Also, something interesting: usually, when swinging from a hook, holding up and the direction you're facing will cause Jim to swing much faster and for longer. Sometimes holding jump will cause him to jump after the swing, even when not touching the ground. I demonstrate this at the end of this SMV of the first level. If the jump started just a TINY bit higher, I'd hit that spring and skip to the boss. I can't seem to make it though... (I have tested by changing Jim's gravity; a tiny bit will let me hit the spring, bringing me through the floor).
HERE it is.
MORE stuff that I did.
This WIP goes up to the junk mini boss, and is 138 frames faster than Cardboard's WIP (which I'm assuming is the WIP to try to improve at this point?).
- Better tire bouncing I guess.
- I can save around 15-20 frames right off the bat that I know of (my mini-boss strategy doesn't require as many Plasmas, and I can skip the one on the far right).
- The first half of the boss fight was improved as the closer diagonal whips do double damage (despite the actual whips being a bit slower).
- Second half of the boss fight was a bit different. I can't really figure out why the boss doesn't get harmed sometimes, but it seems to be mostly vulnerable when it turns around. Whipping was more effective in some cases, and not in other cases. I could probably have squeezed in a plasma shot here and there, but it's surprising how typically ineffective a whip/plasma combo is (plasma usually doing no damage).