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Player (64)
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im curious to know which one of those 2 paths actually saves more time before reaching the boss door. i think they're truly just about equal in length even though... "supposedly" that the bottom one may be faster. but i aint sure about that because... ** when coming to the split, you gotta go all the way to the left side of the screen and make the jump down there ** on the next screen there's a very long fall all the way down to near the very bottom of the screen. While the other path you only fall barly even 1/4th of the way down, LESS than that literally til you get to start moving to the right. ------------- ** at the very end of the split, the bottom path starts at the very bottom of the screen obviously but you cant ever get full falling speed when you do the edge jump ** the top path you'll lose time from starting at the top but you will have much more falling speed once passing down the bottom. ** The bottom path is easy for getting the correct pattern the wily starts with, but the top one is more difficult for ya to kill the screw enemies. So it's hard to say but the top path might be a little better.
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The top path is faster by .4 seconds. Also, I managed to hit Wily 13 out of 14 times before he dissapears. I really wanted to kill him in his first appearance, but he's only hittable for 253 frames. Since he has a 20 frame invincibility between hits, that's 7 frames shy of being able to kill him. Also, the soonest I can fire the last shot is at frame xxxx36. This shot hits him at frame xxxx59. And then after the battle ends, there's a few more screens of dialogue I have to scroll through with A before the credits start. When does my final time end?
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The time ends on the final input necessary to get the credits roll. If input isn't required to get to the ending you can let the game scroll it slowly automatically. That's the general case, I don't know how this game ends exactly.
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Kirkq wrote:
I don't know how this game ends exactly.
After beating wily. ** there's some story scripts. You have to still press a button to get through them. I know he just said that. ** the ending is like freaking 8 minutes long or so, no input. It's like the SLOWEST ever of any MM game i've personally seen. Just the credits themself ** after the last image that shows a shooting star pass by the earth, there's input again where you have to press buttons to get through a bunch more text boxes. not sure if that's required in terms of being included when it's published, but it would be nice if people get to see what the real "clear time" is though. Probably 20-something minutes.
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Perhaps in this case the encode could use a longer input file that goes through those text boxes at the end. EDIT: After the end of the credits, I mean.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
Editor, Skilled player (1436)
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I like RT-55J's idea. The actual movie file could end as soon as Wily bites the dust whereas the actual encode also includes the credits.
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I agree with this as well. After the movie file is over, the A button must be pressed 16 times to cue the credits. After the credits, pushing A a few more times will display the various awards I unlocked (there are several), the in-game time, and then bring you back to the title screen. I just ran through and found the optimal frames to press A to see the credits, and even with that, it's still an additional 21+ seconds added on to the movie file. The first A must be pressed 1000 frames after the final shot, and the dialogue between Mega Man and Wily lasts 303 frames. I will complete this movie file tonight.
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Personally, I think the movie file should end after the final dialogue before the credits, not after the final shot on Wily. The post-credits inputs can be done in the encode by an encoder. (This is the same idea as was done in my MMZX and MMZXA TASes). I recall at least one submission had some flak for ending before the final inputs required to view the credits.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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And... FIN! :D Alright, I made 2 movie files. One that ends after the final shot, and one that ends after the last required input to roll the credits.... Now what? lol I'm guessing I have to put get it into a zip file, but I'm pretty sure the current submission page doesn't accept .dtm's yet.
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diggidoyo wrote:
Alright, I made 2 movie files. One that ends after the final shot, and one that ends after the last required input to roll the credits....
I would submit the one that rolls the credits.
diggidoyo wrote:
Now what? lol I'm guessing I have to put get it into a zip file, but I'm pretty sure the current submission page doesn't accept .dtm's yet.
Yes, put it in .zip (as the only file). And regarding accepting DTMs, well, it should accept them...
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Oh, alright. Perfect then. I was just going off of what I read in the Rules for acceptable movie files. I'll give it a try.
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Predicting that this will be Wii TAS of 2011. Also New Platform TAS of 2011.
