EDIT:new goal, i am looking for someone to create compilation videos though.
welcome to my tas competition where you complete the goal i set you with as much efficiency as you can. my competition will not be focusing on a single game, but it will span multiple games and consoles, with a variety of tasks to keep it fresh.
here are some basic rules.
-at 10:00 PST (1 EST) on or before the specified due date, you must send a zip of the required movie files to TAScompetition@gmail.com(original i know). at that date i will start making the movie compilation and so late submissions will in most cases be accepted.
-please compress the files and name them along the lines of "TASchallenge#xbyNAME"
E.X. TASchallenge#1byThundrio.zip
-do not talk strategy or show WIP's/Finished products with other people, even if they are not competing in the current challenge.
-you may not CO-author with anyone for a given task unless otherwise specified
-timing is done by me, the timing starts and ends at the point i specify.
-any violation of the rules makes you viable for DISQUALIFICATION and further action if neccessary.
most of all have fun! i will try to make the tasks interesting and varied. any questions/comments/suggestions/clarifications can be posted here, pm'ed to me or emailed. i am not sure what to do on scoring yet, but i will decide by the due date of the first task.
Tas Task 4.

game title: sonic the hedgehog 2 (gen)
goal:enter carnival night zone 1 (2 player), and do the following.
1)get 50 rings as sonic
2)get 50 rings as tails
3)have sonic bounce off 5 circular bumpers (see picture below)
4)have tails bounce off 5 green flippers (see picture)

5)have both sonic and tails end on either a slot, or spring (See picture below). sonic and tails CAN NOT be on the same slot/flipper at the end.

start recording: from reset
start timing: the first all black frame after selecting carnival night zone
end timing: the first frame that sonic/tails are both in there respective spots (if on spring than spring has to be yellow, if on slot then slot has to be yellow)
due date:sunday, october 17
reason for choosing goal:my selection method includes not doing a system twice (until all of them have been done), and not doing a game series twice if i can help it. i also want this competition to introduce different TAS concepts to people, so this one will require multitrack (which gens has built in). i dont believe this will take too long, but i have not tried it yet. if people need me to make a explanation video i can.
results for task 1: this task was kind of a disaster, because i forgot to ban the one things (i havent played super metroid ever so that prolly wasnt a good idea,) and i made the goal too open. as a result i didnt finish mine and so RaijinXBLADE won by default, since he was the only one who entered (if you want to see his video pm me).
results for task 2:
compilation video:coming soon
zip of all files:
results for task 3:
compilation video:coming soon
zip of all files:
4)Twisted Eye-5074[368]
4)Twisted Eye[2]
scoring works like this; each task i give the person in last place 1 point, second to last 2 points, etc etc.
i believe i covered everything. if i forgot anything please let me know. i am looking for somebody who is interested in helping to make the compilation videos for each task (pm me if your willing). also thanks to nahoc's and mr.grunz's tas competitions as they were the inspiration for me doing this.