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So anyone who says they don't like DBZ "hopped on the bandwagon?" I watched the majority of DBZ and can safely say that I agree more with Cherry than with you. However, like you oh-so subtley hinted at BombAHead, this is just my opinion. Just because people form the same opinion as "the bandwagon" has, doesn't mean they didn't take time to arrive at it themselves.
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Dan_ wrote:
So anyone who says they don't like DBZ "hopped on the bandwagon?" I watched the majority of DBZ and can safely say that I agree more with Cherry than with you. However, like you oh-so subtley hinted at BombAHead, this is just my opinion. Just because people form the same opinion as "the bandwagon" has, doesn't mean they didn't take time to arrive at it themselves.
no anyone that doesn't give a good reason why they dont like dbz and over exagerrate it by saying , all dbz is a bunch of screaming,yelling,dialouge,and powering up. honestly what kind of crappy opinion is that, its a bunch of crapy copyed by other people over and over, quite frankly I'm tired of looking at it.
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That's all it IS, genius. There is no deep, meaningful plot to Dragonball Z! "Save the Earth/Universe/Whatever" is as deep as it gets! I've read all of the manga, I've seen all of DB, Z, -and- that godawful mess that was GT. I've seen all the movies and, save for the GT special, have seen all the sidestories. And I STILL don't like it. Why? Because I'm old enough to recognize mindless shounen fighting when I see it. You haven't picked up on this. I do love how everyone who states their opinion is 'on the bandwagon' to you. You who, might I add, have added nothing to your own thread. All you've done is commented here and there, yelled incoherently, and said the word 'bandwagon' more times than a propaganda film! So tell us, O Wise One: What's so great about DBZ? What's so incredibly amazing about Goku losing his shirt but, somehow, not his pants time and again? Are his pants made of stronger fabrics? If so, why does he not make his shirts of the same stuff? And why does he bath in a barrel in his front yard?! Whyyyy?! YOU! OBEY THE FIST!
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BombAHead wrote:
That's all it IS, genius. There is no deep, meaningful plot to Dragonball Z! "Save the Earth/Universe/Whatever" is as deep as it gets! I've read all of the manga, I've seen all of DB, Z, -and- that godawful mess that was GT. I've seen all the movies and, save for the GT special, have seen all the sidestories. And I STILL don't like it. Why? Because I'm old enough to recognize mindless shounen fighting when I see it. You haven't picked up on this. I do love how everyone who states their opinion is 'on the bandwagon' to you. You who, might I add, have added nothing to your own thread. All you've done is commented here and there, yelled incoherently, and said the word 'bandwagon' more times than a propaganda film! So tell us, O Wise One: What's so great about DBZ? What's so incredibly amazing about Goku losing his shirt but, somehow, not his pants time and again? Are his pants made of stronger fabrics? If so, why does he not make his shirts of the same stuff? And why does he bath in a barrel in his front yard?! Whyyyy?! YOU! OBEY THE FIST!
if you are so anxious to see Goku naked why dont you just say so ?
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Oooh. GOOD reply, Veggie-lad. Good job quoting everything for some HIDEOUS, bizarre reason... and then ignoring -everything-. *applauds politely*
Joined: 6/4/2004
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Ok, even I take umbrage here. If you haven't seen the original Dragonball, know that DBZ is nothing more than a continuation of the series; that was what Toriyama intended. The original series focused on Goku growing and maturing from a strong, generally clueless boy to a stronger, matured, and slightly less clueless adult. We're introduced to a majority of the characters previously who have also grown and developed, and this is where the story continues. Now, I'm not defending Veggeto's side here, but I am trying to give some clarity. ...hmm. After writing and re-writing this, I can boil it down to this: Go here. Even with the snippits, hopefully you can see there's a lot more to the series than what the dub might show.
