FractalFusion: As per henke37's post, this movie probably requires the firmware setting as given in the movie file to sync.

This TAS completes the 10 main worlds of Super Scribblenauts. Speed is not the main goal; instead, the levels are completed in funny or unusual ways.
Spoiler warning: The rest of this submission text contains spoilers about various level solutions. We recommend that you watch the TAS first before continuing!

Game Objectives

  • Emulator: DeSmuME 0.9.8
  • Is a demonstration
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck

About the Objective

Super Scribblenauts is a game ultimately driven by the player’s own imagination and creativity. Because of this, we felt that the best TAS of this game would be one based on creative or unexpected solutions.
In general, the levels aim to be as entertaining as possible at the cost of speed. There are a few exceptions where we decided that a level or part of a level was not entertaining enough on its own, so we opted to just get through as quickly as possible. These are explained below in the individual level comments.
The TAS completes only the 10 main worlds (the puzzle worlds) of Super Scribblenauts. In particular, this TAS does not complete the two bonus worlds. They were skipped for a number of reasons, but primarily because they are more platforming-oriented (similar to the first game’s Action levels) and were felt to have less potential for entertainment compared to the rest of the run. Since the credits are automatically shown upon completion of 10-5, we considered this a reasonable end to the TAS.

Tricks and Techniques


The Scribblenauts item dictionary contains over 20000 words - this is its main selling point as a creativity-based game. However, the actual number of unique objects in the game is far smaller. This is because many words will ultimately map to the same object. As an example, the following words all summon the same thing in-game: “Auto”, “Automobile”, “Bait car”, “Car”, “Motor car”, “Muscle car”, “Sedan”, “Unmarked car”, “Vehicle”.
Interestingly, when the game checks if the summoned object will solve the puzzle, it does so by checking what type of object was summoned, not the phrase that was used to summon it. We exploit this fact constantly throughout the run to summon objects using their funniest or most-interesting name in the game. Using the above example, if a level solution involved a car, we might summon it using “Bait car” to increase the entertainment value.
While plenty of “Scribblenauts word lists” exist out there on the internet, to our knowledge there aren’t any lists that show which words all summon the same object. So, we assembled this list ourselves by pulling this information from the game ROM with a small program. This was invaluable in coming up with the best solution for many levels.
UPDATE: The word list is now available to the general public!


This is exactly the same as the object-mapping technique, except that it applies to adjectives. We generated the grouped adjective list in the same way as the object list and used it constantly to pick funny adjectives as needed in the levels.

Glitching Through Barriers

The original Scribblenauts had some very easily-exploitable collision detection that allowed for many trivial solutions to levels. In Super Scribblenauts, the developers shored up the collision detection significantly, but there are still some properties that can be exploited.
  • Glitching objects through walls and ceilings: It’s normally impossible to summon an object into a room that’s too small to contain it. However, if you make the object “Handheld” you are allowed to have someone hold it, regardless of any walls nearby. If you have that person drop the object, the object can be forced into the room and will usually start zipping back and forth as it collides with the room walls. With the right manipulation, the object can also be ejected into other rooms entirely.
  • Glitching Maxwell through the ceiling: When Maxwell rides a vehicle smaller than himself, his hitbox shrinks to the size of the vehicle. If you make this a “Flying” vehicle and press up into the ceiling, you’ll notice that Maxwell’s head sticks a fair bit into the ceiling. With the right timing, dismounting from the vehicle will cause Maxwell to be ejected the wrong way and into the ceiling.
  • Glitching Maxwell through walls: If you have Maxwell hold a rideable object and position him next to a wall, letting go of the object with the right timing will lodge the object into the wall. You can then have Maxwell ride the object and dismount to get into or through the wall entirely.
There are many other minor tricks used for specific levels; these are described in the individual level notes below.

General Level Strategies

Coming up with level solutions was an iterative process that involved lots of testing and brainstorming. The version that ended up in the TAS is the one that we ultimately decided was the best in terms of overall entertainment.
Generally, the level strategies fell into the following categories:
  1. Summoning the funniest item that still completes the level objective(s).
  2. Summoning a more typical item to complete an objective, but then using the item in an unusual way or for comedic effect.
  3. Summoning an item as part of a running joke. (We leave the nature of the running jokes as an exercise for the viewer.)
  4. Glitching through the level boundaries to skip objectives entirely.
Method 4 was only used as a last-resort strategy when we felt that completing the level normally would either be boring or would be too similar to an average player’s run-through.
The emphasis on entertainment means that the TAS contains lots of comedic-effect pauses, carefully-chosen camera views, and general tomfoolery to produce an interesting result. We also deliberately leave the level messages open for a short time so that viewers can understand the level objectives more clearly. (In many cases the messages are particularly funny in-context, so it makes sense to show them anyway). We opted to leave every message open for exactly one second (60 frames); this is enough to catch the gist of the level (or pause the movie if you want to read it in detail) without being especially interruptive to the flow of gameplay. Finally, the level intros are skipped most of the time, but are sometimes allowed to play through to give further context to a level.

