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In an attempt to make a more entertaining run in the "minimum buttons pressed" category, I ran SMB3 with this goal. I figured this was a better choice than SMB because it has autoscrollers and a more distinct path from the main run. After several attempts and improvements, I managed to complete the game in 235 presses.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.5
  • Attempts to complete the game with the least amount of button presses possible
  • Avoids wasting time
  • Aims to maximize score / kills without jeopardizing the above goals
  • Takes damage to save presses
  • Luck manipulation

The Run

Title: 1 press

I press start at the title screen, but only once the intro finishes playing. Otherwise, I'd have to press start an additional time to skip the sequence.

Title -> 1-1: 3 presses (4 total)

I have to press right, up, and then A to enter 1-1. Pressing up on the map, or any other directional button for that matter, while another is pressed does nothing.

1-1: 9 presses (13 total)

I held up throughout this level just to show that it doesn't affect gameplay. This would be useful if I had to go up in the map again after finishing the level, but that never happens in the warped run. This level was fairly trivial as I was able to boost off of a Paratroopa to the clouds, saving many jumps.

1-1 -> 1-2: 1 press (14 total)

I have to release B when exiting a level to the map as otherwise, the item menu would come up. I can keep holding right, though, to keep moving in that direction. Therefore, I just have to press A on the map and repress B in 1-2.

1-2: 9 presses (23 total)

I get the mushroom here as I'm able to run into a pipe afterwards. This seemingly wastes 1 or 2 presses, but that's better than my best strategy for getting it in 1-1.

1-2 -> 1-3: 1 press (24 total)

Same as 1-1 -> 1-2.

1-3: 12 presses (36 total)

I found an interesting trick when trying to collect the item in this stage. It seems that when you get a mushroom as opposed to a leaf, you can shift Mario's gravity enough to boost off of both of the Goomba's to the next section. Sadly, I need to get the leaf in this stage instead. I found this glitch while trying this.

1-3 -> Sub-fortress: 4 presses (40 total)

Left, down, left, A.

Sub-fortress: 15 presses (55 total)

Other than having to reduce my acceleration at the beginning to avoid getting hit by a light, this is fairly self-explanatory.

Sub-fortress -> Tank: 6 presses (61 total)

I keep holding B from the sub-fortress to prompt the item menu to come up and then select the whistle with A. When I arrive at the warp zone, I have to press B and A again. From there, I continue to hold B as it won't have any affect and I can use it in the tank. I also have continued holding right from the sub-fortress so that I can move to World 8 and select it with A. From there, I go down and right to the tank.

Tank: 21 presses (82 total)

Many of these autoscrollers employ the same strategy: default to running right, try to boost off of cannonballs when possible, stopping temporarily, and using the scrolling wall to get a slight speed increase. I tried to defeat as many enemies as I could within these confines for entertainment purposes. While fighting the Boomerang Bro, I have to press left to avoid the boomerang he throws. This is OK as I have go to the left side of the screen for the item to spawn on the right side of the screen, anyway.

Tank -> Ship: 0 presses (82 total)

I continue holding right from the tank to enter the ship level.

Ship: 17 presses (99 total)

This is probably the hardest auto-scroller to complete. Same strategy as the tank, but with some nice twists. See the subtitles for more specific notes. I only need 3 presses to defeat Boom Boom as if I run into the wall, he will move towards me.

Ship -> Airship: 7 presses (106 total)

I have to go up and press A to enter the pipe. Once inside, I go right, slide down the hill, and then jump into the pipe. Although I have to release the right button and press down to slide, this doesn't waste any presses because I need down to enter the pipe, and I don't need to go right on the map once I exit. From there, I hold left at the right time to cross the panels without the hands grabbing me and go up to the airship.

Airship: 26 presses (132 total)

Same as ship. This time, Boom Boom can fly, so I go left to jump on him again before he starts to fly. This doesn't waste any presses because I need to go left once I re-enter the map anyway.

Airship -> 8-1: 8 presses (140 total)

I go left and enter the pipe. This time, I can't slide down the hill because I need to continue right on the map. I continue holding B and select the star; this will be explained later. From there, I continue moving right, down, then select 8-1.

8-1: 14 presses (154 total)

Instead of taking damage from the Piranha Plants, I'm able to go unscathed thanks to the star. This makes me use 1 extra press (To select the star). In addition, I duck underneath a cannon instead of taking damage twice to simply walk underneath it, using an extra 1 press (I continue holding down from the map, so I merely have to release right). This is necessary because I want to remain as Raccoon Mario, for reasons which will be revealed shortly. After doing some breathtaking Bullet Bill boosts, I jump over the last Pirahna Plant and finish the level with a mushroom.

8-1 -> 8-2: 3 presses (157 total)

Left, down, A.

