Essentially, if the enemies are positioned the right way, you can use the freeze spell to get up any four block high ledge.
Frozen enemy hitboxes often don't match the the actual sprites and have barely any room to stand on. Additionally, the freeze spell seems to be quite rare, unfortunately, which is a problem, since it does no damage against the bosses. (Compared to the other two spells, which can down bosses in seconds) Additionally, enemies only seem to drop the fire spell and stopwatch.
Here are some pictures of the more promising shortcuts, along with additional notes on them:

- The hitbox of a Dhuron with his rapier out is very iffy. Sometimes, you can jump onto his solid part, sometimes, you can't. Your safest bet is to freeze him while his rapier isn't extended.

- Fairly straightforward, the ravens might get in the way, though.

- You need to stand directly beneath the axe to be able to jump on it.

- Walk a few steps to the right, then freeze him. It's important the winged guard gets high enough before he is frozen.

- This one is tricky, since it requires you to take damage. If you just jump on it from the front, you get stuck and can't move. You have to take damage, walk into the skull cannon's hitbox, freeze it, and then jump onto it when you're far enough to the right.

- This trick, no matter how much I tried does
not work.
There are a couple others, but these are really difficult or rely on ravens, which I think can't be manipulated outside of a TAS. Aside from that, it's potentially possible on any ledge where the enemies are in the right place.
Lastly, the stair glitch shortcut in Block 9-01 is also possible with Sypha. So is the one in Block 4-0B, I presume, but it doesn't seem like you can get the freeze spell that early.