Finally, a run for KSS is done. I apologise for the movie length, but in order to play the whole game through (excluding two minigames and the infamous Arena), you have to go through the initially 4 modes (which are fairly quick) and then the unlockable 2 modes (which are the slower runs). Here is a quick synopsis of things in general:
Spring Breeze:
Fairly basic run. I use cutter whenever I can and I avoid helpers at all times. For the record, bomb/paint/mic are insanely powerful, yet are too slow to be of any use to a speed run.
Gourmet Race:
I hate this game mode so much. It is as fast as I could seem to make it, but I know its fairly improvable. I obviously skip lots of food to save time. This game mode would make for some nice single-segment competition on the site.
Another fairly basic run through. I try to focus on only using cutter because it has the best speed to damage ratios for its availability. I'm forced to use a helper here, and it's painfully clear that the helper is almost useless outside of wheel form. For any reference: when I trade off the hammer for the wings, it is for busting down the left wall and grabbing the super candy, which helps me rush past a lot of said level.
Revenge of the Metaknight:
Everyone loves the play by play that the Halberd's crew gives for this. I focused on using yo-yo power this time because it's available off the bat and makes for some fun times. I try to use the wheelie rider whenever possible, so you'll see that a lot. I know that killing Heavy Lobster actually loses some time (seeing as you usually can't kill him and the hit/death sequences slow you down), but I know that killing him twice is much more entertaining than only once.
Great Cave Offensive:
A simple run through. I avoid all treasure, which I've never done before. Jet is used in the mine cart areas because it's obviously faster. I was pleased with the boss fights in this.
Milkyway Wishes:
This is my least favorite game mode. You can't grab any powers you want; you have to 'find' their source and then you can use them whenever. To be fair, I could have grabbed the Copy power, made a helper, had it nab a hammer or jet for me, and then consume him, but the timing would have been slower, despite the slower boss fights. I randomized a hammer in the RPG fight eventually, which sped that fight and the Marx fights up immensely.
Any other questions/comments?
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Wishes this had been a 2 player run

Bisqwit: When I did the first preview at your movie, I was thinking that this movie won't exactly fit the "incredibly fast playthrough" category I mostly favor.
However, it just might fit the "entertaining movie" category. I'll watch this movie once before deciding - but not now.
Zurreco: Yes
Bisqwit: This will make a big AVI file... Well, I'm going for it.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #328: Zurreco's SNES Kirby Super Star in 51:02.10
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [198] SNES Kirby Super Star by Zurreco in 51:02.10
Post subject: There's a lot in this video that can be improved...
Editor, Player (54)
Joined: 12/25/2004
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Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico
It's been a long time since Ive played this game, but I know that there's a lot that it can be improved in this great video: First, on Spring Breeze, the 2nd Boss fight (lololo & lalala) you can get the Crash ability on a room before, which kills the bosses ASAP, dunno if creating a parter & then getting back the Cut ability is slower, but I doubt it. Then, on the Gourmet Race IIRC, you can skip it & it doesn't matter because you're not aiming for the 100% of the game. Now even if you want to pass it, you can cut some seconds in each track, here are some snaps of my records (though they are not played on the Grand Prix...): As you can see, wing power can give you a better time by a considerable margin... Next, on Dinablade, IIRC getting the candy speeds you up & in the video he doesn't grab it, in the scene where you fight Chef Kawasaki, on the 1st stage; also IIRC if you grab the Crash ability you can kill him faster, but it may slow you down when you create a parter, (have to check if it helps or not). Then on the 2nd stage, you can get the all mighty Wheelie Rider, the most powerful permanent power BUT you need to play with 2 players in order to shoot those powerful stars, this will save you lots of time on further bosses, even on Dinablade... Now, on The Revenge of Metanight, when you fight the 2 Whispy Woods at the same time, I think that you can also cut some time if you use the ability that rise kirby with the Yo-Yo (forgot how's it called), because you can hit both trees at the same time... Then on the stage that he can get the Wheel ability, he can use again the Wheelie Rider ability to kill ASAP further bosses, even the fight with Metanight can be cutted by a huge time... At The Great Cave Offensive everything is great, I really liked it. And at the Milky Way Wishes, since it takes to long to get the Wheel ability, maybe you could "cheat" & play Halfmoon to get it free on the Computer Virus fight but after you passed Floria & got Cut ability as is on the video, also it might help if you get the Hammer ability on Carvos planet to kill bosses faster. Aside from that, I also think that everything here is great. You don't need to record the ending after Milky Way wishes one, you could then reset the game & it gets saved... Also it would be great to include the Arena... So, in resume, you can improve quite of time if you play with 2 players & skip the Gourmet Race...