8-2: 5 presses (162 total)

I use the fairly slow but helpful shortcut underneath the quicksand to save many jumps. I'm able to enter the pipe there without pressing down again as I hold it from the map. Also, I don't start running until I get through the pipes as otherwise, I would run on top of the pipe.

8-2 -> Sub-fortress: 2 presses (164 total)

Continue holding right, up, A.

Sub-fortress: 28 presses (192 total)

I could get a leaf here, but it would require that I waste 2 presses instead of the 1 I used in 8-1 to keep it (If I didn't duck, then I wouldn't be able to get a leaf here anyway because I'd be small Mario). Why I actually need the Raccoon suit will be explained later. To enter the first door, I duck, jump into a block, boost off of a Dry Bones, move under the other block, and enter the door. I could also jump off of the Dry Bones to break the second block and jump again to the door instead of ducking, but that would be slower. The rest of the level is fairly straightforward except that I have to release right to avoid the light in the second to last room.

Sub-fortress -> Tank: 6 presses (198 total)

Right, up, left, pipe (Don't slide), right to the tank.

Tank: 16 presses (214 total)

Same as the airship. This time, however, I need to continue moving right when I re-enter the map, so I have to let Boom Boom fly around for a while in order to defeat him in the minimum 3 presses.

Tank -> Bowser's Castle: 1 press (215 total)

I continue moving right and select the castle.

Bowser's Castle: 20 presses (235 total)

I get to the door in 2 jumps. I would need to use 3 if I selected the star and wanted to kill the Thwomp with it. Instead, I fly to and walk through it. This saves an additional 3 presses as it takes 1 press to fly as opposed to 4 to wall-jump. Although I could have also simply boosted off of the Dry Bones to the Thwomp, I would still need to be Raccoon Mario as I need to be Big Mario to glitch through the wall. I fly instead simply for speed purposes. At the final falling platform, I'm able to run off of it to the next platform instead of jumping. This only works some of the times I've tried it, and I think it has something to do with the collision system or sub-pixels, but I haven't studied it thoroughly. From there, I enter Bowser's room. I stop running at the best frame to manipulate Bowser. Interestingly enough, you can won't take damage from Bowser if you stay still. This allows me to wait around until his final jump, at which point I jump to the door and enter it when it appears.

Lua Script

See this section of my first submission for details on the Lua script used to display the input in the encodes.

Known Improvements

Immediately after submitting, Tompa found two improvements in the sub-fortress using wall glitching.

Possible Improvements

The only thing I can think of on the presses side is that there might be a way to get a Bullet Bill between the two pipes at the end of 8-1, which would allow me to boost over the final Piranha Plant instead of jumping. I don't think this is likely, though. I certainly think my route is good at this point. During my first attempt, I used the wall-jump at the end, not realizing how many presses this would end up wasting. I have since thought it through very hard, and would be quite surprised if I ended up doing the power-up handling wrong.
On the speed side, I'm sure there are plenty of things that could be done faster, especially at the beginning. Two clear mistakes I've notices are that I jumped on the pipe instead of the hill at the end of 1-1 and that I started flying too late in the sub-fortress (I've tested this out and I can save at least 4 frames). Still, this might not factor out to be that much at the end, especially when you factor in the luck with Bowser (Which I might have done suboptimally as well).
In any case, I couldn't merely edit these fixes in, so I decided against re-running the entire game just for them. My primary goal is to find the baseline for presses. Once I find that (It's very likely a viewer will find an improvement or two), then I can focus on. Perhaps a SMB3 guru might team up with me to accomplish this feat just like HappyLee will be doing with me shortly for SMB.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Tompa and bobmario511 for helping me with the glitches in Bowser's Castle. In addition, I'd like to thank Tompa for telling me about the glitch that allows me to not take damage from Bowser. Finally, thank you to all of the people I thanked in my previous submissions for helping me in my quest to establish this category.

DarkKobold: I guess I should handle all of the submissions in this new category.

DarkKobold: Rejecting. See the decision from here, as it applies identically: #3556: Brandon's NES Super Mario Bros. "minimum presses" in 05:48.04