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sameasusual wrote:
Predicting that this will be Wii TAS of 2011. Also New Platform TAS of 2011.
Wii will probably be solely under the jurisdiction of New Platform awards, as has been the case with new platforms in the past.
Player (64)
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what was the clear time?? or you want to wait until this has been published?? Im guessing maybe between 20:15 to 20:30 ohhhh sorry nevermind, saw your other post now, you said 20:04. wow
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Yeah, I was really hoping for sub 20 minutes. But, sadly, it wasn't meant to be.
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Hmm. It turns out there's a way to skip cutscenes on the console. I tried to skip them on the Dolphin but nothing worked. If it turns out I was just doing it wrong, then this run is improvable by about 40 seconds by simply skipping cutscenes. :(
Joined: 11/21/2006
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It's probably some stupid "You can't skip them on your first playthrough" thing.
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Miles wrote:
It's probably some stupid "You can't skip them on your first playthrough" thing.
Wouldn't surprise me, considering Inti Creates has done this before multiple times. The same thing also occurred in Mega Man Zero 1-3 and the ZX games, if I recall correctly.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Phew. Huge sigh of relief there. Was about to be really pissed off. But that makes perfect sense. Also means a Hard Mode run will automatically save 40 seconds.
Player (64)
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what?? I thought it could from simply press start to pass it without bothering to read anything...are you sure that wasn't possible through dolphin?? Or was this just only specificially console JUST because it required hitting like the "back" button on the 360 controller...and whatever the equivalent is on the wiimote and ps3 controller. I have those "back" and "confirm" buttons or whatever they're called tied to Q and W on the keyboard, weapon switching to A and S, and Jump/shoot to Z and X
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I tried all the buttons today, just to confirm. As stated, you can't skip cutscenes on the first playthrough.
Player (64)
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oh, right my mistake. yea i understand now. Well darn, that's a bummer. ----- I don't mean to change the topic all of a sudden for only just a momment, and this probably sounds stupid but i was messing around last night for 10 minutes to see if save data could be corrupted by resetting the emulator after pressing a button to save to one of the 8 files. i thought it was odd that once you press a button, it takes i think 4 or 5 frames until the DAT file is modified in the dolphin save's folder where the megaman 10 DAT files are kept. (i forgot already, just went really quick) Another 3 frames until it says the message "data saved" but it only saves 1 time though, not multiple times, ha. I realize that's only meant for RPG games such as pokemon - http://tasvideos.org/1702M.html chrono trigger and some others. oh well
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Well, I tried TAS'ing a few other games on the Dolphin, but I don't think I'm ready to leave MM10 just yet. I already know the ins and outs of this game, so using my published run as a verifiable save, I've begun my TAS through Hard Mode with Bass. For those unfamiliar with Bass, here are the facts: He can dash. --He dash momentum is retained while jumping. His buster is 8-directional and automatic. --While firing the auto-buster, he can no longer run. He can still jump and fire, though. --This auto-buster is half as powerful as the regular buster. --Up to 4 shots can be on the screen at once. He has Treble instead of Rush. --Treble does not need to reach the ground to be activated. --While fused with Treble: ---He can fly in any direction (subject to slow acceleration). ---Shoots a 3-directional buster. Only 1 triple shot on the screen at a time. ---Suffers no push-back effect from taking damage. A lot of things in there that are beneficial to a speed run. Obviously the dash, but also the no push-back effect and flying Treble form. Anytime I need to take damage to save time, I can fuse with Treble slightly before the hit, and continue on at regular speed. Also, another great trick I found, is while in his purple Treble Suit (without fusing with Treble), he can fire the regular Mega Buster that Mega Man uses. This means upgraded damage and mobility. I only need to call Treble down, and not fuse with him to take advantage of this. Check this WIP of Commando Man's stage to see all of these tricks in use. Link to video
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sweet! but why is the encode so small?
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Haha I actually have no idea. Something I'm doing wrong with encoding or uploading. It looks alright in full screen, though.
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