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Very nice run so far, thank for the youtube link Kirkq
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Isn't faster to use GutsShot on Iceman? It would just 1HKO.
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Did you see how much time it adds to watch the chips combine and to watch GutsMan come in and throw MegaMan? It's actually a bit faster to bring the boss to the front and whack it with swords and rapid shots if possible. GutsShoot is for those cowards who hide in the back all the time. Sorry I haven't posted updates in a while. I got stalled on finding the fastest route for that chained battery box puzzle, and I've had kind of a busy week with family coming over and having to work extra shifts. Maybe after this weekend I'll complete some more... Anyway, thanks for watching and commenting, ZeXr0 and Rolanmen1!
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Did you see how much time it adds to watch the chips combine and to watch GutsMan come in and throw MegaMan? It's actually a bit faster to bring the boss to the front and whack it with swords and rapid shots if possible. GutsShoot is for those cowards who hide in the back all the time.
Have you compared the time you gain/lose when doing it? I know it sounds like a cowardly move, but if its faster you should used it.
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No I mean GutsShoot is only faster when I can't just walk up to the boss and use Swords and MegaBuster rapidly.
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Sorry if I can't comment much on what's happening. It easy on a platformer to see a bad move or something, or on a game a really know, but I don't know that game much. Really great run by the way ;) I hope to see that entirely soon :P And if you could write in the submission the "story" that happens, it would be nice :P Because as you skip all cut scenes, we don't really know what's the story :P
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Okay, I'll be honest: I've taken a break from Battle Network 1 to play Battle Network 2 some more! So until I feel like tackling ElecMan's stage again, I'm going to try to put together some valuable research in case someone wants to make an EXE 2 TAS. Fortunately this topic is for both games, so I can report that stuff here too! Now that I've beaten the game and seen most of what it has to offer, I'm going back through it with a "minimalist" philosophy to see how little the player has to do in order to beat Gospel. I'm also stopping to run the trader-trying bot as each trader opens so I can see which chips they can give you for the very first time. I am avoiding random battles everywhere to keep Lan's inventory to a minimum, but unfortunately the second game has a lot more forced battles than the first game, so I'm starting to see what was taking dirk456 so long: The strings of 5 battles during the license exams, the HeelNavis you meet on certain mandatory missions, the guardians of Chng.bat, FreezeMan's ice cubes that are in your way, the forced rematches against 6 of the Navis... All those things add up, to the point that this game has over three times as many required battles as the first one, even though it doesn't really have any more Navis as part of the story. Now, I finally decided to post here because I discovered something interesting: A speedrun WILL get a Style Change in the Mother Computer! Originally I had understood a guide about Style Changes to mean that only fighting 280 battles could give you a Change, so I thought a TAS would come nowhere near that number when there are only sixty or seventy required battles altogether. But it turns out that the trigger to getting your first Style Change in jacking into the first Mother Computer console; after that, your next battle will get you the Style for sure, even if you jack out and jack in somewhere else or fight a friendly Navi or something. Since MegaMan automatically equips a Style when he receives it, it would waste time to switch back to NormalStyle, so I think we should give serious thought to finding the best Style for speed and figure out how and when it's decided, to see if it can be influenced in a reasonable amount of time. This sort of complexity is why I don't think I'm up to the challenge of TASing MMBN2, but I'll gladly help out someone who wants to with discoveries like this! ... Oops, and I just found one other thing: The first Mother Computer stage has a forced random battle. That is, if you manage to reach a certain point in the room without having beaten any viruses, you WILL fight a virus battle there, even if you weren't "due" for another random battle yet. And although what you actually fight there is random, there's no way out of it; they even disabled the Escape chip! So I guess the programmers really didn't want you to avoid getting your first Style Change in that area, or otherwise a TAS would have gotten it from ShadowMan. So that's another thing to plan, which random battle to try to get there. ...Another update: I forgot to try opening the menu on the trigger line for that forced battle until now! It has some strange effects, but it does skip the battle just fine, and it probably won't mess up anything later on. So now I have confirmed you can get your very first Style Change from ShadowMan as I had thought. Oh yeah, and you might already know this, but a special Style can charge up even if your Charge stat is 1. Or at least, Guts style can... Still have to test the others later.
