I made my
test run without bat relic
Its based on the current tas for the first half of the run (
Well, i didnt beated the current tas, but, im actually at the guardian with same frames count
Off course its not realy optimized, and i made some errors, overall for a test run, im quite happy of the result
Im still not sure what would be the real result, the main problem is i was not able to skip richter dialogue, meanwhile i did got a new idea, but not sure if it will work
Anyway even if i skip this dialogue, the biggest trouble is dracula place (just after the video stop), there is 2 gigantic holes to fly in, and with my equipment it would take a while to climb them up
Despite its not realy working, this road not so bad imo, and fun thing is i take same amount of relics (4) tough they are differents ones