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diggidoyo wrote:
Nitro Man done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCtVwJyhVag
Have I mentioned I officially love you and this is among my most anticipated TASes of like... ever? Well, now I have.
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Just wanted to say I love how the TAS is going. It's awesome how Wii TASing is coming along.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Joined: 4/25/2004
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I propose that the subtitles for the encode of the finished run include a running count of how many big health and ammo drops were given...that last room before the boss looked especially absurd, lol. :p
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Awesome run yet again. The very first thing you did in the level was clever, and the health drops at the end were too good. Just a random thought, consider changing weapons to the beat of the music at some point, perhaps? I would speculate the RNG is either on a 256 or 65536 rotation. Maybe 256 if they programmed the game true to its roots. Commando Man's optimal pattern is probably (X/256), where X could possibly be around 4, but it would appear at seemingly random intervals over the course of the 256 rotation. If you want to check this, just check if 0 frames and 256 frames of waiting yield the same combination of events for some random actions. I also wonder if subpixels have anything to do with the randomness of this game. By not moving at full speed, you can possibly get on a different subpixel, which may effect enemy behaviors or possibly the randomness. (I think you would've noticed any effects on random behavior by now, so I doubt it matters there.)
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couldn't you have moved to the right sooner at 1:10? not much to say about this level, looks optimized already, nice job
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i'd bet the RNG is 255, (FF hex). a RNG based on FFFF (65,535) would just be ridiculously stupid. (understandable for RPG games, but NOT megaman by a long shot)
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Thanks for the support guys.
couldn't you have moved to the right sooner at 1:10?
There are actually 3 different ways I've found to get past those screens. One of the ways is the route Rockmanda used, which is to go through the time bomb on the first frame after it explodes. That route is actually the slowest of the 3. The fastest way down to the bottom screen is the route I took, and I move right at the first possible frame I can after passing by 5 second time bomb.
Kirkq wrote:
Just a random thought, consider changing weapons to the beat of the music at some point, perhaps?
I am a huge fan of rhythm shooting, and I do it at the beginning of my real time record of Nitro Man. The problem is, it's not possible with the current state of Dolphin. I have to lower some of the Dolphin's capabilities in order to emulate accurately and avoid desyncs. This means the music is choppy and less than 30 frames per second. When dumped it plays fine (as you can see in the YouTube video), but if I try to sync anything with the music it will either desync from the music or desync the video entirely. It's still a bit of a struggle to get the Dolphin to behave, and it's only going to get harder as the movie gets longer. But I do what I can for entertainment. Manipulating enemy drops is something I've been doing since the beginning, but it's awesome to see so many drops at once. Every enemy I kill, I try numerous times to try to find a favorable drop. I think large health refills look the best, and I try to avoid them after they drop when I can.
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diggidoyo wrote:
couldn't you have moved to the right sooner at 1:10?
There are actually 3 different ways I've found to get past those screens. One of the ways is the route Rockmanda used, which is to go through the time bomb on the first frame after it explodes. That route is actually the slowest of the 3. The fastest way down to the bottom screen is the route I took, and I move right at the first possible frame I can after passing by 5 second time bomb.
what I was thinking is that it looks like you could land on the bombs and move right to fall in one of the holes between them
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That is probably slower, because you'd have to reset vertical velocity once more then by landing on the bomb.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Those aren't actually holes. I know it looks deceiving, but Mega Man can't fit in between any of those spaces except for the gap between the two rightmost 3 second time bombs. I used this gap in the other route I found, and while it's 5 frames faster than Rockmanda's route, it's 14 frames slower than the optimal route because of what Mothrayas already mentioned, vertical acceleration reset.
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how many frames does it take from the peak of a jump to reach max vertical speed?
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I don't think there's a way to know for sure until we can watch the RAM address. I know it takes over a full screen at the very least, because I fall slightly faster down the third screen then I do the second.
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So I was toying around with some more ideas for my next TAS. Since this will be my first TAS, I'm still a little new to this site. But from what I've read, it seems the community has a phobia against too many categories for a single game. And for good reasons. For Mega Man 10, I feel at an absolute minimum, we have to allow: Mega Man, Normal Mode Goal: Speed Proto Man, Normal Mode Goal: Speed Mega Man is automatically in since he's the legend, Normal Mode is the hardest difficulty available from the start of the game and is the way the game was meant to be played, and Proto Man is the fastest character available from the start. Now it gets a little fuzzy if any more categories would be accepted. But I'm proposing the following two, with their goals in order of importance: Mega Man, Hard Mode Goals: No Damage, Buster Only, Pacifist, Speed This seems like a lot of stipulations, but I think this would make a great TAS. Mega Man 10 is unique in the fact that it is the first and only Mega Man that doesn't require any special weapon usage at all to beat.Not even the Wily Stages. This makes a Buster only run plausible. As for Pacifist, this means only killing bosses, mini-bosses, and necessary enemies to not break the Mr. Perfect rule (Blockers on Pump Man's stage, the laser flowers in Solar Man's stage, etc). Hard mode adds extra enemies, and not being able to kill any would make for a ninja-like run with all the evades and dodges. With the added obstacles and Boss AI, it's impossible for the finish time of Hard Mode to compete with Normal Mode. This makes all the above goals more important for entertainment. Bass, Hard Mode Goal: Speed Bass is the fastest character, hands down. His dash is faster than Proto Man's slide, and unlike Proto Man, his momentum continues through his jumps. This means, even under hard mode, this will have the fastest finish time, Also, while in his Rush form, not only can he fly in any direction, but also he suffers no pushback effect from taking damage. This will allow him to tank past some enemies that can't be passed without being killed. I'd like to do either one of these runs, and possibly even both if they both have a chance at being accepted. Thoughts?