Individual Level Notes

This section lists comments for various individual levels. These are intended to highlight interesting tricks or explain the technical side of various solutions. Direct spoilers have been avoided when possible, but inevitably some levels’ solutions will be given away. Again, we recommend that you watch the TAS before continuing.

World 1


The car goes careening off because the racer attempts to drive away in fear from the mask, while at the same time the level attempts to pull the car to the right as part of the objective-complete sequence. The car’s movement is also manipulated to destroy the pit stop.


The second object summoned here is a good example of the object-mapping technique. “Sunscreen” is what the level is expecting, but for whatever reason the developers decided that this object maps to the same thing; thus, our solution works!


The glitched text is due to the game trying to put up two dialogs at the same time. This was achieved by timing the “here’s the next objective” level message to appear while the “you got your first merit” message was coming up.


“Lethal” (or “Deadly”, “Deathful”, and “Fatal”, which map to the same thing) causes an object to kill or destroy anything it collides with, so we use this to destroy the ice. Since we applied it to a food item the boy also tries to eat it, with tragic results…

World 2


This level shows off the power of adjectives. The game doesn’t really care what object is summoned as long as it has the valid attributes for the solution.


Movable walls are a great way to glitch things into the ceiling. The timing has to be just right, or the object will be ejected to the left or right instead.


This level has quite a bit going on. First of all, you are only allowed to place one food item into the level; once you do, the level progresses and you either win or lose. However, we can get around this restriction by placing it into a container first, which doesn’t trigger the level progression. We can then summon more objects into the container and release them all at once by emptying the container. This exploit allows us to get a perfect score.
The glitched graphics that show up in the secondary screen are due to us opening the keyboard menu at the same time that the game tries to award a merit. This messes up the animation and colors until the merit is done displaying.
Finally, the starite appears after the first successful connection is made, but it’s not possible to walk around to collect it since the level keeps panning around to show the other connections. We carefully position Maxwell and the container so that the starite ends up right on top of Maxwell, allowing him to collect it as soon as it becomes active. This is also done in other levels that use this strategy.


The explosion is due to the RC car being destroyed. (Note that you can still beat a level after dying as long as Maxwell’s body touches the starite very soon afterwards.) The graphics on the secondary screen glitch up again, possibly because the game tries to clear the merit screen at the same time it tries to show the “level complete” screen.

World 3


Using adjectives, we can complete the level by summoning the same thing into both boxes. We were hoping we could use this strategy for all such “math equation” levels but we weren’t able to find working strategies for any of the others. The “dark energy” starite that appears is yet another graphical glitch, possibly a side-effect of the electricity from the summoned objects.


There are two things going on in this level.
First, certain adjectives will summon an object with other objects attached to it. (For example, a “Scary car” summons a car with a mask attached to it.) At the same time, this level automatically rejects (and destroys) any summoned object that’s not a vehicle. This means that if we summon a vehicle with one of these adjectives, the level will both accept and reject the vehicle. This allows the vehicle to stay around for a little bit but ultimately destroys the vehicle.
Second, the level advances to the next objective under one condition only: when the accepted vehicle crosses a threshold near the right edge of the level. Thus, we can place the vehicle over the spot to instantly complete the objective, which allows us to take advantage of the window of opportunity described above.


Similar to the previous level, what counts for objective-completion is the customers crossing the screen edge (which would normally correspond to them walking away satisfied). We can therefore skip most of the level by pushing them all to the edge instead.

World 4


Thanks to adjectives, the second object we summon fulfills the second and third categories at the same time. This is used in a few other levels in the TAS.


“Surgical” on an object summons it with a scalpel attached, which conveniently satisfies the third objective automatically.


This graphical glitch is due to equipping the object before its graphics have fully loaded. This is highly timing-dependent at the sub-frame level so it’s more a matter of luck to encounter it.


