About This Run

Earthworm Jim SE for the Sega CD is very similar to the Genesis version, but also different in many respects. The music has been updated, Jim's repertoire of quotes has been expanded, some levels have new "sub-levels" (New Junk City and What the Heck?), and there's a new level, Big Bruty (named after someone who worked on the game), in which Jim has to use and avoid gaint red beasts to progress through the level. The new music for it is strange too. Oh, there's a few new endings too.
Despite the new levels and overall content, this movie is a 1017 (16.95) second "improvement" over the published movie. When I first began TASing this game, I was using the Genesis version. I managed to improve New Junk City by ~1000 frames (~16 seconds). In short: the published movie isn't very optimized.
Oh and uh, I used the .bin and .cue version of the ROM. I guess there's another "type." Not sure if the movie would sync up. The BIOS I used was Sega CD BIOS V1.10 (U).bin.
This run:
  • Aims for fastest possible time.
  • Takes damage to save time.
  • Abuses programming errors in the game.
  • Uses warps.
  • Colors a snowman AND a lawyer.
  • Euthanizes a puppy.
  • Is groovy.
  • Genre: Platform.

Improvements (where applicable):

Frames saved
Down the Tubes778
Snot a Problem!603
Level 51156
For Pete's Sake!1807
Intestinal Distress!337
Use Your Head!12

The Run

The rope trick...
...can only be used to gain positive x-distance (i.e. it only works going to the right). If you try to do it while heading left, it will just slow you down, a lot. (The rope trick is when Jim sort of jump-twitches along the rope).
New Junk City
If you're not familiar with the Sega CD version, the second segment of this level will be new to you (and you may notice the absence of the junk boss; he's skippable now). Jim's speed on these slopes can be instantly increased by a LOT by jumping for one frame on certain parts of the slopes. I hold left while being shot out of the first pipe to make a jump. I hold left while being shot out of the second to land on a segment of the slope that lets me increase my speed in the aforementioned manner.
Chuck doesn't need to be hit with crates now. I plasma him to death.
Andy Asteroids
Yeah, there's too many of them. No, I don't collect the orbs (except one A.A. where it's too difficult to avoid them; I opted for a rather significant number instead). There are improvements over the previous run, especially in one A.A. where Psycrow is manipulated into not hitting a turbo orb.
What the Heck?
Another new segment which houses the snowman boss. Some fun palette swapping here.
Evil the Cat needs to be manipulated a lot more in this version. I managed to get a really good manipulation on his pattern (he usually doesn't keep shooting fire).
Big Bruty
If you haven't seen this level, it's worth it to watch a normal run through it. My route takes Jim through mostly ceiling space (some of these shortcuts were intended by developers, some not; e.g. you're not supposed to be able to access the exit nook behind the last Bruty from the ceiling but there's a weird corner you can just barely angle Jim through). Also, try to jump over a Bruty in real time. It's not easy.
Down the Tubes
The once-dreaded pod segments are... well, they still suck, even with tool-assistance. Optimizing them is difficult but doable. Two facts allow for easier optimization: 1) Rotating the thrusters at the right time while bouncing off a wall allows you to preserve maximum speed while switching directions and 2) Max X speed can be maintained even when the thrusters are facing straight up or down (same with Y speed and the thrusters facing straight left or right).
Tube Race
The Sega CD version allows you to skip most of the level, including the pod segment. Sorry to anyone who wanted to see this level done.
Snot a Problem!
The game only counts a round as complete when Major Mucus lands in the slime at the bottom. His free falling speed is the same whether his cord is snapped or not, so I have a comfortable window of time to snap it before he starts to slow down at the bottom. He still needs to be manipulated in round 2 and 3 so that he doesn't do his spin move (which makes him invincible), but luckily you can just hit him into the left wall to prevent him from doing this. All of this means that there's a frame rule; each round is ~319 frames long.
Level 5
This is the longest level, and I tried to skip several parts with only one success (the escalator). Overcoming it is sort of counterintuitve. You sort of have to let Jim slide a bit up the slope after landing, jump to the RIGHT for a frame, and then to the left. The cage segment is almost definitely unskippable. Skipping any of the fans in the second segment is also probably impossible (though you can get close to doing it). The second time I lose my suit it's necessary to wait for the suit to pass the fan, which accounts for the messing around.
The second form of the chicken boss has 20 HP. Any sort of attack (whip, regular shot, plasma, the chicken's own bombs) do just 1 HP of damage to it.
For Pete's Sake!
If you watched even 10 seconds of this level, you're probably wondering where the hell Peter Puppy went. I found that when Peter is grabbed by one of the tentacles, there's a single frame where Peter's "happy sprite" despawns and the tentacle hasn't grabbed him yet. Of course, when an enemy (like the tentacle) is too far off the screen, it too will despawn. I sync up both despawns by running forward at the right time and, like magic, Peter Puppy ceases to exist. Luckily, the level can be completed without him.
Intestinal Distress!
Pretty straightforward.
Use Your Head! / Buttville
The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt (or just "The Queen" as the acronym TEQPBFSPFMSFAB is still too cumbersome) is much tougher now, requiring more than just a couple hits to destroy. She has 60 HP, plus one hit after it's depleted (thanks Dacicus). Plasma does 5 damage, whip attack does 3, and regular shots do 1. Since I can only carry 9 plasmas and do 45 damage with them, I must whip her for the rest of the damage (I could backtrack for some, but it's slow). It's faster to throw the whips in during the plasma shots.
The Ending
If you liked this ending, take a moment to search for a video of the ending given when you complete the game on Easy.
Extra Special Thanks to Dacicus for finding the Queen's elusive HP address. Thanks to Flip, Cardboard, and maTO for their WIPs that got me started, and to everyone else who watched my WIPs in the more recent weeks (moozooh, Sonikkustar, Weatherton, and mmarks).