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The Mega Man Hard mode idea sounds AWESOME. DO IT.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Hell yea it does. But there's not too much interest in these runs yet, it seems. For now, I'll continue working on my Mega Man Normal run. After it's complete, I'll do the first stage for both of the runs I suggested. I'll be able to make a better decision when I can actually watch the runs. I'll post both videos and we'll see which one gets more positive feedback.
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Probably my least favorite level, but here's Strike Man. Link to video
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Great work as always, keep it up!
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nice run, I found it entertaining :)
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Another good level. ^_^
diggidoyo wrote:
I don't think there's a way to know for sure until we can watch the RAM address.
It should be possible to attach L Spiro's Memory Hacking Software ( http://memoryhacking.com/download.php ) to Dolphin to find any position/speed addresses. Here's something I typed up on how to do it a while ago, I'm too lazy to type it up again specifically for a different scenario: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5444&start=80 The data type may be "byte" or "short" and you would want to use "greater than" and "less than" to tell it to search for bytes that have increased and decreased (speed/position.) It takes some trial and error. Step 6 would be, move forward, look for values that have increased, etc. If you're interested try it out. If you're not, it probably isn't hindering you too much at this point.
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I've personally never heard of such a thing like using an external program outside of an emulator, in order to use a debugger and hex editor on the program, (i dont mean normal windows-related stuff, just game emulators specifically) ..but i aint so sure this will really work out very well. I have very much experience and knowledge working with debugging and hex editing (NES mainly, and i know some SNES assebley) ..but using this program directly on dolphin.exe....i just dont know. I dont feel very confident about it without dolphin's OWN debugging tools like most other emulators. I tried doing a test just to find megaman's HP. And it was a failure. I started with a "unknown" search for anything, and get 200 million results, i go to this one spot in chill man and take 3 damage from the sheild guy every time, and refine the search on the memory viewer thing with just "decreased since last search", about 8 times or so until i got down to less than 10 results. All of them show the very exact same value changing at all times nonstop. with negative 20,000-something hex. But there was only one address with negative 40 hex. So i added that to the other side of the window, freeze the address, get hit by the enemy again, but it didn't work. And i KNOW these other duplicate addresse's dont affect it either. http://www.a3share.com/members/1119/fgjnfhn.PNG i do believe you that some stuff can be found, but it aint going to be easy, that's for sure. --------- this is a typical normal day for me when working on my NES megaman rom hack with fceux's debugging tools. Im not trying to show off or anything, sorry if i give that impression, dont mean to. :( http://www.a3share.com/members/1119/nes.PNG
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kuja killer wrote:
I tried doing a test just to find megaman's HP. And it was a failure. I started with a "unknown" search for anything, and get 200 million results, i go to this one spot in chill man and take 3 damage from the sheild guy every time, and refine the search on the memory viewer thing with just "decreased since last search", (i didn't do the Less Than option, i didn't try it out just yet) about 8 times or so until i got down to less than 10 results. All of them show the very exact same value changing at all times nonstop. with negative 20,000-something hex. But there was only one address with negative 40 hex. So i added that to the other side of the window, freeze the address, get hit by the enemy again, but it didn't work. And i KNOW these other duplicate addresse's dont affect it either.
I haven't tried using MHS before, but I have some comments on your search procedure:
  1. It seems like you searched for a long value. Mega man's health is probably a single byte. If you search for anything longer, you will be contaminated by neighboring addresses, and may wrongly exclude the right address when searching.
  2. You ended up with a value that was changing nonstop? When searching for something like health, you should also do a few searches for when the value should be unchanged from the previous time. That will get rid of all the rapidly changing addresses.
  3. You may also need to do the search twice, once for unsigned and once for signed values, since you don't know how the health is represented in memory.
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diggidoyo wrote:
Probably my least favorite level, but here's Strike Man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdFulTyqbrk
Looked really nice. On a completely unrelated note: Im not that much into the whole Mega Man franchise but this has got to be the most rediculous robot master I have ever seen.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
diggidoyo wrote:
Probably my least favorite level, but here's Strike Man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdFulTyqbrk
Looked really nice. On a completely unrelated note: Im not that much into the whole Mega Man franchise but this has got to be the most rediculous robot master I have ever seen.
Oh, you haven't seen Sheep Man yet.
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Speaking of Sheep Man :D Link to video
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