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Hey guys, TAS-newbie here. I am completely floored by the depth that you are picking this game apart, I haven't done anything related to using the memory map or lua scripting. On my little rookie runs of MMBN2 I was also confronted with the conflict of the return of time spent getting new chips. Because my lack of skill will never let me best your runs, do you think a MMBN2 Buster only run would be a good idea? Tl:dr version: Buster only run: good idea, bad idea. Edit: Would a 5-star game be too lofty of a goal? A reminder of the star requirements: Blue Star - Complete 31 Program Advances Green Star - Beat the original Pharoah Man, Napalm Man, Planet Man and the real Bass Purple Star - Get the other 10 secret chips in your library database Red Star - Get 250 chips in your library database Yellow Star - Complete Story Mode
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Ah, a reply! Sorry that I still haven't updated the MMBN1 run yet. I guess I had too much fun researching MMBN2, took too long of a break, and haven't been able to get back into the TAS groove. I still think I can finish one of these days if I put my mind to it, but if I give up for real, I'll let you know. Now, MMBN2 planning: I never got around to posting about the rest of it until now, but I finished a "minimal" playthrough of the game once. It turns out the game does NOT have any library or level checkpoints like the first game. As far as end-game stats go, you can have as little as 8 MB regular memory, level 8 on the status screen, and 17/250 library entries. That's 6 new chips forced upon you: 4 that are actually given to you, and 2 that you're forced to find somewhere to give to somebody else. Level 8 is from a forced HPMemory worth 1 level and a forced Style Change worth 6 levels, and the RegUps are mainly from license exams. (I could give more details if you want, but my old computer won't start up anymore, so it'll take me a while to double-check everything.) As for key items: The one ElBit that seems to be optional is ElBit232, since it only leads to a RegUp1. For the FreezeMan scenario, you need some way to get back into the Netopian Net, whether it's ONBACode, GateKeyC after using GateKeyA (or, long way, GateKeyB) ahead of time, or simply taking the FreePass from your e-mail and jacking into Millions' Bag and opening the cube or jacking into Raoul's Radio and breaking the red ice. Some shortcuts will allow you to bypass certain ice-cube battles, at the expense of whatever you fought to obtain the shortcuts. Otherwise, all GateKeys other than D are unnecessary, and RaulCode and MiliCode are forced upon you while the other Codes are unnecessary to obtain. Oh, funny thing about the "robbed in Netopia" scenario: Even if you empty all your chips/money before boarding, you still get "robbed" of your nothing. Leave with 0 zenny, and Lan will still think he was pickpocketed and be able to fight the would-be pickpocket for no prize other than what the virus battle gives. (Either way the battle is optional though.) Give all your battle chips away to another cartridge, and your ride will still think he's stealing something from your Pack, Lan and MegaMan will still get mad at each other and have to fight ThunderMan and a HeelNavi to get their Passport back, and they'll still feel forced to confront Mrs. Millions and battle SnakeMan for chips she doesn't have before they can go to bed. So you can't bypass any story that way, sorry. All right, so considering 5 stars? That sounds interesting, except you need to be able to link cartridges to earn the 10 secret chips, which are dropped randomly by fighting another player who also has at least 3 stars. If possible, I think the easiest way to set this up would be to duplicate the input file made up until you get the 4 stars, then continue both games at once so that one player wins all the secret chips from all the battles. That could be tedious both to record and to watch, especially if the luck manipulation is difficult. Not to mention, it might be more efficient for one input file to be redone so that it's much weaker than the other player by the time it achieves 3 stars so that its MegaMan can die faster, but that may take quite a bit more work. I don't even know how close VisualBoyAdvance is to being able to record linked games, so that may have to stay a dream for now, as would a run done in Hard mode which requires 5 stars to unlock in the first place. Since the postgame is fairly interesting, how about just a green star run? Beating RealBass gives you a nice little "ending" where you see statistics on how you've battled throughout the game. However, there might be some high requirements to get to that point. I know that the door to the WWW Area asks for a library of at least 130/250, and I remember reading that the trigger to fighting NapalmMan is beating all the V3 Navis or getting all their chips or something like that. I think I also read that PlanetMan requires 200/250 library completion, but I think there's also an SSS License cube in the way of him, and didn't that license exam also have its own excessive requirements? Hmm...
