"Hikaru no Go" was published serially in "Weekly Shonen Jump" for "NARUTO" and the same period. And the animated cartoon was produced as well as "NARUTO" by "Studio Pierrot". When the comic was serialized, "the game of Go" became a boom among children in Japan. This video game is recommended for the person who wants to begin "the game of Go".

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: vba24-alpha-svn-r325
  • Genre: Board Game
  • Aims for fastest time

About "the game of Go"

The history of this board game is very old. The fundamental objective is to make the enclosure territory with the stone. About the detailed rule, please look at there. Go(game)

About the story

The chief character who transferred to the Haze Middle School where Hikaru is gathers members to do a practice game with other schools student.

Lag Reduce

Lag frames are frequent in the match that contexture is displayed in realtime. If a hand crosses four points of intersection, you can reduce a rag frame. And it is effective to go over the stone which was already put.

About the run

In Hikaru's house with Sai

Sai is the ghost who possessed Hikaru. He teaches a Go, but leaves without asking anything.

In the game of Go training school with Akari Fujisaki and Sai

The chief character practices with Akari of the childhood friend of Hikaru. You must complete a tutorial for the progress of the story once, but cancel the first because the second is shorter than the first.

In the classroom with Hikaru Shindo

Hikaru gives handicaps of four stones. If there are not 14 moves in the match of the 9x9 board at least, an opponent does not think about the surrender. However, the opponent demands end confirmation if I harden a territory at an early stage. Moreover, the consideration time of the opponent can be decreased by hardening the connection.

In the science classroom with Kimihiro Tsutsui

Kimihiro Tsutsui is a captain of Go club He asks me five questions of the beginner's class. After a correct answer, he says that the member of the club is insufficient.

In the Internet cafe with Mitani's big sister

She asks me five questions of the intermediate. She tells me about whereabouts of Yuki Mitani. Because four correct answers are enough, I make a mistake in the most troublesome problem on purpose.

In the Go parlor with Yuki Mitani

Mitani plays a game with 9x9 board. Because I get the first move here, I can win faster than a match with Hikaru.

In the Shogi Clubroom with Tetsuo Kaga

The game of Go is also strong though he is a captain of the Shogi club. He gives the handicap of two stones and plays a game with 13x13 board. If there are not 20 moves in the match of the 13x13 board at least, an opponent does not think about the surrender.

In the Kaio Middle School Go club with Akira Touya

Touya plays a game with 13x13 board. In fact, he is very strong. It becomes impossible for the computer to judge correct life and death if I put the stone on the corner however. He goes mad because of that. This program error is not so famous, but I knew it from old days.


As for this TAS, there was a pioneer in NicoVideos. Those records were 43:52 and 22:39.
They were wishing that someone would make faster TAS. I answer in this TAS for them.
And thank you for reading this submission, enjoy the run!

FractalFusion: Judging.

mmarks: Added YT (Youtube HD) Module + SD Download
FractalFusion: While some of the strategies are nevertheless interesting, the movie doesn't do much other than expose flaws in the AI player. In that way, it is similar to chess TASes in technical merit, though it happens to be somewhat more entertaining due to the character of the game, but not by much.
Unfortunately, among those who know a bit about Go, it comes off as simplistic, and for those who don't, the significance of this movie is lost on them. Since there aren't any other strong cues of tool-assistance present, I'm rejecting the run.
FractalFusion: Unrejecting in consideration for vault.

feos: Accepting for the Vault. Very strong TAS, also loved the music and pointer moves. See this post for how brutally the AI was actually abused.
Publishing it now...

