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Er, the "No image leeching, please..." message is directed toward OmnipotentEntity for his attempt to remote link an image from another site - it has nothing to do with the image you originally posted (though Omni's actual image is merely your original image cropped down and with a ".oO(Fsck!)" caption added).
* Quietust, QMT Productions P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another
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if I knew who actually made the photo to begin with, i'd give due credit...but, at least I found out it is quite a simple trick to pull off...it is like a magic trick...mysterious and cool, till you figure out how it is done, and how utterly easy it is!
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*pokes KMFDManic* I'm not Giga.
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KMFDManic wrote:
if I knew who actually made the photo to begin with, i'd give due credit...but, at least I found out it is quite a simple trick to pull off...it is like a magic trick...mysterious and cool, till you figure out how it is done, and how utterly easy it is!
Am I the only one who finds that text extremely difficult to read?
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No, it's rather difficult to pause. I've already stated how to do the trick. Pause and unpause. All blown up walls are restored. I did it on my NES. Not very frequently though. Getting myself trapped in walls is counterproductive.
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Well it'd be neat for a video to post up on my own forum. Other than that, this is TAS Useless.
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New glitch I found. Could be helpful. . . Definately harmful. . . Pause just before the room shifts over to black. If you do, the boss graphics will be really screwed-up, but. . .you actually can wander around in the level. The boss has a "clipping radius," however. If it gets too far off-screen, it'll warp on over to the other side of the screen, thus making it very very deadly. Uses for This Trick: To lock the boss in place, block some of the boss' shots, and things like that. If, for some reason, you feel compelled to work your way back outside, however, you can also run around the levels with the boss theme blaring. Side-Effects: You can't see where you're going outside of the boss room due to the fact that, apparently, bosses use the room's palette as well as its tiles(in-memory). However, if you pause and unpause, for a couple frames, you can see the path. Also note, you still have to walk back to the boss room to collect your part. Works in MetaFight?: Yes. Works in Blaster Master?: I would think so.
I'm not that hard to find... if you know where to look. -=( http://jolikmc.tumblr.com )=-
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*resurrects an old topic* While working on a non-assisted speedrun of this game, I did look at Namflow's latest TAS a couple times for tips. I successfully finished my run with a time of 44:15 by SDA standards, losing around 6 to 7 minutes on the TAS by refusing to die. That said, while I was looking at the TAS I was thinking to myself there was room for improvement in it. One thing I noticed about the TAS was that there were a lot of places where he didn't jump to attain maximum vertical speed before going down a shaft. I'm not sure if this matters or not, but it definitely stuck out. Another thing I thought about this morning was that the tank's 'death cinematic' is faster than Jason's, even when Jason falls into water/lava. It's a whole lot easier to kill Jason, but I think some time might be gained if the tank took more damage while going through the levels and killed itself a few times. At the moment, I have no plans to implement this myself. I don't really like FCEU all that much, I find it difficult to use when I'm used to VBA and Snes9x. That, and finals are coming up real soon. EDIT: Watching the TAS again, here are some other things I've thought of:
* The current TAS goes straight from H-missile to triple missile in a single pause. I think it would be faster to go from H-missile to lightning in one pause, and from there to triple missile in the next pause. * One of the rooms in level 3 he travels along the ground alot, when travelling on the platforms above would prevent some enemies from spawning. This *might* reduce lag. * When first initiating the walk-across-water glitch in level 4, it would be faster if the enemy shot him instead of walking into him. * The current run lags during the level 6 boss fight when it is paused. It's possible to pull off this boss fight without it lagging, and I've actually done that non-assisted before. * Many other minor optimizations could be made, like not hugging the corners of the platforms when hovering to level 4, and instead going to the right and getting some horizontal speed.
Also, Giga wonders if this game has been fully explored for left+right and up+down glitches.
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Since you're at it, I'll add one more improvement to the list: The brown face you must destroy before you can go to level 2 can be killed a lot faster than in the current TAS by using missiles.
Post subject: blaster master trick?