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Joined: 3/7/2010
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Thanks for the reply, BoMF! I did a recording of a 'Buster only' MMBN2 run and even with style change, it was rather boring. It'd be do able but not entertaining enough to post. Thanks for all the info on the game, I always wondered what happened if you didn't have anything to get stolen in Netopia. But it looks like that 5 star run looks like it will remain a pipe-dream.
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Oh hey, I'm finally going to respond to the original post now! :D
FrostyTheDragon wrote:
Is it possible to get Cannon C from the Canodumb viruses in Den Area?
Yes, I know it's possible at Busting Level S anyway. If you can't get it at under 10, then I believe you would need to think up some multi-kill strategy. However, a recent discovery shows that there's more to the chips dropped from viruses than just busting level. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=561218&topic=52365525 It seems that fighting a battle with lower HP will change what codes a virus can drop its chips in. I think I was able to win Cannon E from Canodumbs once because of this. But I imagine it would waste a lot of time to lower your HP before a battle if you were also trying to get a good Busting Level in it. Maybe you could do it with the vampires in the NetCastle Computers, or in individual battles in the same run-through such as the Chng.bat guardians or FreezeMan's ice. I was also thinking that, since a couple of the Chng.bat guardians send out TuffBunnies (unless you're playing Hard mode), one of those battles should be where you win the ZapRing2 B you need to give someone later.
FrostyTheDragon wrote:
I call this strategy "The Snake Pit". You need either a Geddon1 or Geddon2 chip (Geddon1 is slower as you need to break the panels yourself, but I'm not sure Geddon2 can be gotten in any Chip Traders even with TAS luck manipulation). Use that, then use a Snakeman chip boosted as high as possible. If you get lucky with the Chip Trader I believe the maximum boost this can get is +160 (four Wood +40s). Maybe if you also used an AreaGrab chip (I'm assuming the extra snakes can only come out of holes on your side), it'd have the potential to OHKO Gospel (11 snakes, plus the bite at the end. With the lowest Snakeman chip, that's (30+160)* 12, which equals 2280).
As far as I can tell, SnakeMan's snakes don't home in on enemies; they simply shoot straight down the same row they started from. So at best you could hit Gospel with 4 snakes. Okay I just tested this, and it appears that the snakes can home in, but they're limited in the same way as GaterMagic's projectiles: If the target's not adjacent to the snake's starting point, it can only drift downward (plus forward, never straight vertically or backward). The snake will miss a far target in a higher row. (Seriously, downward? Why the asymmetry? Tell me this isn't an obscure emulator bug...) Since Gospel is in the middle row, that meant I could only attack with 2 snakes per column in the best of conditions. With an AreaSteal, Geddon2, and no flying junk in the way, I was able to do as much as 450 to Gospel with a single unboosted SnakeManV3, which means 9 hits including the bite. Close enough to what you were imagining, I suppose. ...Okay wait, now it doesn't seem to work for snakes to fly to a diagonally adjacent panel; I checked my PanelOut3 test on Bass again, and whenever I used SnakeMan on an entire empty column when Bass was at the top, it was only the bottom snake that flew upward. Something special about having a whole column in front of somebody? I dunno, I think I've had enough with testing this. You also need to keep in mind that Battle Network 2 doesn't have the advantage in planning where a detour to an extra chip or power-up can be partially justified by its contributing to the arbitrary requirements the first game had. The total time you spend obtaining an extra item needs to be less than the time it saves in future battles. Because of this, I imagine that much of a TAS would be completed with mostly the starting folder, which I suppose could be interesting enough in itself. Ah, but maybe you could get a few lucky drops from a chip trader for a Program Advance, once I figure out exactly what the traders are capable of producing in what circumstances! I know you can get 30 free Guard chips after beating ThunderMan and 20 more free Guard chips after beating MagnetMan, so that's like 5 free uses of a 10-chip trader right there! I discovered once that even with minimum completion, I could potentially win GateManV2 from the Netopia Town trader right off the bat, meaning a GaterMagic strategy for the last half of the game is conceivable! Come to think of it, that could be another use of a dual-rerecording VBA: Obtain any of the 6 Retro Chips mid-game with a Retro Chip Trader! Have the other game be Battle Network 1, and let it collect a few chips and screw around until Battle Network 2 needs it to Network.