Joined: 1/9/2011
Posts: 31
Regardless of if the video is suitable for the site (which I am hardly entitled to comment on), I think it is none-the-less a very well done TAS. I think the way the computer is befuddled by Pirohiko in this is an excellent example of the maxim, "a good player plays the game, but a great player plays his competitor."
Banned User
Joined: 8/30/2010
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Location: Argentina Bs. As.
Mehh Really I don't like this movie, but something good has EDIT: Youtube HD
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
Joined: 12/19/2010
Posts: 126
nice game, i like it, would have been a YES for me
live life
Joined: 4/20/2008
Posts: 465
Yes vote for creative cursor movement! TASes need more of this. Seriously though, I skimmed, but I enjoyed. I like Hikaru; I play Go; it was nice to see what this game looks like (differences in character design, etc) and watching Akira get all upset and then resign over the corner move was pretty amusing. I want to know what he said right after the corner move though! Any Japanese speakers care to translate? Also, I liked the music...
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3277
Personman wrote:
I want to know what he said right after the corner move though!
In the movie, this is all you see, for one frame: The full message (not in the movie) is: ギリギリまで踏み込む! (girigiri made fumikomu!) "I will break in as far as possible!"
Experienced player (612)
Joined: 4/6/2010
Posts: 240
I love this game :X and the run is nice, very good strategy to finish the game quickly! I'll vote YES!
Joined: 10/1/2008
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Location: The dark corners of the TASVideos server
om, nom, nom
Skilled player (1783)
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Thank you for judging it
Joined: 4/20/2008
Posts: 465
Thank you for making it! Sad face at rejection, not every published movie has to be the most universally accessible thing ever...
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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what did I just watch…
Editor, Expert player (2070)
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Any thoughts about whether this submission could be accepted for Vault? Even though it is mostly board game, it does have a story mode and an ending.
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
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I guess the blue cross means the player still holds his hand on a stone, right? Can it be manipulated so that the CPU decides he finished a move faster?
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Any thoughts about whether this submission could be accepted for Vault? Even though it is mostly board game, it does have a story mode and an ending.
I'm all right with this as long this means board games are accepted, meaning that you can finally uncancel your monopoly run. :)
Banned User
Joined: 3/10/2004
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I find the CPU manipulation rather interesting in this run, especially in the last two games. In the game against Kaga (the second-to-last game) black's (the TASer's) first move (at G12) is quite unconventional and weak because it's on the 2nd line (even for a 13x13 board). Maybe not completely horrible, but certainly not the best possible move (not by a long shot). White's response (at L11) is ok'ish, I suppose, although with black having 2 handicap it could perhaps have been better for white to worry about the moyo black is forming on the upper left corner this way. Black's next move is quite weak. A contact move this early in the game is seldom a good idea. It only helps white strengthen his position. (In fact, a strong white player would probably play elsewhere at this point, and return to the upper right corner later, when it becomes more important. White doesn't need to worry too much about black's contact play because if black would want to do anything there, he would have to spend too many stones to do anything meaningful. That's because the contact play is just outright weak.) If white were to respond to the contact play (but, as said, at this point in the game it would be way too early for white to worry about it), the usual strong response is to just extend, ie. play another stone directly adjacent to the existing white stone (in this case towards the left.) However, what does the CPU do? A keima from his stone (ie "knight's jump" in chess terms.) Uh... I don't think that's a very good move. It's submissive and weak here, and not the best possible response to a contact play. Now black punishes with his next move, threatening to cut and white... extends to the left, making contact with black's stone. Ok, maybe there might an idea here (like throwing away the upper right corner for the upper side) but it still sounds fishy. Now black, instead of cutting (or extending from the G12 stone towards the center) just extends towards the left... Ok, if now white plays at K12 it would become an interesting fight. But what does white do? The worst possible move that could be done in this situation. He extends to the first line, making an empty triangle, for no reason whatsoever! There's no purpose to this move, it achieves absolutely nothing, and it self-kills the white stones. (If anything white should have extended towards the center, not towards the side.) White just lost the game. The game against Akira (the last game) is even more screwed up. White's (the TASer's) first move is quite normal. His second move is quite unconventional and not very good IMO (it just gifts black the corner and a strong wall.) Black plays elsewhere, which is ok. The couple of next moves are ok for black, I suppose, not so ok for white. Then white plays in the corner!!! This is possibly the weakest possible move in this situation ever! (Maybe only the other three corners could perhaps be slightly weaker than this, but not much.) This is like white conceding the game. Black should be astonished at this point. If black wants to ensure the safety of the corner, extending down from his wall is one possibility (although a pro might have other ideas.) So what does black do? He makes a contact play with the stone in the corner! What? This is just crazy. That's possibly the worst possible answer to that corner play that one could devise. What does black do next? He starts to crawl on the first line! Ok, this game is officially broken now. Then white gives black another gift. He lets black connect his first-line stones to his strong wall. Black must be grateful. And then black makes a double empty triangle (rather than extending towards the center and cutting white's two groups.) No sane person would play like this. And Touya Akira is supposed to be at pro level...
Joined: 1/26/2009
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Yes just for the last game where the CPU is supposed to be at the hardest level. Seeing play like a 50kyu is quite hilarous.
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15445
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2289] GBA Hikaru no Go by pirohiko in 12:02.33
Player (12)
Joined: 11/23/2012
Posts: 94
I can't help but be disappointed that this was published. For a long time, I really appreciated how amusingly apt that a speedrun of "Hikaru no Go" was deemed a "no-go" on this site. :) I suppose the Vault is a good place, though, especially if serious Go players are able to appreciate the absurdity of the AI's decisions.
Player (13)
Joined: 6/17/2006
Posts: 505
Thank you for publishing this run, it made my day! :3 The only part I don't understand is why "even" is picked before the final game, causing the player to play as white. Isn't luck manipulation possible here, or is it somehow slower to play as black despite the first move advantage? EDIT: Nevermind my question, I just realized that by allowing the CPU to play as black, the player does not have to play on the 21st move because of the 20 moves resign rule.
Joined: 12/8/2009
Posts: 2
So, I just want to respond to something said before - that serious Go players might be able to appreciate the absurdity of the AI? No - it's not just serious Go players. Literally *ANYONE* who has at least average IQ and spent 5-10 hours playing Go - - probably even less than that - - would NOT make the mistakes the AI made here. I have taught many, many, many new players Go; many people just casual observers who stopped by for 30minutes or so. . . and at the end literally *NONE* of them would have played so atrociously. It's just . . so antithetical to all instincts. It's like learning how to play chess, playing a couple games to 'get the hang of it', and then following up by suiciding your queen, your bishop, your rook, and your knight as fast as possible to capture your enemies' pawns. -AHMAD