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Well... what IS DBZ if it isn't just random fighting and useless dialogue? I have seen all of DB and DBZ and about 10-30 episodes of DBGT (enough to make me not want to see the rest), and I firmly stand with my opinion that DBZ is just taking the idea of people with cool powers and wrapping it around some story that only serves to give the writers and animators more and more chances to show off their ideas. I really want you to tell me I'm wrong here. The story is insanely lacking. There isn't much logic behind a lot of the choices made in the story, but they simply had to have some random plot twists to totally toss everyone off. Their sad attempts at suspense equate to panning over a wide still shot (WITH MOVING GRASS ANIMATION!!!!!!!!!) or making a '1 day voyage' span over 15 episodes. How is it that Goku takes like 10+ episodes to get from King Kai's planet to Earth in order to stop Vegetta whereas it only takes him like 8 episodes to travel from Earth to Namek? I'll tell you why: the writers couldn't think of a way to add any kind of emotion or whatnot without forcing at least 2 character to get the prune juice removed from their bodies by 'the bad guys'. Also, they save lots of money on animation when all they show for long periods of time is a silent staring contest between the valiant hero and the embodiement of anger. That, or the recycled shots of someone powering up for 5 minutes straight while other characters can only stare and quiver in shock and awe. How on Earth did they get away with perpetuating the same situations with different settings for a whole series? Allow me to summarize the whole plot of the whole series (granted, I may forget a few things here and there, but oh well): -There is an evil Saiyan named Raditz that is here to kill Goku. Only by giving their all can Goku and Piccolo stop Raditz using Piccolo's new technique, but at the cost of Goku's life. -Raditz's death alerts two new super threats, so everyone begins to train. A lot. only by giving their all can Earth's greatest warriors fend off these viscious men until Goku can return (from death) and defeat both men with his new technique, but at the cost of many lives and lots of pain for all good guys, namely Piccolo. -Piccolo's death destroys the d-balls on Earth, so everyone has to travel to Namek in order to get them. Goku will follow soon after for healing reasons. Once there, a new threat arises, and only by giving their all can a tiny group of good guys fend off the Ginyu Force until Goku can arrive and defeat them with his new technique, but at the cost of Dende. -The defeat of the Ginyu alerts a new sinister force, and only by giving their all can an even smaller group of warriors fend off Frieza until Goku can catch up and defeat the android with a new technique, but at the cost of what seems like Goku's life. -Frieza returns to Earth to start trouble but is defeated by a new fighter, Trunks, FROM THE FUTURE!!! -Goku returns to Earth and a new threat arises; some random ass androids. Lots of fighting, no one really wins, lots of extra training. -Cell shows up, and only after training A LOT and giving their all can a small group of warriors take turns fighting him. Eventually, Goku uses his new techniques to hurt Cell a lot, but then Goku dies (Why? No one knows. The guy can teleport in a matter of seconds, but instead he decides to chill out with a self-destructing dude for like 5 minutes while babbling about how cool his son is. He could've shot back to Earth with King Kai and that would've been that, but no, we need plot twists and emotion!) -Cell comes back, and people gasp a lot. Only by using his new technique can Gohan defeat Cell. -A bunch of crap about some fighters trying to save the world from a menace known as Buu, lots of useless drama at the hands of Vegetta, 'hopeless fighting', eventually Goku and Vegetta use a new technique to defeat Buu. -Shit rolls downhill from here. In summation, the plot sucks. They tried to make some sort of story based loosely on fighting and... uhh... training? DBZ is over rated, and just because most people agree with that doesn't mean they jump on band wagons. Learn to be more open minded. And FLCL tends to make more sense than DBZ sometimes... ZING
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Haha, look what I found.
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Well, it's nice to know that people have the time to make an entry bashing an otherwise completely unknown person, outside of a pretty small group who probably don't really care about him. It truly adds to their credibility that one is named "Character-Zero", and the other "MOUNT ME".
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BombAHead wrote:
No. No it wasn't. Casio Music =/= Really Good. At any point.
At some points, maybe!
BombAHead wrote:
.....You think the music to the single greatest moment in DBZ (debatable) is just 'alright'...
BombAHead wrote:
So you're saying what Funi did was good, then? To have Gohan pointlessly TALKING up to and through the very first part of the scream?
It was interesting! I was interested by his talking!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Dragonball Z. Good old days. I grew up with this anime, so it's nostalgic for me. But if I look at it now, I find it really boring and uninteresting. It's not made for my age group, anyway, so that's not much of a surprise. There is one thing about Dragonball Z which I still think is awesome, though: the scouters. You know, the small PDA things which they use to measure other people's power levels. Those things look awesome.
