Alright, here's the latest trial route. It really pushes the Forest Water time limit to minimize downtime. Right now I'm under the impression that this will be minutes faster than any alternative.
If more time needs wasted, you can do both sail and 100 rupees on outset after grabbing forest water if you want. You could also skip Wind Requiem to waste a few seconds. Tingle can be let out later. The later options are Bird's Peak Rock, placing Din's Pearl, and rupee collection. This route will provide a good time estimate for if those are possible though.
1: Jump off watchtower.
2: Grab 100 rupee chest under grandma's house.
3: Superswim to Windfall (buy sail (80), Let Tingle Out (1)?
9: Superswim to Dragon Roost, get wind waker, get wind requiem
10: Superswim to Bomb Island, get bottle
11: Superswim to Forest Haven, get FOREST WATER (20 min)
4: Superswim to Greatfish to trigger endless night (required to get bombs)
5: Superswim to Northern Fairy Isle (Get Rupee Upgrade 1000)
6: Enter nearby sub, Lantern Moblin + No Sword sends you to Forsaken Fortress 1
7: Trigger Tetra text at bottom of FF1 by stairs. Beat Forsaken Fortress 1 (FF1) (You get a sword here)
8: At Windfall, Get Bombs, Let Tingle Out (2)?
11: Superswim to Forest Haven, zombie hover deku leaf
12: DRC deku leaf entry, deku leaf bomb drop the pot, get grapple, clear dungeon
13: Optional: Superswim to Bird's Peak Rock, grapple glitch to get triforce chart
14/16: Optional: Rupee collection, place pearl, etc.
15: FOREST WATER Boss Key skip (20 min later)
17: Tower of the Gods (big skip at beginning)
18: Forsaken Fortress 2 (FF2) (Helmrock superswim, zombie hover past boss fight to loading zone. (You get a shield now if i recall, but still have starting clothes, lol)
I might edit this to reflect changes later.
Notes for self mostly, this reflects my forest water time on my old route.
[21:21] <Kirkq> so it was 14.5 minutes from Forest Haven entrance, bottle water, get deku leaf, DRC, and bird's peak rock, to waiting BK skip.
[21:23] <Kirkq> 10:37 landed at Bird's Peak
[21:24] <Kirkq> 11:08 superswimming from DRC
[21:25] <Kirkq> 12:46 popping out of the DRC pot with grapple and boss key
[21:27] <Kirkq> 9:52 coming out of bird's peak
[21:30] <Kirkq> 9:18 on forest water outside Forest Haven
[21:32] <Kirkq> From inside forest haven, grabbing the Deku Leaf, superswim to DRC, beat DRC by known method, superswim to Forest Haven should take about 8 minutes. Then going into forbidden woods and getting to the chest should take about 3:20
[21:33] <Kirkq> Abahbob: You need to get inside forest haven on the trip to get the deku leaf by about 11:20
[21:35] <Kirkq> if you're starting the superswim out of Windfall by 13:00, you can probably afford to let tingle out
[21:36] <Kirkq> 13 being pretty conservative
[21:36] <Kirkq> if you're at like 12:00, you can;t afford it
[21:15] <Abahbob> kirkq, this is gonna be close as hell