Amusingly, you don’t actually need to summon monsters to beat this level. In fact, you only need to summon one object! (With the right adjectives…). In case you’re wondering, the rockets all have mini tiaras attached to them (the result of “Classy”).

World 5


This level takes advantage of the glitch-through-ceilings trick to skip everything.


Maxwell automatically gets teleported into the second area upon completing the first objective, so we place a box there to glitch ourselves out and get through the rest of the level quickly. “Dark matter” is very handy for pulling objects around, but it explodes on contact with anything so we have to keep moving it constantly. The result is a highly chaotic gravity-defying trip to the finish.


This level is one of our favorites, and is one of the best examples of object-mapping. For the last part, the game considers “Chlorine” a valid object for hair-bleaching, and we map to by summoning something rather more sinister…


Looks like squirrels can survive a nuclear apocalypse just fine! (Forests spawn a squirrel when destroyed, and this happens after the nuke has gone off, so the squirrel survivies.)


We ran out of categories for historical figures, so we opted to go in a crazy direction for the last two. In case you’re confused, “COO” refers to “Chief Operating Officer”, and “Sean” summons one of the game’s developers (who is represented by a slime in-game).

World 6


With this level we had the goal of completing everything by summoning just one item. At the end we place the park ranger in just the right place so that the starite will fall to the lower area, making this strategy just barely possible.


This level is another of our favorites. The level progression messages make this solution even funnier.


The stairs, stepladder, and monorail cat are placed extremely carefully so that the starite will bounce and roll down to the lower area. This doesn’t serve any real purpose aside from time savings but was added for fun. (Fun fact: it was also the segment that took the longest to TAS!)

World 7


“Elizabeth” is another one of the game developers. The object at the end maps to “Large Hadron Collider”, which is why (?) it summons a black hole when destroyed.


The “Tornado” is thrown away after use because otherwise the girl will run off the edge of the screen and “die” (triggering a level-failure message). This level is a reference to The Wizard of Oz, in case you were wondering.


While investigating this level we discovered that the level actually destroys and recreates the summoned objects when moving them around. If the object is also “Explosive”, then the destruction will cause an explosion that can damage parts of the level. Normally, destroying part of the level will prompt a level failure message, but with the right timing the game will skip these for some unknown reason. We abuse all of this to wreak havoc on everything in the park.

World 8


For the third segment, applying “Fiendish” to a handheld object prevents you from holding that object for more than a few frames. This causes the hero to go unequipped for the treant fight… but apparently his fists are fiery, so it’s all right! For the fourth segment, the hero dies as a consequence of the “Deadly” object he carries in. Finally, the weapon we give him for the fifth segment is too weak to kill the enemy, so the level automatically kills him off after a while.


The furniture here is extremely touchy and can wake the dragon up very easily. Maxwell has no such concerns, though! Here we just zip through and complete the level quickly. At the end, the huge furniture crash doesn’t matter since we collect the starite before the dragon wakes up.


The glitch-through-walls trick is used to skip the first half of the level. In the last room, the game automatically destroys the grenade on a certain frame (blowing it up) so we manipulate the timing and positioning to blow up the obstacles precisely.

World 9


Similar to 7-4, we use explosive objects to destroy most of the level. Destroying the pipe also reveals a spot where the developers didn’t bother to finish off the boundaries (revealing, as Kiwisauce puts it, “the shoddy level design”). Also similar to 7-4, the level destroys the initial objects to move them, so we abduct the final cheerleader by putting her in the car.


We manipulate luck at the beginning to make the selected color green. This allows a “one-shot” solution.


This level uses the glitch-objects-through-walls trick to glitch the starite into a box, then all the way to the beginning, allowing us to skip the whole level. Note that we can’t just pick up the box once it has the starite in it, since that causes the starite to pop out.


For some reason the timing was just right in this level to showcase a strange glitch: objects are placed into the container, but still have their graphics memory shown on-screen. This quickly creates a mess of glitchy graphics as data is loaded into memory for new objects.

World 10


The game normally destroys any objects you attempt to carry room-to-room, but with good timing these are avoided, letting us take the gun through the whole level.


This level is actually a small logic puzzle: you have to figure out who lives in which house based on a set of clues. Naturally, we just skip that and put the “correct” gifts into everyone’s boxes immediately.


During the second half, for some reason the game allows access to the keyboard during the cutscene. We exploit this to finish the level early, which causes some interesting behavior when the next level message shows up.