Zurreco wrote:
subanark wrote:
Do you think a hard mode run though would be more entertaining?
I can't see any reason to use SRAM just to make a movie longer.
I wouldn't be so sure. One issue with being able to avoid all random battles is that the speedrun turns into a lot of running around overworld maps with not much battling, which is supposed to be the real meat of the gameplay. Having to face tougher viruses in the forced battles could definitely make the battles longer, but that could be a good thing, especially as the player has to come up with better strategies to keep the battles fast overall.
Beergut wrote:
But it looks like that 5 star run looks like it will remain a pipe-dream.
It's still fun to think about. Imagine planning which Program Advance to form on which necessary battle.
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ElecMan and BluesMan defeated! Soon I'll find out how well my plan for getting 16 new chips from the 3-chip trader can possibly work...
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put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
At last, BombMan's defeat is secured!
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWTfPdELa8A Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=expHTEQQut8 (Completes Bomb Man.) Part 6 is the final segment and will be uploaded in conjunction with the submission.
Joined: 8/27/2006
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This is pretty nice :P
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Congrats on nearing the end BOMF. Sorry I couldn't help more... life got the better of me last year right when I was trying to put a lot of time in, and now I'm back in grad school so I don't have much time either. Great to see it finally nearing completion though. Did you ever figure out how to glitch protoman reliably?
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Nope. I'm just figuring that GutsShoot is faster than ProtoMan getting stunned by even a strong continuous attack so many times.
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Hey, I felt like poking around in Battle Network 2 again, and so I figured that posting what I've found so far is a better idea than leaving a bunch of files of research on my computer and wondering what I was doing a year later. Since you're forced to get a Style Change at one point in the game, it would be a good idea to see how to get the best one for a TAS, especially as it costs time to switch back to NormalStyle. My experiments with RAM Search haven't helped me at all to find any of the running tallies that might go into deciding the next Style, and I couldn't get GameShark codes to work, but just by watching the beginning of WRAM during the part of the game where MegaMan gets his first Style Change, I noticed that 02000005 changes from 21 to 11 when that happens. So by setting 02000005 to 21 again, you can get MegaMan's very first Style Change... again! Then, since the save state hacking guide mentioned some more important stuff was saved in the D00's, I watched that area and noticed that a single byte at 02000DC1 controls the Style that MegaMan's currently wearing. Now, it doesn't control what Styles you actually own, so if you switch to any other Style, you'll lose the Style you cheated in with this method. But otherwise, the Style works just like normal in battle as long as you chose a valid value for it. NormalStyle is 00, HubStyle is 28, and all the rest are made by combinations of course. To break it down, 01 is Electric, 02 is Heat, 03 is Aqua, 04 is Wood, 08 is Guts, 10 is Custom, 18 is Team, 20 is Shield, 40 is V2, and 80 is V3. Or to put it in a table:
      |Electric|  Heat  |  Aqua  |  Wood
 Guts |   09   |   0A   |   0B   |   0C
Custom|   11   |   12   |   13   |   14
 Team |   19   |   1A   |   1B   |   1C
Shield|   21   |   22   |   23   |   24
I wouldn't worry about V2, because what TAS would have time to fight another hundred battles to get that? I think the bump in damage rating would be offset by the message about the upgrade anyway. Hopefully this bit of information will help someone find where Style Changes are calculated so that we can set the random parts of it up right early on. At the very least, it will allow you to play around with every style more quickly. A TAS will probably be forced to get Custom because of all the easy multiple chip selections done along the way, unless you can raise Attack soon enough that rapid-firing is often the best option and you get Guts, which could be helpful either for the doubled Attack or being able to shrug off any damage while you