Yes, according to GameFAQs.
Woohoo, here's the speedrun of the first level of the game, utterly humiliated by glitches:
About the run:
- in the police station, you must always examine four things to get to the actual level. Each prompts a rising message during which you can't do anything and it wastes a second. However, two rising messages can be skipped with frame precise timing.
- holding multiple directions down at once allows, as mentioned, Robocop to move at double speed and exit screens way earlier than he is supposed to. If he ends up inside walls at the next screen, he can sometimes pass through them harmlessly... sometimes he gets stuck, though. And since you need to touch the outer rim of the screen when doing this, you also need some moving space for activating the glitch.
- this game has 8 levels with varying objectives. In the first level, you are supposed to pick up two pieces of evidence, then go to the pier to watch a short scene. Not too bad... the level design allows some pretty radical warping around.
- apparently, lives don't come back after getting through a level. Therefore death abuse can only be done two times total in the run before game over. I know at least one spot in which it will come really handy, but the other... gotta keep on eye open.
- hopefully I don't have to do sections outside camera... there are some cases in which you can go outside the screen using L+R glitches, and even come out from the opposite side of the screen again. This is something that I haven't experimented that much yet.