Kiwisauce's Comments

Chef Stef and I had previously talked about specialized runs through Scribblenauts (such as trying to use the smallest item set possible), so I wasn't too surprised when he suggested we collaborate on this run. However, we struggled quite a bit with the idea of 'optimizing' for humor, due to its subjectivity. There weren't clear methods or metrics that we could rely on while creating the run, and we had some early ideas of what might be amusing, like showcasing objects that were incorrectly rejected as solutions, that were eventually scrapped.
Luckily our senses of humor work well together, and we were usually able to find solutions that at least made us chuckle. Even if it sometimes took us hours to settle on a good solution when the level gave us little to work with. Hopefully others can appreciate the humor in our odd object selections, exploitative solutions, and fairly morbid running jokes...

Chef Stef’s Comments

Ever since I bought the original Scribblenauts, I always thought it would be great to see a TAS of the game. Over time users on TASVideos or other sites would post short segments that completed a few levels, and while many of them were interesting, none of them completed the game. Many also aimed for speed over creativity, which I thought was the wrong choice for this game.
I eventually had the idea of making the TAS myself, aiming for creativity all the way. However, I didn’t think I could make an especially funny TAS on my own, so I approached Kiwisauce about making this a collaboration run. I’m very glad I did - his creativity was invaluable during our long discussions about each level, and he played a significant part in shaping the tone and style of the TAS. I’m confident that, working together, we’ve made this run far better than any one person could have accomplished alone.
Humor is always subjective, and this run is definitely modeled after our particular tastes, but I believe the end result captures the spirit of Scribblenauts. I hope everyone enjoys watching!

Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: Added YouTube stream.
Noxxa: This run has been received very well. The game has a lot of room for playaround humor, and the run uses it very well. Very entertaining demonstration. Accepting for Moons.
feos: Grabbing...

Editor, Expert player (2123)
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ObadiahtheSlim wrote:
Before I watch this, I need to know something. Does it color a dinosaur?
Well, it colors some objects, and it summons some dinosaurs. Just not at the same time, unfortunately.
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But on the flip side, it does provide plenty of lions.
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ObadiahtheSlim wrote:
Before I watch this, I need to know something. Does it color a dinosaur?
Actually, it kinda does in the Mario-like level, summoning a specific color dino... Watched the run with my girlfriend, we both loved it! I used to throw toasters in the water to kill creatures in the original version, if anyone wants ideas for TASing the prequel ;-)
Joined: 8/23/2008
Posts: 417
This was really fantastic. I don't suppose anyone has a total count of dead lion occurrences? Because I laughed harder each time I saw one. And this run definitely colors a dinosaur. It also contains a cat being eaten by a zombie which should really be a category in and of itself. Yes vote. Hope you guys can do the newest Scribblenauts game in time.
I will not use self-reference in my signature.
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Acheron86 wrote:
It also contains a cat being eaten by a zombie which should really be a category in and of itself.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Editor, Experienced player (528)
Joined: 11/8/2010
Posts: 4050
Hilarious run with some ingenious tricks and solutions. Very entertaining. Easy yes vote!
Joined: 8/27/2006
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I hereby demand that someone do the other Scribblenauts games and not use the same objects or descriptions that were in this run!
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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I had to try if "colored dinosaur" would work, but it doesn't accept the word "colored". Named colors work, obviously.
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Warp wrote:
I had to try if "colored dinosaur" would work, but it doesn't accept the word "colored". Named colors work, obviously.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Posts: 3292
Is this adjective class considered a color class?
43b801    COLOURABLE
43b801    DYABLE
43b801    NONBLACK
43b801    NONGREEN
43b801    UNBLACKED
43b801    UNBLUED
43b801    UNBROWNED
43b801    UNDYED
43b801    UNGREENED
Also, fourth one on this list:
21e301    ASYLUM
21e301    CRAZY HOUSE
21e301    IVORY TOWER
21e301    MAD HOUSE
21e301    NUTHOUSE
No subtlety about it. Incidentally there is an adjective class with IVORY-TOWERED in it. It makes a bit more sense, even if SEMI-ILLITERATE and SEMILITERATE are in the same class too as a more subtle insult (semi-illiterate isn't a real word anyway). Also in the same class, TRILITERAL and UNILITERAL fail to describe themselves. Rather, they are awfully long words. Triliteral means three letters long; uniliteral means one letter long.
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Since I'm not an english native speaker, I'm sure that I missed a bunch of jokes... But I still liked it a lot ^^ Even if it wasn't a TAS, the amount of work required to create this must have been huge; coming up with various, humorous or interesting solutions for each level... I expected less variety, because of the lenght of the game, but we have some nice glitches, some weird chain reactions, and of course the insanity of some solutions :D I had to pause the video because I can't read as fast as it went (level objectives and simply the sometimes quite long "word inputs"), but I can see that you put effort into the viewer's entertainment, for example with the camera. You get a dead lion shaped starite from me. That means a YES vote.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2427] DS Super Scribblenauts "playaround" by Chef_Stef & Kiwisauce in 1:01:52.63
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For the YouTube encode: Would it be possible to add a delay of a second or so after each word is entered so that there is a chance to read it without having to pause? Since reading the entered text is kinda the entertainment in this TAS. (Don't need it myself, I downloaded it and watched at 75% speed instead, just a suggestion for other viewers)
Joined: 2/21/2008
Posts: 255
I'm not sure it matters in this game, but I'm curious. Is there a NDS emulator that actually increases the rendered resolution, like PPSSPP or some PSX GPU plugins? Or are all the "HD" NDS encodes just larger resolutions? Also, any plans to do a pure speed TAS of this game?
"The guy was fatally injured and wants to be covered by God's tears (rain) before he dies. God is too busy to bother because it wastes frames." Frames 16:26
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There's an error in the publication. The publication lists just Chef Stef as the author, instead of Chef Stef & Kiwisauce. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Mothrayas wrote:
There's an error in the publication. The publication lists just Chef Stef as the author, instead of Chef Stef & Kiwisauce.
Somebody with the authority needs to create another player over at the player's list, then we can add it.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
Joined: 2/21/2008
Posts: 255
Maxwell is injecting Lard into her Celery to keep her fat. Edit: Thanks for making me realise there is an Android version of this.
"The guy was fatally injured and wants to be covered by God's tears (rain) before he dies. God is too busy to bother because it wastes frames." Frames 16:26
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Kinda late, but for anyone who cares:
World	Words
1-1	Ax
1-2	Dead Goose
1-3	Hair-Raising Car Racer
1-4	Sunglasses, Eye Serum
1-5	Cricket Ball, Lacrosse Ball
1-6	Itty-Bitty Iceberg
1-7	Teeny Tiny Cage, Slaughterhouse, Spacious Mansion
1-8	Lethal Marshmallow
1-9	Foot, Big Toe, Toe, Toes, Toenail, Tonsils, 
1-10	Sonic Wings, Corn-Colored Key, Sustainable Key, Well-Colored Key, Vermillion Lockpick
1-11	Potato Launcher, Pole Vault, Witch, Discombobulator

