-misty isle 2: If you are big mario, you can get the p balloon then get hit and you should be able to keep your (52) speed. I was never able to make this work due to still having to get over the tall pipe at the end.
-you've watched all the wips here? so you know to screen scroll in desert world 2 a and run through the floor etc? and fly in water world 2, and the yoshi flight + yoshi wings thing in water world secret.
-water world 4: perhaps you can cram yourself through the ceiling here with pswitch and key. it saves you swimming around the corner.
-water world castle: there is a p switch in the first room.
3. I don't recall ever testing to see if it was faster to go get that and swim with it than to skip it. In room 2 walljump to hit the coin block instead of jumping off the pswitch block
-crystal cavern 2: at the beginning while you fall down press R to scroll the screen. this will let you pound the buzzy beetle for the pswitch sooner so you may not have to slow down and get p speed back up again.
-crystal cavern castle: find a way to fall through the floor and fly under the first room.
-sky world 4: Don't go inside, fall through the corner at the end.
-it might be better to get the shell for pipe world 2 at ice world secret instead of sky, so you can use fireflower on the castle bosses of sky and ice world. This works because you don't need yoshi for pipe world 4.
-at pipe world 1b when you dive under the map at the beginning, fall through the corner.
-at pipe world 3 you should be able to boost through the ceiling with p switches in the pswitch room. you might need 3 of them because I don't think the timer is long enough to let you finish the level if that's where you stomp the switch.
-you don't need yoshi in pipe world 4. you can fall through the pipe just fine without him.
-pipe castle i really want there to be a way to clip through the floor and go to key immediately, but i can't figure anything out.
8 <- here the pswitch (near the top of screen) is from just to the left. you might be able to boost yourself through those blocks with it since it can go through them. if jumping high enough is a problem then use one of those bouncing koopa guys to help. would let you skip trip to get the vine.
-just realized, if you do 2) in my above post, you can bring a shell with you in reserve box for the yoshi wings in sky star world.
-secret star world the key above spawn can be turned into yoshi wings with the pswitch. getting yoshi past back door star world probably requires luigi though (starting at reznor fortress save).
-big boo world 3 also luigi yoshi
9. Perhaps this combined with secret star world would make getting luigi worth it, but probably not. Only if you can skip boos tower I would guess.
-boos tower on the 84th floor
10. If you use the cape and a shell you can get two of them to boost through the floor near the blue switch, or maybe you can do some voodoo magic to duplicate it to the side and get the blue switch right there.
I think that's all i've got other than stuff like when moving left try to be in the floor when running which you know to do more than me anyway. There was a caveat to something I was saying here, but I don't remember what. I've not timed/tested/verified/etc anything here.
For those of you yammering on about luigi being worthless 1) you're probably right 2) but this isn't smw and 3) obviously you wouldn't take him for all 120 exits for 120 map transitions. save and exit at an appropriate place, get two player for luigi yoshi magic, give mario a game over once you have completed all your luigi yoshi magic. I think it's still unlikely that 2 player could be faster, but I do think it's worth looking into.
>>The logic that most people apply to it ... Which is really stupid
Yeah, we've been doing this a while. Even :DK knows that luigi won't do in smw. btw, on a completely unrelated, L+R jump down to bowser.