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Yes, any character looks more awesome wearing one of those!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yes, any character looks more awesome wearing one of those!
It's not exactly difficult to make Dragonball Z characters look more awesome, though. =)
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Great find, Viewer. <bookmark'd> I think one of the biggest changes made in the dub is casting. In the original, Goku (and Gohan and Goten) are played by a woman, Masako Nozawa. I always felt this contributed a lot to his innocence, kind of like how women traditionally play Peter Pan. Goku doesn't sound macho, because he's not. Kuririn is also played by a woman, Mayumi Tanaka, for similar reasons. I can see why people dismiss DBZ as mindless fighting, but I honestly believe it's more than that. The dub doesn't reflect that, which is why I hate it.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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i have the whole dragon ball and dragon ball z manga released in brazil. i also bought all dr. slump mangas they released here. i simlpy love all of toriyama's work, and not necessarily bird studio's work. dbgt is irritating. the brazilian dubbing for db and dbz was awesome (like always brazilian dubbing is excellent). i also love yu yu hakusho, vagabond and video girl ai (i have all the mangas released for those in brazil). i also liked the saint seya anime very much (god forgive the new USA very cut and changed version). but i didnt buy the manga because it was badly drawn and confusing. what i dont like is ssvegetto's attitude :P
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FODA wrote:
i also bought all dr. slump mangas they released here...
Goddamn, you have Dr. Slump manga? I downloaded one fansubbed episode and I thought it was very funny. People say it will never be formally released here because it's "too Japanese." I know there a lot of Japanese people in South America, but that's ridiculous.
FODA wrote:
what i dont like is ssvegetto's attitude :P
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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DBZ in a nutshell I read the manga, all 42 volumes.. it was entertaining enough for me to finish but it wasn't anything special. I never cared for the anime. There are much better shounen series out there. And of course most shoujo is much, much better.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Viewer wrote:
Well, it's nice to know that people have the time to make an entry bashing an otherwise completely unknown person, outside of a pretty small group who probably don't really care about him. It truly adds to their credibility that one is named "Character-Zero", and the other "MOUNT ME".
I dont know what that is, but it's pretty lame. To bash a nick name handle , that anyone can use, the definition should be removed. Anyway to remove this pointless crap ?
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I wasn't posting that to bash you, but I found it interesting your ability to piss off people isn't limited to this site. Hell, there isn't even an entry for 'bisqwit' or 'time attack' yet.
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Well, Time Attack is often a mode in games where you compete for low time or something. Not really something worth being put into a dictionary.
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Omega wrote:
Dragonball Z. Good old days. I grew up with this anime, so it's nostalgic for me.
So true. People are way to hard on DBZ. I mean, if you take any of your favorite shows from the past and watched it right now, the nostalgia factor alone would be great enough to overlook any of the show's obvious flaws. Reminisce.
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Ouzo wrote:
I wasn't posting that to bash you, but I found it interesting your ability to piss off people isn't limited to this site. Hell, there isn't even an entry for 'bisqwit' or 'time attack' yet.
How do you know thats me ? Well If I piss people off then it must be losers because this is the internet and they need to not get uptight, and if they dont like me they should just ignore me then. Losers like people that send emails to unknown strangers like one a person sends hate mail to maddox, they make themselves look like idiots, its like they have nothing better to do then flame someone on the internet and get offended by his website, if you dont like his website dont go there. I dont agree with everything on his website but that doesnt mean I go all crazy and send hatemails to a person I dont even know. anyways back on subject, what does this have to do with my topic, would you stop flamming me and get back on track.
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Sleepz wrote:
I mean, if you take any of your favorite shows from the past and watched it right now, the nostalgia factor alone would be great enough to overlook any of the show's obvious flaws. Reminisce.
Yeah, sometimes that helps, but other times I've just grown up too much to see past the blatant stupidity of a lot of old shows.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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had that experience recently when i watched all 39 episodes of the Mysterious Cities of Gold. havent seen those since i was like 6... and the music still gets stuck in my head.