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Brandon wrote:
Disagree completely. It was groundbreaking and inspired several other runs.
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I don't think the fact that a run "was groundbreaking" and had "inspired several other runs" is a good reason for a TAS to maintain a star over time. I don't have an opinion in this case, just saying the run should be especially entertaining and should hold up relative to the current day. I would say the fact that several runs have note completed more games at once (whether they were inspired to do so by this one or not) takes down the novelty factor when viewed today.
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Weatherton wrote:
I don't think the fact that a run "was groundbreaking" and had "inspired several other runs" is a good reason for a TAS to maintain a star over time. I don't have an opinion in this case, just saying the run should be especially entertaining and should hold up relative to the current day. I would say the fact that several runs have note completed more games at once (whether they were inspired to do so by this one or not) takes down the novelty factor when viewed today. I also have not opinion on this particular run, just thought I'd share my view on your statement.
Personally I have always found two to be the optimal number of games in a multi-game TAS. Any more than that, and the video becomes extremely confusing to follow. Honestly, I have not really liked all that much any of the subsequent multi-game TASes which have invariably used more than 2 games, for the simple reason that they are difficult (if not outright annoying) to follow. Making an input file that completes 50 games might be a marvelous technical achievement, but it's not very entertaining to watch. 2 games, on the other hand, is much more enjoyable (especially the more visual synchronization there is between the two). For this reason I second the suggestion that the X+X2 TAS keep its star. It's IMO the best representative of multi-game TASing. If someone makes a different 2-game TAS in the future which is even more enjoyable, then we can discuss. (I'm still hoping someone would make such a TAS, eg. of two gradius-style games.)
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X+X2 has another very important factor going for it: both games are finished at the exact same time.
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moozooh wrote:
X+X2 has another very important factor going for it: both games are finished at the exact same time.
Thats more of the case of dumb luck than anything.
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Not true! That was DeHackEd's intent
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Oh, well then nevermind.
Post subject: Metal Slug X Nomination
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When the new Metal Slug X gets published, I nominate that it gets a new star. I don't think we have any starred runs which are of a similar nature that should lose a star to it. The run is of a popular well known game, has tons of intense action, competitive time, great two player coordination, and smart weapon management. I think it would greatly benefit TASVideos to place it among our elite movies recommended for first time viewers.
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http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Posting *why* a run deserves a star rather than just posting a link to it might be helpful for Baxter.
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sgrunt wrote:
Posting *why* a run deserves a star rather than just posting a link to it might be helpful for Baxter.
Indeed, I had already noticed the run ;)
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If I gave a star to a run for being the "first TAS of a Wii game", I would give it to one that actually looks like a Wii game rather than a NES game.
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On the flipside, if we're going to allocate one new star to the Wii platform, then right now there's only one choice. :)
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Indeed, a star would go lengths to particularly recommend a certain Wii run out of a total of... a single Wii run.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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This is kinda the same problem we had with the Arcade runs. In this case, we should wait untill more Wii/GC runs start being made untill a star should be remotely constdered. Maybe wait untill 10 runs perhaps?
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Derakon wrote:
On the flipside, if we're going to allocate one new star to the Wii platform, then right now there's only one choice. :)
Which raises the question of whether a TAS deserves a star for the sole reason that it's the first (and only) TAS for a new platform. I suppose one could give an argument pro and con: 1) Stars are intended to draw attention to certain TASes, especially for newcomers. It's not just about quality, but about giving a good representation of what TASing is all about. It's not unfeasible to assume that many newcomers (and even long-time viewers) would be interested in a Wii TAS. 2) Should the platform be an issue at all? Assume that the game in question was a NES game. Would it deserve a star? It's not a bad TAS by any means, but is it star-worthy?
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While I think it's good to have variety, I don't think we need absolute rules like that. If a wii run comes along that everyone finds special enough to get a star, it doesn't matter if there are only very few wii runs. There being only very few wii runs, or a run being the first game TASed on a wii emulator shouldn't be a reason in itself to give a run a star though. And besides megaman 10 being a wii TAS, I don't know if it really adds something unprecedented to the current star list (if you do think so, by all means let us know why it does).
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[1819] Arcade Metal Slug 3 "2 players" by X2poet in 27:09.55 Like I said in the thread, It showed eccelent planning of weapons while being fast paced. It also shows great control of 2-players throughout the run.
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I think Metal Slug 3 is too long with all the autoscrollers and stuff. If a Metal Slug game gets a star, I'd say it is Metal Slug X. You suggested it earlier too.
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I agree that a Star might be too much for Metal Slug 3, but I'd definitely recommend to give it a Moon. Maybe I should have posted this in the Moon thread, but it is related to Star also.
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Metal Slug X still needs that star. X is more entertaining 3, and probably more well known.
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I'm still catching up with the suggested stuff on p20 but here are some comments I wish to make before I forget: I agree - being groundbreaking/inspirational shouldn't be grounds for a star. If stars are meant to highlight things to newcomers for the sake of their entertainment, then historical significance should have nothing to do with it. Maybe a separate page could be made of the 'history of TASing' with a list of movies that push any boundary and some commentary. But in a list of recommendations, you wouldn't, for example, recommend the first NES Tas purely because it's the first. Each movie should stand up on its own merits today. Having said all that, X/X2 is very cool. But I disagree that a 50-game-TAS wouldn't be incredible to watch (assuming it's at a good resolution. ;-) Mario 64 should regain its star. Seriously, I just checked the list and was confused by the omission. What happened? What was the thought process? When I first came to the site, Mario 64 was a game I would never have searched for. (I prefer shorter TASs and assumed that Mario 64's TAS would be 30-60 minutes.) However, having clicked on it, due to the recommendation and alarming length, I was gobsmacked. Here is an example of pushing a game to breaking point and far beyond. It's short enough that anyone watching will be entertained, with almost nothing in the way of repitition. It's a game that most will be familiar with and even those that aren't can appreciate. It's also an example of a 3D game being TASd. Out of everything I've seen on this site, I'd say that Mario 64 deserves a star far more than any other. King's Bounty comes 2nd for me. I approve of recommendations. Like the MM X/x2 description that links to MM 3,4,5,6. Maybe more starred games could do something similar - a puzzle game could link to a list of the puzzle game recommendations, scrolling shooters refer to a list of recommended scrolling shooters etc. Brain Age could link to Family Feud. The list has too many 2D platformers/2D action games and maybe too many long movies. I understand that the 2D games may be where lots of technical tricks can be done but as an 'outsider', it just seems a bit repetitive and a newcomer may feel that these kinds of games are all the site offers. Yes, MM has completely different tricks than Sonic or Castlevania but having more games of completely different genres or styles would show more diversity and get folk more excited. I would suggest dropping a couple of the 2D action-platformers for Mario 64 and King's Bounty.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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