2-1	Shelled Dead Lion
2-2	Parachute
2-3	Tasty Tranquilizer
2-4	Spacious Dead Lion
2-5	Small Dead Lion
2-6	Cheesy Douchy Spicy Chocolate Bacon French Toast, Ham, Dumpster
2-7	Embezzeler, Mugger, Arsonist
2-8	Dead Metal Lion
2-9	Butterfly Wings, Chartreuse Basting Brush, Embiggening Gun

3-1	Florist, Sea Urchin, Pie, Dead Potion
3-2	Bloodthirsty Flying Dead Lion
3-3	Cavernous Giant, Old Dunce, Curmudgeonly Hero
3-4	Frosty Bongo
3-5	Electric Young Man
3-6	Ghastly Pale Car, Sinless Cardinal Sedan, Unholy Umbral Auto, Radioactive Green Forklift, Consolidative Colourational Car
3-7	Tiny Bulldozer, Mic
3-8	Swashbuckling Medicinal Unicolor Paintbrush
3-9	Four Oh Four, RPG, Sticky Skull
3-10	Chopper, Medicinal Urchin, Paddywagon, Slammer

4-1	Fiery Flower, Tame Green Raptor
4-2	Comet
4-3	Seaborgium Sea, Organic Gazelle
4-4	Placebo, Sea Slug, Slop, Animal, Deadly Rutabaga
4-5	Fattening Celery, Mild Habanera, Bitter Churros
4-6	Fireman, Foreman, Cop, Barber, Spacious Iron Maiden
4-7	Surgical Gas Mask
4-8	Quasi-Royal Gold-Filled Leopard-Print Livery
4-9	Princess, Endless Mermaid
4-10	Slow-Motion Classy Small Cold Black RPG
4-11	Ape, Ape, Ape, Ape, Archaeopteryx