attack. Shield seems even less likely unless you've got strategies that require loads of defense to pull off, and I think Team is out of the question. The random element could be important for the range the buster attack covers, what enemies will be weak to it, and what you'll be weak to if you have to withstand a lot of damage. I might have mentioned before that you fight ThunderMan once and MagnetMan twice, so if you can AreaSteal your way into the next column, Wood's Twister would be fairly devastating. With Heat's flamethrower you could get double damage on ShadowMan's grass, plus any Wood bosses if I can remember any... SnakeMan, if you can stun him long enough, maybe? Charging time could be an issue with any of those special busters, where you might want to put any PowerUps you find into Charge unless you want to focus on Guts's double-damage shot. The time you have to hold the B button to get a charged shot depends on which element you have as well as how much you increased the Charge stat, so I made another table to show all the times in number of frames:
        | Normal |Electric|  Wood  |  Heat  |  Aqua
CHARGE 1| Never  |  181   |  171   |  141   |  121
CHARGE 2|  171   |  151   |  141   |  121   |  101
CHARGE 3|  141   |  131   |  111   |  101   |   81
CHARGE 4|  111   |  111   |   81   |   81   |   61
CHARGE 5|   71   |   91   |   61   |   61   |   41
HubStyle gets the same charge values as NormalStyle, but will be stuck with Guts's rapid values. It's funny to note that Wood starts out slower than Heat but catches up by level 4, and Electric starts out quicker than Normal but is truly slower by level 5. Now, these values don't include the time you actually spend firing, or the "cooldown", so you have to remember that, especially with the way Heat and Wood pin you down for a few seconds with their attacks. If you're into rapid firing, I made a table for how many frames must elapse between shots if you're standing still, which depends on your Rapid level and the number of empty squares you're firing across, where 0 is hitting an enemy "point blank" and 5 is firing from the back with nothing in your row.
       |5 panels|4 panels|3 panels|2 panels|1 panel |0 panels
RAPID 1|   28   |   24   |   20   |   16   |   12   |    8
RAPID 2|   24   |   21   |   18   |   14   |   11   |    7
RAPID 3|   21   |   19   |   16   |   13   |   10   |    7
RAPID 4|   19   |   17   |   14   |   11   |    9   |    6
RAPID 5|   16   |   14   |   12   |   10   |    8   |    6
But you have to remember the "scoot back and forth" trick to cancel the cooldown and fire once every 14 frames as long as you have room in your row, which works even with Guts style. If you had full Attack with Guts, that would still be a quicker way to deal 30 damage than Aqua's full charge because of the cooldown. Similarly, I don't know how useful Electric's ZapRing attack could be in a TAS when the point is to stun something but you have to wait so long to charge it up.
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Hey, BOMF, did you still poke around in mmbn2? I have some ideas to show you. First, I have seen this run which use the Japanese rom. I think he didn’t need to get any powerup, and he used the wrong PA. Because lifesword1PA is about 300frames faster than Gutsshot. Then, I don’t worry about random element, only using chip is enough. So I think custom style is best. I have found some address about styles. 02003A6C CUSTOM, 02003A68 GUTS, 02003A70 TEAM, 02003A74 SHIELD. Use these address, it’s very easy to control which the style I will get. This is my plan, and I have made a wip. I have to stop in here, because I meet the bad random. I need to find a better way to get longsword L(e.g. use wideswordL+atk10 to beat 2 swordy, or use wideswordL+V-gunL), and I must count how many chip I should get and use. I need to get all the chips which I can get easily to use chip trader. In this wip, I use the first 3000Z to buy cheap chips, X-gun J×2 and wideswordL×2. X-gunJ is used to beat License tests and widswrdL to beat airman. Airman300HP: 2×V-gun L30 + 3×widesword L80 And then I haven’t made. Get sword L from blackboard’s BMD and longsword L from Yai’s phone virusbattle to complete lifesword1PA. Another boss fight. Quickman400HP: lifesword1PA400. Cutman600HP: M-burst1000 I have seen this Megaman Battle Network 2 Chip Trader Guide, but in fact, I can get all spreader chipcodes from 3-chip-trader except *code. Buy 3 spreaderO(I plan to buy 3spreaderO and 3atk10), trade 1bugdata to spreaderM, use 3-chip-trader to get N and P, use 3-chip-trader to get DashatkJ to trade spreader*, and