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Okay, I was definitely not expecting this.
This movie aims to get to the final credits in the smallest amount of time. It does this, through major glitching in 2 minutes and 39 seconds. It's *almost* short enough to be played with my old movie and still be shorter than Soulrivers' movie. Unfortunately, it's not quite. Maybe next time. (it is now) This time, mario and wario don't even meet, and he still takes back his castle.
Last time, I thanked MUGG right at the start. This time, it's not quite enough. Because he found the glitch itself and helped me enourmously with route planning and other stuff, I'm listing him as a coauthor. Unfortunately, none of his input is in the final movie, but he still put in enough effort to be listed as an author.

General comments

I'm not really sure whether or not this movie should obsolete the old one. Allthough they are technically both any%, they are sufficiently different enough to warrant separate publications until a 100% run comes along (Also, the old any% is pretty similar to a 100% anyway).
So here's how it's done. You need to manipulate the byte at address 0xA2D5 to 0x60 from 0x00 in order to set the credits as the next level. Then, the next time you go into a level, the credits will roll. The end!
In Super Mario Land 2, every block represents a byte in memory. Normally, the level is stored in the 0xC000 - 0xDFFF range, but if we go out of bounds we can see other parts of memory as if they were a level, albeit a very glitchy looking one. Basically, I have to bury mario deep enough into the garbage up until the point where I can jump and crush the block that represents 0xA2D5. Once that's done, I quit, and restart the level, and hey! credits roll!

Detailed comments

introductory stage

Should be prety straightforward huh? Not really. I use a speed trick which requires mario to repeatedly hop through the whole level. Mario gets 1 pixel boost every time. I mention this trick in the comments for my last run, so I'll just copy it here:
The "new" pixel trick
This idea came about when I was trying to prove that the maximum time possibly saved using the pixel trick would be 1 pixel every 8 frames. The problem boiled down to whether or not you could change the number at A200 from D0 to CC in exactly four "moves" using only +4, -4 and -C, OR +8, -8 and +0. This is quite obviously impossible, as no matter how many times you apply +8, -8 and +0, you will never change D0 to CC, and if using +4, -4 and -C, you can only reach CC from D0 in odd moves. This seemed like case closed to me until I realise that if I could use all of +4, -4, -C +8, -8 and +0, the problem was gone.
Although the above paragraph makes little sense, let me try to explain. D0 and CC represent different 8 frame oscillations. If I were to be able to change between D0 and CC in exactly 4 frames, then I could save 2 pixels per 8 frames. On land, I can add or subtract 4, or subtract C from D0 once per frame. In the air, I can add or subtract 8, or keep the value the same once per frame depending on what buttons I had pressed. Normally, It would be a fair assumption that it would be impossible to be on land and in the air at the same time, so it would be fair to say that I couldn't use +4, -4, or -C along with any of +8, -8 or +0. This is of course false. If I decide to jump during the period of time where I am changing between D0 and CC, then I have the opportunity to use all of +-4, +-8, -C, and +0 within that window of time. Similarly, landing on the ground presents a similar opportunity. This would mean that I could save an entire pixel every time I jumped, much like the moonwalking technique described above
This would logically mean that I would necessarily be jumping around as much as possible all the time. Perhaps in the future a run with this technique can be used, but for now, I enjoy the relative freedom of using a slightly outmoded version.
I must admit, I use this trick ONCE in the run: in pumpkin zone 1 near the end, it allows me to land on an odd numbered frame. However, this was just luck, and I had no real idea what had happened. I actually discovered that it could save time much later on.
twice I abstain from doing this trick in this level because it caused more lag than time saved.

Pumpkin Zone 1

Getting the mushroom without slowing down is pretty cool.
Not a particularly long level, but I have to complete it so that I get the ability to exit that level at any time. which is required for the pipe glitch. I get a turnip, because flying with turbo A induces significantly less lag than jumping and doing the pixel trick. Getting the turnip and losing it wastes no time at all.

Pumkin Zone 1 pipe glitch setup

Very simple and short, I get the fireflower for some maneuvering in the garbage, and then I exit the level using start/select.

