Joined: 4/23/2009
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Get: Haali Media Splitter: ffdshow: and you should be fine in WMP
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I would have enabled the "force bilinear filtering" to get better non-pixelated 2D icons (like the mines, bullets etc). Also, the edges seem to lack antialiasing, but otherwise it looks good. Isn't someone going to upload this to youtube btw? Would be interesting to see all the comments like 'omg, hax'.
Active player (301)
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I will soon, probably not next week since i'm not home but after that, also Swordless Link will upload it, not sure when though, transfering the file was appareantly pretty slow.
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nfq wrote:
I would have enabled the "force bilinear filtering" to get better non-pixelated 2D icons (like the mines, bullets etc). Also, the edges seem to lack antialiasing, but otherwise it looks good. Isn't someone going to upload this to youtube btw? Would be interesting to see all the comments like 'omg, hax'.
Sorry, but I prefer more original look, which isn't force bilinear =p. There is no antialiasing at the resolution of 1920x1440, but all others has AA. The YouTube version should be uploaded soon, don't worry.
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Finally got around to uploading the run to youtube: Might add comments on it later.
Joined: 3/17/2009
Posts: 496
thx man =) awesome!
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I wrote a pretty long post about lots of stuff but i decided to cut it down a bit: I started a new run, while the old was faster than light it didn't get the review's i had hoped for(which i can understand) and i feel the entertainment factor can be improved ALOT. Improvents:
  • No Lookdown(Overall goal is viewer-friendlyness)
  • 2.4 Control Style
  • Some entertainment over speed tradeoffs
  • Pre-acceleration before a level starts(only possible with 2.4)
  • Native Glide 64 Napalm
  • Minor improvements in speed to some levels, so it might turn out faster overall despite tradeoffs
  • Higher quality overall, especially for first half of the run.
Will i finish this? Dunno, eventually i guess. Anyway i have reached the first pause on Dam and have a choice to make, figured i'd ask the community for opinions: Should i use "Cinema" setting or "Full"? Cinema has the advantage of actually seeing where bond is headed. Disadvantage is that top and bottom of screen will have black borders. Also it might be slighly laggier. Personally i think cinema would be annoying in the end, but it's the poeple's choice. If this issue is settled soon i might have a WIP up by tommorrow or Sunday.
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Posts: 1283
Sounds great! As for your question, since I have not really played GoldenEye, I will not answer.
Joined: 2/26/2011
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Cinema would look very nice at a high resolution. And, the rest of your ideas sound good, too. I say, go for it!
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Go for Cinema; encoders could always crop out the black bars.
Previous Name: boct1584
Active player (301)
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Go for Cinema; encoders could always crop out the black bars.
Can't crop it since menus, beginning and pausing will still be in full screen. However it does look okay at high resolutions so it might not be a problem after all.
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Doesn't the H.264 codec support varying resolutions within the same video?
Previous Name: boct1584
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Oh right, i guess it does.
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boct1584 wrote:
Doesn't the H.264 codec support varying resolutions within the same video?
It does not.
Editor, Former player
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My mistake, then. I could have sworn I'd heard something to that effect during a discussion about PS1 games with variable resolutions.
Previous Name: boct1584
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Posts: 1283
boct1584 wrote:
My mistake, then. I could have sworn I'd heard something to that effect during a discussion about PS1 games with variable resolutions.
That's more container support in MKV. Basically, nothing to do with the video codec.
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Dam 00A 1:46.90 M64: Wow i really didn't expect to beat the old TAS record by .8. Especially without lookdown. Perfect start for the new run! And hopefully you'll all find this more entertaining and easy-to-follow. Mupen crashes whenever i try to capture so if someone else could encode this then that'd be awesome. (and if it's possible, the left and right borders are glitchly with Napalm so cropping them by a few pixels would look alot better)
Player (93)
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Nice, that's a really good time without using lookdown. I wonder what that would have been if you had used it? But it's a lot easier for non-the-elite people to follow. What's up with using cinema view? That's an interesting idea though, because you see a lot more of the environment (left and right), especially since on emulator you can encode on high resolution. I often thought of using that too for some individual level runs. I'll try to make a youtube encode tomorrow. I'll have to use Aktan's encoding method though, which is a pain. I could crop a few pixels from left and right, but the resolution will be strange, so it might cause problems with playback or uploading.
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I guess you answered your own question about cinema. Lookdown would hardly have gained anything, comparing TT's with my old run, it was pretty much identical up to mainframe(50 frames gained from there to end :O). Overall i don't think lookdown will matter much in this run, streets perhaps a little and surface 1(?) but in the end it'll definately be a better choice to skip lookdown.
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Wow, you're really going to make a new 00A TAS? I thought the previous one was maxed already. Well, here's a video of the 1:46 Dam:
Active player (301)
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Thanks for the encode, looks great!
Wow, you're really going to make a new 00A TAS? I thought the previous one was maxed already.
Obviously it wasn't maxed :p I do believe most levels up to Statue have room for improvement, after that it's definately(probably definately :P) maxed timewise and my goal with simply be to improve entertainment. Since the overall goal is increased entertainment it doesn't even matter if the old TAS is maxed or not.
Joined: 4/23/2009
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It seems from the comments in the encode nfq posted, someone doesn't like cinema mode, lol.
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Well he doesn't seem to like HD either xD
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You get my full support, Wyster. The Dam looked great, can't wait for the rest of the run. Not staring at the floor 24/7 definitely pays off.
Experienced player (607)
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Very interesting on this... obviously slowdown is not as bad (and thus lookdown not as effective) on the emulator.
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