Editor, Experienced player (528)
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jlun2 wrote: much games need a "minimum buttons pressed" catagory?
Only the ones that would be entertaining, like this one.
Joined: 7/26/2006
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In the description you say "This would be useful if I had to go up in the map again after finishing the level, but that never happens in the warpless run." what do you mean? There is no level above 1-1 no matter what run you make and this isn't a warpless run... That aside, wow, so much more entertaining than SMB1, and the level comments show very thorough care was given to each press and I love the way these MP runs turn games into puzzle, if that makes sense. In any case, the fact that it showcases a few tricks no other run would have makes this publishable to me. I don't think 2 presses being shaved off of a 235 press run is something worth changing a vote over, since 1) this is new territory and no new branch submission is perfect the first time, and 2) you've expressed willingness to improve it based on Tompa's stuff and whatever else any other experts find before you start over.
Skilled player (1527)
Joined: 12/4/2010
Posts: 252
I think this run is more entertaining than SMB TAS. And it has its own value. Happy to watch it! So I'll vote YES. By the way, when I saw this submission, I feel very close to it. Because I'm doing smb3's warpless run these days. And I've improved 31 frames from 1-1 to 5-2. I'll submit it this summer.
Joined: 5/30/2007
Posts: 324
This is certainly more entertaining than the SMB1 run, but that's because SMB3 runs are generally more entertaining than SMB1 runs. SMB3 is an especially exciting game for speedruns. Even without the minimal button presses, I'm sure that most people (myself included) can derive a lot of fun from a sub-13 minute speedrun. Another point is that if I wasn't told that there would be a minimal number of button presses in the movie, I would never have guessed from just watching it. Nor would it be nearly as entertaining without the DDR-style LUA script by the side. Ultimately, I don't believe "minimal button presses" adds much to this TAS. It's fun because any half-way decent speedrun of SMB3 is fun. No vote.
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IronSlayer wrote:
It's fun because any half-way decent speedrun of SMB3 is fun.
That is a strange opinion. The TAS being somewhat entertaining doesn't count because the game is somewhat entertaining? Last I checked, players at this site strive to find games that make entertaining runs. As for me, I'm voting Meh; minimal presses is a cool puzzle to figure out, and it is quite interesting to watch at times, but it just doesn't seem like it belongs on this site, at least until the site changes its rules to allow for more special challenge runs with "arbitrary rules".
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bkDJ wrote:
In the description you say "This would be useful if I had to go up in the map again after finishing the level, but that never happens in the warpless run." what do you mean? There is no level above 1-1 no matter what run you make and this isn't a warpless run...
What I mean is that there'd have to be a level directly above the level you entered in order to save a press by holding up throughout the level. Once I complete the first level, I could just let go of all other directional buttons, and Mario would move upward to the next level. This would also be useful for any case in which I would have to continue going up on the path. Sadly, this is never the case in this warped run...oh, I meant to say warped.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Joined: 5/30/2007
Posts: 324
CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
That is a strange opinion. The TAS being somewhat entertaining doesn't count because the game is somewhat entertaining? Last I checked, players at this site strive to find games that make entertaining runs.
Let me clarify; it obviously counts and is a point in its favor, but should also not be confused with the added entertainment from a minimum button press run. For instance, Morimoto's original SMB3 run is still wildly entertaining to this day, and would probably record a 9/10 Entertainment rating for me even now. However, that doesn't it mean it should be published, since it is both slower and less entertaining than the current run. In the case of the minimum button press run, it's an entertaining movie (let's say 7.5/10) but considering how fun SMB3 TAS's are in general, should not be reason by itself to be accepted. For me, the main problem is that it does not look sufficiently different from a normal speed run without the use of visual aids. If I were shown this video without knowing it was a minimum buttons pressed run and then asked what was unique about it, I wouldn't be able to tell you.
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IronSlayer wrote:
For me, the main problem is that it does not look sufficiently different from a normal speed run without the use of visual aids. If I were shown this video without knowing it was a minimum buttons pressed run and then asked what was unique about it, I wouldn't be able to tell you.
I disagree with the first point; I collect the mushroom in 1-2, I don't bounce on cannonballs and Bomb-Ombs in the autoscrollers, I don't at any point collect the Fire Flower, I wait around to jump off of Bullet Bills in 8-1, I take the sinking path in 8-2, I take damage in Bowser's Castle, and I have Bowser fall through the ground. When the improvement is done, I will have glitched through two additional walls in the level 8 sub-fortress. Those are quite significant differences. As for the second point, sure, you can't just see the movie and instantly know what it is. You also might not know that a run is a pacifist run without it being specified. That's hardly a reason to discount it.
All the best, Brandon Evans
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Brandon wrote:
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Bomb-omb is the new Gannon. fun fact: I tried to do one push-up for every input in the run as they happened but I gave up around 1-3. Oh well.
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rog wrote:
Brandon wrote:
Super Mario Wiki wrote:
Bob-ombs, also known as Bomb-Ombs, are living, moving mechanical bombs with eyes and have a wind-up in the back.
I can't believe you'd notice this and not that I called Racoon Mario a Tanooki Suit several times in the subtitles.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Player (132)
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I didn't read the subtitles. They were impossble to read without pausing, let alone without missing every single thing that happened, so i ignored them. And that is true only in the sense that ganon is also known as gannon.
