It's amazing what some people believe...
<scrimpy> Nach: you actually published something?
<scrimpy> rare enough you accept something
<TASVideoAgent> Submission #3498: goofydylan8's NES Gargoyle's Quest II in 27:43.08 ACCEPTED by Nach:
<ais523> Nach: how out of character for you!
<scrimpy> ais523: it's almost like bad fanfiction
<ais523> what, accepting a movie?
<scrimpy> yep
<ais523> ah, you're implying that Nach would only accept movies in fanfiction, not in real life
<TASVideoAgent> Submission #3501: Dooty's SNES Sparkster in 18:01.67 ACCEPTED by Nach:
<Mothrayas> whoa, nach ACCEPTED something
<Mothrayas> and it's not mega man
<scrimpy> Nach: you accepted multiple things
<scrimpy> in one day
<scrimpy> are you sure everything is right is you
<scrimpy> ?
<scrimpy> you're not sick or anything?
<Mothrayas> it's part of his dark agenda.
<Nach> scrimpy: like 1/3 of the accepted runs on the bench are mine
<Dacicus> He even helped out with a publication
<scrimpy> Nach: did you have an epiphany or something?
<scrimpy> the wrong kind of?
<Nach> scrimpy: I'm not sure what your problem is
<Nach> am I not allowed to judge 10 runs in a week?
<scrimpy> You.
<scrimpy> Accepting.
<Velitha> could be I gave nach a good puzzle by breaking the site hehe :P
<scrimpy> when you first did it, I was thinking you were just cracking a joke or something
<Velitha> all part of nach's plan, he KNEW I was going to break the site
<scrimpy> but now I'm beginning to get seriously worried about you
<Nach> scrimpy:
<Velitha> I played right in to it :P
<Nach> I have one of the higer acceptance rates of our judges :P
<scrimpy> Oh god
<scrimpy> what is happening
<Nach> scrimpy: DarkKobold is the dark rejector
<scrimpy> I like how DarkKobold is the most rejecthappy
<scrimpy> also, how come dada only judged a single movie?
<Mothrayas> DarkKobold is evil
<TASVideoAgent> Submission #3500: Ilari's SNES Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos in 23:27.42 ACCEPTED by Nach:
<Nach> there are now 13 accepted runs on the bench
<Nach> and I accepted 6 of them...
<natt> Nach: your reject key broken or something?
<Nach> natt: it's worse
<Nach> natt: some of my recent acceptions are on the front page too
<natt> this is bad
<ThatGugaWhoPlay> really bad