use 3-c-t to get dashatkL to beat License tests. I’m not sure I need to use 3-c-t to get poismaskS to trade varswordB. Because varswordL is better than B, L code is very important to the future. But vsB is only need 2 chips, nevertheless vsL need 9 chips. Shadowman800HP: M-burst1000 Thunderman700HP: M-burst1000 or prismLorB+varswordLorB960+ Prism+varsword is fast than any PA. Pass ←B→B, varsword can hit prism 5frames first, only if wave don’t hit bossbody, boss wouldn’t be invisible. It can hit 3×5×160=2400 in all. E.g. OOOOXT OOVVXP OMVVXX But I can get Prism(code is random) from BMD in the future. At this 10-c-t, I must get the Piercing Chip(GutPunch and ColdPnch are not Piercing Chips), SilvFistL. It is very useful to beat shield virus. I’m not sure I need to get prismLorB vsL and fullcust from here. Fullcust can be got from undernet1’s shop(5000Z), but if I don’t need atk20(8000Z), I shouldn’t buy fullcust, too. Snakeman900HP: M-burst1000 AquaBallB+vsB is fastest, but I don’t want to use 9chips to get AquaballB and only use it once. Protoman800HP: Prism+varsword960(160×6) KnightMan800HP: Prism+varsword960 OOVXXX OMVXPK OOVXXX MagnetMan1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk10 1020(170×6) FreezeMan1000HP: Prism+fullcust+M-burst2000 or SilvFistL+PrismL+varswordL or PrismL+V-gunL?+varswordL+atk? Freezeman has a freeze shield. At mmbn6, piercing chip and killerman or killereyes can make double damage to the freeze enemy. Sorry I forget how the piercing chip do in the mmbn2. Airman2: Prism+varsword Quickman2: Prism+varsword Use 2×GoldfistL+2×atk20 is faster, but I’m not sure to ues10-c-t can get 2 same goldfist. If I can get, it would cost too much frames. Cutman2: Prism+varsword Shadowman2: Prism+varsword Bass(Fake)1000HP: Prism+varsword+atk10 1020 Gospel2000HP: Prism+fullcust+M-burst2000 or Prism + varswordL + atk10 + fullcust + varswordB+atk10(2040) I’m not sure the second varsword can hit Gospel after its invis disappear. Maybe need to wait for Gospel action. I made this boss battle under hard mold a few months ago, maybe you are interesting. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/5DBw8pWNxx8/
Joined: 3/3/2007
Posts: 53
Wouldn't the Gater P.A be the best choice, seeing how it 1-shots/2-shots most bosses. (Think Gospel needs 2 Gaters to die)
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I suppose getting Gater is a bit out of the way. GateMan chip alone would require fighting an additional boss, and I don't know how easy/quick you could get Wind and Fan chips, they could take too much time for what it's worth too. The alternatives seem fairly decent and less out of the way.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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dirk456 wrote:
Wouldn't the Gater P.A be the best choice, seeing how it 1-shots/2-shots most bosses. (Think Gospel needs 2 Gaters to die)
GaterPA will cost too much frames(600frames+) , it's slower than M-burstPA.
Mothrayas wrote:
I suppose getting Gater is a bit out of the way. GateMan chip alone would require fighting an additional boss, and I don't know how easy/quick you could get Wind and Fan chips, they could take too much time for what it's worth too. The alternatives seem fairly decent and less out of the way.
Getting these chips is easy. Gateman* can be traded from Netopia Chip Trader. Wind* and Fan* can be got from internet shop. But using GaterPA need far more 10seconds.
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Ah, I picked a good time to browse the forum again! No, I didn't get around to playing the game any more since I last posted, but I'm happy that the topic's attracting some more experienced players now. Already by the second game, the battle chip selection is becoming too much for me. I watched your boss rush video just now, and it's a real eye-opener to just how many abusive chip combinations you could come up with to shorten the in-battle time, at least. Oh, but you have to switch to the Japanese ROM to make the Prism do that rapid damage thing, don't you? I may have to look over your plans more later, but I like your idea that if you have to use any Program Advances, they should probably be real-time use ones, so you're not forced to watch the chips combine and a long Navi animation. And sure, if you can fit enough rapid chips in with a little supplement from uncharged shots, that will probably obviate the need to charge up any sort of special shot, so the random style may not be a big deal in the end. Getting Guts might be nice for speed though...
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