Joined: 8/1/2008
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the subtitles disappear too soon, but I used youtube's interactive transcript. the text stays put there until the next line is triggered to show. it also auto-scrolls.
Active player (380)
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Nicely done. A yes vote, not only for this TAS, but for MP TASses in general!
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c-square wrote:
Nicely done. A yes vote, not only for this TAS, but for MP TASses in general!
Soon, the site will be known as Minimum Presses Videos, a site dedicated to creating and publishing .mpv's. ;)
Joined: 5/8/2010
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Although this type of run can seems a bit boring and slow, I don't mind the goal set. I would like to see more TSA button inputs videos tho, always gets me wondering how some glitchs are created.
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That is funny, and very well-done. Not a "real" sub-genre, but I really believe we need more of these on the site.
Editor, Expert player (2352)
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I think this Minimum Presses concept was neat at first, when it started out with Super Mario Bros, but I never really thought it should be expanded on so much. TAS videos are about pushing a game to its limits by using every possible means there is. I can imagine viewers unfamiliar with the concept getting confused... While it is interesting to see just how little presses are needed to beat a game, you will still end up with a reasonably high number (over two hundred) and the visuals aren't very appealing. Sorry, but I do not think this should be published. Maybe if there is a game that truly fits for this category, a game that you do not expect to be beaten with a few tens of presses, then I may find it interesting, but not in this case at hand here...
Joined: 6/9/2011
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Entertainment value is quite low and unappealing for general audience, but from a technical point of view this is a pretty original and interesting movie/category. I would like to see this run get published.
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Okay, I watched this. Initially I was skeptic about another minimum press run, as Super Mario Bros. didn't entertain me either. Then I noticed some positive feedback, including from HappyLee, who was known for criticising the SMB1 minimum presses run. It was stated multiple times that SMB3 would make a "more" entertaining run. Then when I watched the run, though, I was quite disappointed. Many of the initial problems I noticed with SMB1 were still there. For one, minimum presses is still not interesting to watch at all, without the DDR lua script and the commentary provided. Without the script, it's most of the time rather hard to see where you're saving presses, and the end result just looks like a boring and suboptimal playthrough. Now, for the things SMB3 would offer. The fact that 20 seconds are wasted because of the title screen already made the TAS begin with a very slow start. The gameplay after was a bit more entertaining than SMB1 minimum presses, which is still not much. But then the autoscrollers came. Rather than all other SMB3 TASes, which aim for goals like 99 lives in these sections, they were boring as all get-out. The autoscrollers are what define SMB3 TASing, and the majority of it is spent walking into walls with the occasional jump to progress, or to dodge something. It's incredibly dull. Some other things were neat, but nothing really entertaining in any way. The only thing that was interesting was the Bowser Battle, but even that started to get dull as it dragged on. My vote is no. I don't think minimum presses makes for a publishable category. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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jlun2 wrote:
c-square wrote:
Nicely done. A yes vote, not only for this TAS, but for MP TASses in general!
Soon, the site will be known as Minimum Presses Videos, a site dedicated to creating and publishing .mpv's. ;)
This prompts me to bring up another point. Regardless of whether this run gets accepted or not, I think that it's shown that this category has potential. Can we finally support moving to I think these runs deserve an official home on TASVideos, regardless of whether any of the current runs have been published. There have been some talks about a separate section entirely with a separate queue and acceptance criteria, but I don't know how I feel about that. In any case, I like being able to see these records in one place and get links to their respective movie files / videos, regardless if these movies are actually entertaining. Only the ones with a potential to be accepted on entertainment grounds should actually be submitted to the main queue.
All the best, Brandon Evans
Joined: 12/13/2004
Posts: 103
Personally, I find this more interesting than both walkathons and "small mario" runs.
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Brandon wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
c-square wrote:
Nicely done. A yes vote, not only for this TAS, but for MP TASses in general!
Soon, the site will be known as Minimum Presses Videos, a site dedicated to creating and publishing .mpv's. ;)
This prompts me to bring up another point. Regardless of whether this run gets accepted or not, I think that it's shown that this category has potential. Can we finally support moving to I think these runs deserve an official home on TASVideos, regardless of whether any of the current runs have been published. There have been some talks about a separate section entirely with a separate queue and acceptance criteria, but I don't know how I feel about that. In any case, I like being able to see these records in one place and get links to their respective movie files / videos, regardless if these movies are actually entertaining. Only the ones with a potential to be accepted on entertainment grounds should actually be submitted to the main queue.
but they are not entertaining,why don't you upload it to your own site or something like that?
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
but they are not entertaining
Judging by the number of Yes votes and positive comments in this thread, a lot of people disagree with you.
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CoolKirby wrote:
grassini wrote:
but they are not entertaining
Judging by the number of Yes votes and positive comments in this thread, a lot of people disagree with you.
The yes vote counts aren't exactly stellar either. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.