Baxter: Submission file updated at authors request.
GabCM: Added Dailymotion module.
GabCM: Removed Dailymotion module.
GabCM: Added Viddler module. No sound desync.
Mukki: Judging...
Mukki: Accepting as an improvement to the currently published run. This run is clearly better optimised and I accept that the SegaCD port, due to improved graphics and music, is the superior version for TASing this game. As the author started out using the Genesis version it is clear that the intention was to obsolete the old run.
GabCM: I did the encode and the screenshot, I voted... now I'll publish this.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2917: ElectroSpecter's SegaCD Earthworm Jim in 28:47.40
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Damned be you, earlier today, I wanted to go to work. Now, I want to get back home from work! Will enjoy this with a cold soda when I get home!
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Just a note to any encoders, please encode this using the bin and cue edition of the games dump! This will help you achieve the highest possible audio quality! Not HD encoding due to being in the incorrect house to do this, I'll pick it up in 2-3 days if MisterEpic doesn't beat me to the punch.
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Damn straight. Gonna watch once an encode comes up.
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Flygon wrote:
Not HD encoding due to being in the incorrect house to do this, I'll pick it up in 2-3 days if MisterEpic doesn't beat me to the punch.
*Beats Flygon to the punch* Anyway. I'm up to do it. Are you going to encode this in SD Flygon?
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First of all YES vote. Second, Flygon can encode it in SD or remained in the hands of Mister Epic
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
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Awaiting an encode also. The ROM doesnt want to start up on Gens.
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The BIOS I used was Sega CD BIOS V1.10 (U).bin. That may help you Sonik (and others).
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Why does everyone want me to encode a video when I am at Mums house? It's... really not a good place. I should be able to encode it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when I get access to a computer that, well... can actually encode complex Mega Drive games.
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Flygon wrote:
Why does everyone want me to encode a video when I am at Mums house? It's... really not a good place. I should be able to encode it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when I get access to a computer that, well... can actually encode complex Mega Drive games.
I didn't want you to encode, I just wanted to know if you're going to do it. Ok then, I got the answer. My nice side will leave the SD encoding job for mmarks.
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Mister Epic wrote:
Flygon wrote:
Why does everyone want me to encode a video when I am at Mums house? It's... really not a good place. I should be able to encode it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when I get access to a computer that, well... can actually encode complex Mega Drive games.
I didn't want you to encode, I just wanted to know if you're going to do it. Ok then, I got the answer. My nice side will leave the SD encoding job for mmarks.
If convenient, I think I'll be able to do. Processing SD encode...
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
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ElectroSpecter: I've been looking for the rom of the game, the find but did not match up with the movie and I need to that I send it for that could encode
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
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Due to multiple encoding and movie playing difficulties, I'll handle the SD encode. Sorry mmarks. EDIT: You'll get a Dailymotion SD stream tomorrow.