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Well, I already addressed that crash is inefective against lololo and lalala because it takes a lot longer to kill them with crash than it does with cutter (I tested this 5 different ways). I needed to finish Gourmet Race to help Open up Great Cave Offensive. It is mandatory, unless the rules of this game rewrote in order to screw me over. Also, yeah, Gourmet Race could be improved, but whatever. I've already mentioned that I don't have the patience to make a 2P run for this game. That accounts for why Wheelie Rider isn't shooting. I don't plan to change that. I tested every move against the twin Whispy trees and found that the rising attack does not do enough damage to warrant use. It also causes lag in that fight. Horrid horrid lag. I avoided it at all costs. I tested the Copy ability in Milkyway Wishes after this movie was submitted and found that Copy can't mimick any of the skills that you don't have yet. Also, the side track to get hammer isnt really worth the time, since i would only use it in boss fights and the time it takes to change weapons (cutter to hammer) and then back in the next area tends to undo most time in boss fights. If I could randomize Hammer faster in the RPG fight, that would be optimal. Also, umm, we can't really do arena because the movie time would be much too long (you have to go through Milkyway Wishes credits the first time through, and rules say no using savestates). Plus, Milkyway is considered the final area needed to 'finish' the game. There are a few tiny improvements I could see to this movie. I caught them a few weeks after the movie was published. I am not in the mood to really remake this movie, but if anyone else wants to commit, I have some pointers.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Editor, Player (54)
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Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico
Zurreco wrote:
I needed to finish Gourmet Race to help Open up Great Cave Offensive. It is mandatory, unless the rules of this game rewrote in order to screw me over. Also, yeah, Gourmet Race could be improved, but whatever.
Well, at least that's what I remember, maybe I'm wrong but I do remember that you could skip a game that counts towards the % of the game...
Zurreco wrote:
I've already mentioned that I don't have the patience to make a 2P run for this game. That accounts for why Wheelie Rider isn't shooting. I don't plan to change that.
Right, it a great video for 1 player, but if someone could manage to control both players, you could cut quite of time...
Zurreco wrote:
I tested the Copy ability in Milkyway Wishes after this movie was submitted and found that Copy can't mimic any of the skills that you don't have yet. Also, the side track to get hammer isnt really worth the time, since i would only use it in boss fights and the time it takes to change weapons (cutter to hammer) and then back in the next area tends to undo most time in boss fights. If I could randomize Hammer faster in the RPG fight, that would be optimal.
Mmm, I remember that if you get the Copy ability, you can get any ability... Anyway, if you get the Hammer ability you will be able to damage more, but since you get it almost on the last world, it won't be so effective, BUT maybe if you change the order of the planets you visit, you could manage to cut some time at the end, it's just a though but I think it would help.
Zurreco wrote:
Also, umm, we can't really do arena because the movie time would be much too long (you have to go through Milkyway Wishes credits the first time through, and rules say no using savestates). Plus, Milkyway is considered the final area needed to 'finish' the game.
Well, you need to pass the Arena in order to get the 100%, so I say it should be included, plus you can reset the game just after you beat Marx & seen the MWW ending (the short one) & the Arena will be unlocked...
Zurreco wrote:
There are a few tiny improvements I could see to this movie. I caught them a few weeks after the movie was published. I am not in the mood to really remake this movie, but if anyone else wants to commit, I have some pointers.
Yea, I know it takes lots of time to get those videos, just hope that someone will be able to make a 2 players video...
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Let's put it this way: If the devs for snes9x can somehow make the 2 player netplay to work, samurai goroh is my first pic for a helper.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Editor, Player (54)
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Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico
Zurreco wrote:
Let's put it this way: If the devs for snes9x can somehow make the 2 player netplay to work, samurai goroh is my first pic for a helper.
Thanks Zurreco ^.^ , anyhow I made a time of 4'25"20 on The Arena, using both players with the keyboard (and lots of savestates, of course... ) so, it wouldn't be to hard to made a nice video with 1 person, of course it wouldn't be the fastest. Anyway, here's the snap of it: BTW, when I played the arena with my brother, we managed to do little slower than 4 1/2 minutes...
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