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Tompala has showed that with a little knowledge and patience you can figure out most of them :) Good job. I recommend sending in the answers even if you're very uncertain. At least take a guess for some games. And remember that you can send in your answers several times and change them before the deadline. I hope there's still interest for a NES contest too. Is there any? I can make them a bit more pleasant sounding (less noise/distortion, more altering) I was also thinking about putting the deadline a bit earlier like monday or sunday because wednesday seems a bit far away. Any objections? Anyway, will start working with some NES-remixes anyway. Edit: Well, Wednesday will be fine... I have about 60 tracks to remix
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Alrighty! Contest ended! Even though there were only 4 people sending in their answers here is the winners and their score: Tompa: Correct answers: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 30 points (I took away 3 points because I'm evil (he got some minor clues from me and therefore I take away some points)) Blublu Correct answers: 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 (game only), 11 16 points Bablo: Correct answers: 1, 3, 4 (game only), 5, 12 13 points Andymac Correct answers: 1 and 2. 6 points
Track01 = Super Mario World - Forest of Illusion
Track02 = SMW2: Yoshi's Island - Make Eggs, Throw Eggs
Track03 = Mega Man 7 - Intro Stage
Track04 = Zelda: A link to the past - Dark World
Track05 = Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambience
Track06 = Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme
Track07 = Super Smash T.V. Main Theme / Stage 1
Track08 = Street-Fighter 2: Guile
Track09 = Super Mario RPG: Geno's Forest 
Track10 = F-zero - Big Blue
Track11 = Super Metroid - Brinstar
Track12 = Final Fantasy III - Figaro (Edgar & Sabin)
Track13 = Secret of Mana - Forest - "Into the Thick of It"
Track14 = Castlevania IV - Vampire Killer
Track15 = Donkey Kong Country 2 - Rigging - "Jib Jig"
The interest of this quiz has been quite mild and I guess the rules were pretty confusing explained. I just wish that more people could have at least give it a try and take a guess. However, I've been working with some NES songs (30 of them) too, although maybe not that much easier but maybe more pleasant sounding (more ambient). I wonder if there's any interest in countinue this contest at all? Maybe not the whole send PM but an open discussion in the thread? No? Well, if anyone is interesting, let me know. // Arne
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It is true, I didn't like much sending a pm. Maybe it should be more automated, like this test:
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FODA wrote:
It is true, I didn't like much sending a pm. Maybe it should be more automated, like this test:
Well, yeah that's true. But I don't see a simple way of doing it. But at first I thought of just making it an quiz open for discussion. Maybe it's to prefer for the NES quiz? I think many of you will like the NES one better. But is there any interest for another quiz and if so, will it be done in the same way (With PM) or some other way?
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I have done a lot of VGMQ's when you shall send in your answers in a PM. I can't really see a problem with it at all... I presume that it is because people are lazy or something like that, meh to that.
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Funny how I didn't get right the game I'm TASing. Even after listening to it again I can't recognize it. Edit: Ok, after putting on headphones I can catch the melody. Maybe should've thought of that earlier... I found this fun eventhough I participated kinda late. And I found nothing wrong with sending the answers via PM. Go go NES!
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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Alright, for those who is interest after all ;) NES Quiz - Part 1 30 tracks. Same game may appear more than once. Still pretty wellknown games and songs. Send in you answers before 10/3 or 3/10 or whatever system you're used to. The 10th of march ;) In five days. Grab it here. (ZIP) It's not exactly harder this time but also maybe not easier. Some are pretty obvious though. Next part will also be 30 tracks which I have to work on until then. Good luck ;)
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Track00, god damn you. EDIT: Anyway, I got 11 on my first listening (90% sure on them anyway), but there where a lot of other tracks that I know I've heard I just couldn't figure out where. So I'll try to find a few more before the deadline :)
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Is #15 really scrambled at all? Anyway so far I got 13 right for sure, one other I'm pretty sure I know the game series. Some are easier than others but some like #8 don't sound like anything at all. Edit: #14 is awesome, at least if you know which game it is. SO far I know: #2 #4 #5 #6 #9 (only the game) #12 (Man, this one is *really* scrambled. Probably impossible to get without using headphones.) #14 (actually, you need headphones to get many of these, so you should use them if you have some) #17 (only the game) #19 #20 #21 I'm pretty sure I know the series, but not which particular game. Although since only NES games are possible, I can make an educated guess. #24 #27 (game only) #30
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I've got 17 games and titles, so I think I'm gonna give up for now. I've tried figuring out the rest, but I haven't been able to figure them out despite finding half of them absurdly familiar. :/
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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Bah, I need to find at least two more titles then :D, am currently at 15. There are a lot that I recognize, but I just don't remember which game to pick...