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For the record: the movie syncs fine with the 1.10 BIOS and the ISO/MP3 dump of the ROM. 'Course the MP3 tracks are less glorious than a proper rip. Voted Groovy for extensive use of warps and skin-of-the-fingertips level shortcuts. Also for humiliating Major Mucus, leaving that little bitch Peter to fend for himself, and going on a seafood-free diet by skipping Bob entirely. For all the time I spent playing this back in the day, I'd never realized Jim said "Thorn!" when bounced off thorns.
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Here's an intimate look at the Peter Puppy glitch. It's very heartwarming: Link to video
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Mister Epic wrote:
Due to multiple encoding and movie playing difficulties, I'll handle the SD encode. Sorry mmarks. EDIT: You'll get a Dailymotion SD stream tomorrow.
No matter had not yet ready, because I was with other things
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
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Now, finally having managed to watch the Run, I liked it pretty much. While there is a lot of downtime of little action, this was worthwile enough to warrant a yes.
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Watch the encode on... Viddler (SD) ^ In the submission text. Archive.org (SD) Collection's Page Video file (MP4, 219.5 MB)
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Since I played this extensively back in the day, I can safely say that I enjoyed seeing the game pumbled into oblivion. In short this run is: Hell, People might give me funny looks when I say this, but I think the Andy Asteroids levels are enough to warrant more than a yes for this run. Really great job ElectroSpecter! Also, The ending is hilarious.
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"Groovy" "Yippee" "Oh yeah", 3 of the things Jim said that sums up this movie perfectly. The ending made me think of Total Distortion's game over screen... In the fact that they complete each other. Voted yes.
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I guess that since Mister Epic cannot handle the HD encode... I... will do the HD encode? This is so confusing, but either way, it should be encoded by tomorrow or the day after.
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Flygon wrote:
I guess that since Mister Epic cannot handle the HD encode... I... will do the HD encode? This is so confusing, but either way, it should be encoded by tomorrow or the day after.
I can encode, but the file's size is like more than 4 GB so I decided not to upload. Too big for my time.
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Mister Epic wrote:
Flygon wrote:
I guess that since Mister Epic cannot handle the HD encode... I... will do the HD encode? This is so confusing, but either way, it should be encoded by tomorrow or the day after.
I can encode, but the file's size is like more than 4 GB so I decided not to upload. Too big for my time.
4 GB, this if is very large
[18:51] <scrimpy> Oh, nothing [18:51] <mmarks> oh [18:51] <Nach> I think scrimpy is just jealous of you mmarks
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What encoding script did you use? I was planning on encoding this with one of my SD encoding scripts when I am back at my fathers. That usually chops the filesize down to SD encode levels (If not up to 3-5x larger sometimes).
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Flygon wrote:
What encoding script did you use?
I used an hybrid between my old code and the one that's in the encoding guide now. I'm gonna ask you some questions in the IRC channel when I'll get there. And also, there's a sound problem with my SD encode. I'm gonna redo it. EDIT: Reuploading. EDIT: Reuploaded and fixed. EDIT: Now I see the origin of the sound problem. The sound will desync if you skip a big part of the video. That's Dailymotion's fault.