame 563. The same section in my TAS: first frame possible is 563. So it doesn't actually get down the pipe any quicker according to the game. I assumed that it would be when you cannot see anything of Mario, my frame is 579, the published TAS is 580. If this were the case, it would save time, although it actually may still've been on the same 21 frame cycle, I'm not entirely sure. That part of the published 1-1 is perfect, although I prefer the way I enter the pipe because despite being inside a wall, the game doesn't slow you down. However, it is a very slight difference that would be likely to go unnoticed by many people, and almost all of the casual viewers. I think being 1 frame quicker at the flagpole would be a 21 frame improvement as well, so although I doubt there will be one, I will search for an improvement. I will also search in the underground section for any improvements that would be almost impossible to notice visually, unless you were comparing frame counts on screen black-outs or watching with slowdown in an emulator. Well, I was wrong about getting in the pipe a frame earlier in overground, so yes, that bit is perfect (unless hopping glitch can give pixel/subpixel perfect values, I will have to check for that as well.)
Current TAS:
[SNES] Jelly Boy
[NES] Street Fighter 2010
No you can't actually get into the first pipe 1 frame faster. It doesn't matter which frame Mario disappears. Any actual 1 frame improvement would save 21 frames in 1-1, but that's very unlikely to be happening.
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
No you can't actually get into the first pipe 1 frame faster. It doesn't matter which frame Mario disappears. Any actual 1 frame improvement would save 21 frames in 1-1, but that's very unlikely to be happening.
very unlikely to happen* (wouldn't normally, but I think you said something on your page about helping you with your english?)
Of course, the published movie is of a very, very high quality, but I have to search absolutely everywhere for improvements until I'm absolutely certain that there aren't any. Of course, there could be some unfound glitch, but I'm not a great glitch hunter. No disrespect, just my instinct to look at everything.
Current TAS:
[SNES] Jelly Boy
[NES] Street Fighter 2010
If there's a 21 frame improvement. it's in 4-2. If there's a 1 frame improvement, it's in 8-4. However, I believe the game has been maxed to the frame rules.
If an improvement is possible, it's likely in 8-4.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner
- Andrew Gardikis
Max coins kinda imply the max amount of coins in every level. >.>
Not true. Would you believe it if I tell you that this run simply skips world 5? It's one of the incredible ideas of this run (which I put forward). Explaining it too early would probably ruin the fun, so I'll leave you surprised after his WIP's finished.
It's getting to be an old post, but did this ever happen? HappyLee's comment left me intrigued. AndiHoffi recent post just reminded me of it.
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Joined: 11/3/2004
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I assumed that it would be when you cannot see anything of Mario, my frame is 579, the published TAS is 580.
This is an unreliable measurement point in this game (and most games). Measure when the screen goes black after, and/or when mario appears in the pipe screen after. You will see that they are indeed the same frame in your TAS and the published movie.