the creator somebody who worked on the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Lauren Faust, get ready to lay your eyes upon the most fantastic cartoon you will ever witness!

Now, you all remember the old style MLP. That was garbage. This show, on the other hand, is absolutely fantastic, appealing to all people of all ages.
Apparently Lauren Faust has a DeviantArt page, and on there she actually links to unofficial uploads of MLP:FiM episodes on YouTube. What this means is that you can watch this show completely legally and for free! So you should. Because it's awesome.
Here's a quick overview of the scene and characters:
Notable locations:
Ponyville - where most things take place; home of earth ponies.
Cloudsdale - this is where the pegasus ponies live and also where rainbows and clouds are made.
Canterlot - a very prestigious city whereupon Princess Celestia lives; Twilight Sparkle lived here before Celestia sent her to Ponyville.
Mane characters:
Twilight Sparkle -a bookworm unicorn pony; an apprentice of Princess Celestia
Applejack - "southern" earth pony who works on her family's apple farm.
Rainbow Dash - a pegasus pony with a serious need for speed.
Pinkie Pie - an insane earth pony who is basically overdosed on sugar all the time.
Fluttershy - an ultra shy pegasus pony; really good with small animals.
Rarity - a very self-conscious and fashionable unicorn pony.
Spike - a baby dragon that can write send messages to other dragons and Princess Celestia - Aids in Twilight Sparkle's studies (though she's really more of a personal slave, but that's not really important).
Now, you can either watch the first two episodes and get the whole background on what's going on, if you feel intrigued. If you aren't quite convinced that this is (one of) the best shows ever to exist, you should instead watch
Sonic Rainboom, which is, in my opinion, the best episode thus far.
Hub of episodes
Edit: Due to shenanigans a while back regarding copyright, the episodes I had linked here before are now dead. Since it would be ridiculously arduous to replace every single link, I've decided to link the homepage of the
MLParchive YouTube channel, which houses 1080p rips of each episode. They are not public, due to the aforementioned copyright issues.
Equestria Daily
Derpibooru (NSFW images exist, but they're tagged and hidden unless you explicitly say otherwise)
4chan's /mlp/ board (May contain NSFW images)
Disclaimer: Please keep this thread clean and the hate to a minimum.