Pumkin Zone 1 garbage

Route planning is the major difficulty here. I have an accurate map for the first 64 rows, but for the next 100, I'm on my own. The route for the first 64 rows is designed to stay as close as possible to the left, Because it's faster to go left, and let the game's horizontal position overflow than it is to go right and get to 0xA2D5 directly like in mugg's testrun. The game has a tendency to make mario move right, because that's the way mario is ejected once inside a block.
The first 64 rows were pretty simple. I had a map, so I could just make some theories and test them. The number of routes is pretty limited so it was easy to test. There is also no weird camera movement, and the blocks shown are actually what they look like, unlike the next 64 rows. There are also very little programming errors to abuse here, apart from a weird behaviour that if you fireball a fire block, you can't fall downwards unless mario jumps. I use this once so that I don't have to duck while going down a pipe.
The next 64 rows represent ROM that is bank-switchable. That means that if I perform certain behaviours, I can completely change the level layout. One behaviour frequently used is B + ^, which changes the bank number, which can be used to fall through some floors or insert solid objects in the way of marios path while in the "pipe" animation, so that he will continue to be ejected. It means mario can fall through floors because I switch to a level layout where there is no floor, and then switch back to the original layout.
The basic strategy here is to go to the left until Mario is over 0xA2D5 using pipes, because going left in a pipe is faster than running (2 pixels per frame compared to 1.625 which is the speed of running with the pixel trick), and then falling to the end. The last pipe I found was excellent for this purpose. It goes left for as long as you want it to, (it is so long it can almost take Mario back to where he started!) and has many places Mario can exit using B + ^. it is also situated directly above a large recess, so Mario can fall almost straight to 0xA2D5, with a few stops along the way. I think I found a good route for these rows. Too far to the right, and you have to go even further to the right to get to 0xA2D5, Otherwise, you would have to go as far left as I did anyway in order to get down to 0xA2D5. Overall, even though I didn't have a map for this part, I think there is the possibility of 1 or 2 potential improvements, and minor ones at that (I don't know of any improvements, I'm just saying, they could be there).
The last few rows of garbage are pretty simple This part of RAM represents graphics of blocks. Break a few blocks and you're at 0xA2D5
Well, hope you enjoyed the run!

mmarks: Ajusted resolution

Nach: Judging.

sgrunt: Replaced the submission file with a 121 frame faster version.

Flygon: Added YouTube module.

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Encoding in HD (and maybe SD).
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I had a brief overview of the glitches used here while this was still on the works, it was fun to see another game with a hole punched open in RAM, I'm rushed at the moment and can't watch it, but I expect this to be awesome. Will watch it later when I can safely add a Yes vote to the poll.
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Hey, thank you for making this run. I wouldn't have been able to pull it off this quickly... 38 frames improvement by better maneuvering into the tunnel with the pipe leading to the next 64 rows... I think we're better off checking for more improvements before making a new movie. Also, I made this explanation pic. Though it is probably not technically correct, it should provide a rough overview of what was going on in the last minute of the movie.
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Very easy and gigantic YES vote for a publication in a new category (maybe low%). Also I tried to encode MUGG's version of the movie from the post above, but that vbm doesn't complete the game, it gets stuck at a point where Mario collects 999 coins.
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HD encode (21MB) SD encode (13MB) YouTube
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Haha, that was wonderful. That's all I got to say :D.
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That was so totally epic! I cannot vote anything but Yes to this.
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Absolutely crazy. Great job!
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I like the idea of a game character running through a visual representation of the game's data like this. Among other things. So... yes.
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This puts a new spin on 'searching the memory' Yes vote, but waiting for the improved run.
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Hm. Yes vote. It's very debatable whether that should actually count as beating the game though. It rolls the credits, but doesn't load the music, so I doubt all of the usual flags that are set during the credits have been set in this movie. Seemed more like watching "ghost credits" to me.
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It doesn't load the music because the music is triggered right after Wario is beaten. The "Wario defeated" sound effects and the credits BGM all belong to the same BGM track. Of course it may be debatable... When I was working on the glitched Eartbhound/Mother2 TAS, I even considered selecting the credits from the second debug menu, had it been available for us (would have been without BGM, or with selected BGM as a speed/entertainment trade-off). This movie should definitely be a seperate category. I think that goes without saying...
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This TAS is surprising and awesome. I love it.
AzumaK wrote: I swear my 1 year old daughter's favorite TASVideo is your R4MI run :3 xxNKxx wrote: ok thanks handsome feos :D Help improving TASVideos!
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Yes vote. My favorite part was the haunted-type music playing while the castle was transformed back into Mario's castle. I KNEW Wario was the good guy this whole time!
adelikat wrote:
It started off fairly tame, but as more balls entered the picture it sure got a lot more entertaining.
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Awesome. We need more movies where the characters physically interact with the contents of game memory, in my opinion. Also amusing and unexpected was the credits BGM failing to load. ... still can't decide whether this is a plus (for the weirdness) or a minus (for the lack of good music) to the run, though.
>> Standing on head makes smile of frown, but rest of face also upside down
Joined: 10/11/2010
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What. The. HELL. Excuse me while a) my mind wraps around itself and b) I read the submission text again and actually attempt to understand it this time. I think we already have a nomination for Glitchy TAS of 2011. Very yes.
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andymac, if you're going to get me to encode something, don't submit something overnight while I'm sleeping. Other people will encode it, completely ruining the point of me encoding this in the first place. Telling me all the authors is probably a good idea too... because these encodes are invalid anyway. Here's the SD encode you wanted
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Location: a little city in the middle of nowhere Here is a version that is 121 frames faster. Please change the movie file for the submission. I went back over the movie to look for any improvements, and I found a few small ones which added up. There is a slight route change to the garbage data which saves about 60 frames. I missed it the first time around because of the way I looked for routes. (DFS, I disregarded any paths that were likely to fail early, this one I considered likely to fail, but it didn't, and truncated about 60 frames. It's only a very minor change anyway)
Measure once. Cut twice.
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andymac wrote:
Here is a version that is 121 frames faster. Please change the movie file for the submission.
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And encoding.
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This is win converted in a 2:38.93 movie. Voting Yes.