5-1	Tiny Flying Limo, Flying Moustache
5-2	Sinful Dessert, Ugly Fruit, Brutal Test, Evil Eye, Dead Lion
5-3	Burning Immobile Bridge, Large Wide Box, Dark Matter
5-4	Chainsaw, Shaving Cream, Mustard Gas
5-5	Phoenix, Sooty Merman, Contagious Zeus, Cthulhu
5-6	Seaworthy Yak, Very Very Very Flying Yak
5-7 Caffeinated Milk, Lavish Gold Potion
5-8 Acid Rain, Ominous Handheld Nuke
5-9	Stealth Bomber, Rope
5-10	Crowning Sporty Flesh-Colored Ten Gallon Hat
5-11	Blizzard, Driftwood, Dapper Parsnip, Abestos, Do Rag
5-12	Einstein, Mozart, Aristotle, COO, Sean

6-1	Prehistoric Caveman, Clever Caveman
6-2	Cotton Dust, Taxidermist, Rainbow Necronomicon
6-3	Sea Sponge, Tumbleweed, Venus Fly Trap, Poison Ivy, Mandrake, Stinkhorn, Nightshade, Gnome
6-4	Sonic Flying Spacious Explosive Microwave
6-5	Funny Clown, Clown Nose, Timeless Clown, Winged Clown Nose
6-6	Kingly Witch, Attack Doctor, Filthy Rich Peasant
6-7	Nuclear Reactor, Nuthouse, Slaughterhouse, Fleabag, Dump
6-8	Twilight, Vampiric Cleopatra
6-9	Wok, RPG
6-10	Invisible Head, Pantry, Pancreas, Snow Fort
6-11	Veil, Gift
6-12	Wall, Chimney, Stairs, Stepladder, Cat Ladder, Ceiling Cat, Keyboard Cat, Monorail Cat
6-13	Easel, Nose Ring, Fake Fools Gold, Iron Maiden

7-1	BB Gun, Pistol, Rifle
7-2	Radioactive Waste, Elizabeth, Perpetual Motion Machine
7-3	Tornado, Cuckoo Clock, Counselor, Fearless Witch
7-4	Recreation Attendant, Prestidigitator, Explosive Shortcake, Explosive Nachos, Explosive Sarsaparilla, Pinata
7-5	Melting Lava, Grandiose Boulder, Nonround Mountain
7-6	Dead People, Thunder, Kimchi, Birdseed, Horse Flesh, Argon
7-7	Tapir, Dingo, Menagerie, Longcat
7-8	Flying Livery, C Four, 

8-1	Dead Chrysalis, Dead Dodo, Dead Plantain
8-2	RPG, Polluted Revolver, Fiendish Fiery Flare Gun, Deadly Blowgun, Holy Pea Shooter
8-3	Matured Kitten, Bite-Sized Dead Lion
8-4	Moonbeam, Pulsar, UFO, Dyson Sphere
8-5	Sonic Flying Moustache
8-6	Feathery Haunted Aquatic Eyepatch
8-7	Bandage, Dead Despot, Striped Lapel, Grouchy Granny
8-8	Shovel, Handheld Yacht, Sonic Flying Goatee, Anti-Aircraft Gun, Brass Knuckles, Grenade

9-1	Rideable Dead Lion, Splintery Dead Lion
9-2	Combustible Coalscuttle, Detonative Dish Rag, Exploding Electric Broom, Flaming Face Cloth, Gourdlike Go Kart
9-3	Twin, Judical Dead Lion
9-4	Bomb, Small Potion, Normal Potion, Flesh-Colored Zombie Potion, Acid Rain
9-5	Square Root, Microwave, Battered Sausage
9-6	Mugger, Ski Mask, Dead Lion
9-7	Green Paintball Gun
9-8	Seaworthy Dead Lead Lion, Fine-Grained Bleached Dead Lion, Macabre Cabbagy Dead Lion
9-9	Air Vent, Colossal Handheld Box, Handcuffs
9-10	Spacious Cooker, Bull, Tuna, Chicken, Candied Scorpion

10-1	Disco Dancer, Pastry Chef, Hacker, Dictator, Insurgent, Psychiatrist
10-2	Gun, No Parking Sign, Cow, Eyebrow, Dandruff, Cyanide
10-3	Sextant, Libra, Paper Airplane, Entertainment, Emulator, Jacks, Poker Chips, War Paint
10-4	Face Mask, Gun, Cowbell, Garbage
10-5	Handheld Flying Dead Lion, What Is The Question
Lion is used 16 times. Dead is used 24 times.