Post subject: NES Quiz Part 1 (Ended)
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Location: Bjurholm, Sweden
NES Quiz Part 1 ends NOW I forgot to specify a certain time but as we all live in diffrent time zones it is a bit tricky though. Hope no one thought of sending in the answers later >_>. Anyway thanks for participating in this quiz, you all did very good! The winners are (in order): 1. Bablo - With whooping 48 points 2. RT-55J - With only a point behind, 47 points! (If you only would've guessed Silius on 29 instead of 30, too bad) 3. Tompala - Also very close with his 44 points! 4. Blublu - And a jump down to 29 points! :) 5. LagDotCom - Close to Blublu with 27 points 6. Moozooh - And last but not bad at all, Moozooh with 20 points. Track00 did not give any points, sorry. ;) Note: I might have made faulty calculations and if you think I did be sure to tell me. Some things like the answer "Kid Icarus - Main Theme" made me a bit unsure but I gave points only for the correct game for that one. The answers:
Track00: Your Favorite Song.
Track01: The Guardian Legend - Undersea Sector Flight
Track02: Mega Man - Elecman
Track03: Rygar - Level 1
Track04: Zelda 2 - Palace
Track05: Kid Icarus - underworld/Stage 1
Track06: Metroid - Brinstar
Track07: Startropics-Main Title
Track08: Super Mario Bros. - Underwater Theme
Track09: Metroid - Kraid's Hideout
Track10: Mike Tyson's Punchout - Password
Track11: Double Dragon 2 - Into The Turf
Track12: DuckTales - To the Moon
Track13: Adventure of Lolo - Stage theme
Track14: Super Mario Bros. - Castle
Track15: Final Fantasy I - Matoya's Cave
Track16: Mike Tyson's Punchout - Fight
Track17: Castlevania 2 - Bloody Tears
Track18: The Guardian Legend - Area 0
Track19: Ice Climber - Main/Stage Theme
Track20: Mega man 5 - Darkman
Track21: Kirby's Adventure - Butterbuildings
Track22: Ninja Gaiden 2 - Stage 3-2 
Track23: Donkey Kong - Hammer Theme
Track24: Zelda 1 - Labyrinth
Track25: Gauntlet - Song B
Track26: Tetris - Music C
Track27: CastleVania - Stage 3 "Wicked Child"
Track28: Mega man 3 - Sparkman
Track29: Journey to Silius - Stage 1
Track30: Little Nemo The Dream Master - Dream 8 - Nightmare Land
Thank you everyone and good job. :) I have 30 (well, 23 songs so far) tracks to be remixed for the next part and I hope there's still intrest but it will take some time to remix these. School is holding some of my time but it will come up sometime (probably this week)! // Arne
Post subject: Re: NES Quiz Part 1 (Ended)
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Arne_the_great wrote:
2. RT-55J - With only a point behind, 47 points! (If you only would've guessed Silius on 29 instead of 30, too bad)
KKHHHAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I'm probably more embarrassed by the fact that I didn't recognize Elec Man's music. >.>
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
Player (225)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
Yeah... I really should have known Elecman as well. But Sparkman I really really should have known, since it's my favorite track from mm3 :(. Anyway, YAY! Edit: Also, gief more of these. It's fun stuff.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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I have never noticed this before, but in this context track00 suddenly shows a great (and somewhat disturbing) resemblance to Robo's theme :)
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Could it be that Robo's theme was intentionally covering Astley? :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: Video Game Music Quiz (Noise edition)
Editor, Player (91)
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Arne_the_great wrote:
There are 15 tracks, all from Super Nintendo. They are all from quite well known games. But I warn you, they are quite noisy and hard to recognize. There are only one track from each game so same game won't come twice!
I recognized FF6 Figaro in an instant, the others were too annoying to even listen to.
Gunty wrote:
I have never noticed this before, but in this context track00 suddenly shows a great (and somewhat disturbing) resemblance to Robo's theme :)
Wow! That is so true. I have never before made that connection.