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i just watched the blaster master video, and i recall a trick i invented while playing it... im not sure if this trick works, but if it does it would save a huge amount of time, here goes: when you are about to enter level 7 from level 2, i found that you could use hover to fly up, instead of driving on the wall. ofc the hover runs out before you can reach the top, BUT there are 2 enemies there, and if you kill them and get hover power from them you should have enough, i didnt manage to get 2 hovers from the enemies while playing on my nes so i never got it to work. this trick would allow one to skip 3 levels, but you wont have the item wich allows you to drive on walls, which means you cant get to level 8. i think it depends on how the level 7 item works ( drive on ceiling). if you can also use this to drive on the wall (like item 6), it would grant passage to level 8. now i dont do tases, i just watch and give you boys some hints, its up to you to test this now!
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The creatures in that room do not give you hover when killed; health only. I have tried to get up there with only Hover for hours and in different ways but no go. It'll take an as-of-yet unfound glitch to get up there. Once you do, though, it's entirely possible to beat the game without glitching, I've tried that, it's simply getting up that one shaft that is in the way.
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Yet another big bump. Does anyone have any new information on this game since the relatively old previous run? I saw the topic about possibly skipping from level 2 to level 7 if a glitch could be found.
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Read the other Blaster Master threads, including the one in the Published Movies forum. As far as I can tell, that's all there is to be found. I know that the run is improvable in a couple different ways, according to the threads in question, and probably deserves a new TAS.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knZxV8Bb6RM Curious if anyone knows any details on this one.
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Wild Guess is it's L/R related, since he's just walking and turning around?
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I just got this glitch to work! I was in Area 1. Beat the boss, and defeated the door guardian face thing. The wall opened up, and I decided to try this L/R business on the door here. What eventually ended happening was me warping two-thirds of the way across the screen--which potentially means something awesome, I might just have to TAS Blaster Master now, heh-- and then, on a second try, caused Jason to behave as if he was one tile off of where he was graphically, just like in the video Sp00ky posted. Fascinating! Further exploitability must be researched. Further info: *After glitching, the wall would not open up for me again *If you kill yourself next to the wall, you are respawned inside of the door. You cannot move anywhere. If you press down, you 'enter' the door like you would a dungeon entrance, but instead of going anywhere, you are placed slightly to the right, still inside the door.\ You're then zipped back to the trap location. The keyhole is lock forever. *Enemies appear in the right locations. If you touch them, they are exactly the way they should be. The only thing that changes is the flooring. *If, at any time, you pause, the glitch is gone. However, Jason is still placed inside whatever it was he was graphically in before when unglitched--when I discovered this fact, for example, I came back from pausing just to fall to my death in a deep, deep chasm :) *The pause-while-going-through-a-door-to-reappear-faster glitch used throughout Namflow's run also fixes the glitch, however, with Jason's location still changed--if you're moving to the right, keyhole is lock forever. Moving to the left? Meh, you're just one tile left when you regain control, no big. May perhaps be abusable to save a couple frames at best. *Monsters actually do behave a little weird while the glitch is on, nevermind. I had a squid literally swim into the ground, freak out, and disappear. I also had a landmine fall through its platform. When I chased it, it fell further and further into nowhere. Aaah it's repeatable! .fcm coming soon
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This game is badly in need of a sequence break, I'm going to check out what you've mentioned. http://www.teamspooky.com/TAS/wall%20glitch.JPG I managed this by standing under the wall as it locked itself, then using up+down, up, up+down. I can't figure out how to get through the cieling yet but I imagine using L+R it should be doable. Will this work in level 2 to get you to level 7? Unknown. I have also managed to get the game to randomly teleport me about 5-6 squares to the right. Edit: finally got the glitch to work. getting back inside sophia seems to deactivate the glitch.
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http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/903483594/BLASTERM.fcm Here I am, exploring various glitchery. I spent some time trying to glitch into the Area 7 doorway room but conditions would have to be INSANELY perfect for this to even be possible. In fact, I have yet to glitch into a room that I could've gotten to just by walking. Turns out that the glitch has nothing to do with the sliding-garage-door type wall, and everything to do with the door's mechanics themselves. Turning around at exactly the right frame causes you to travel backwards through the door--right into the room you came out of. I think watching my .fcm will explain how it works well enough.
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(click me)
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Very, very nice job, Twisted Eye! I never thought something like that could be done.
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I need some help figuring out the zipping, as in Sp00ky's last post. I've gotten it to work a total of twice-once in the same place he did, and once about five or six tiles to the left. The youtube posted earlier zips straight up, out of the room, and into a completely different room at the bottom of Area 4. While that in itself is just useless, if we can figure out how to zip up a solid wall like that, well, the sky's the limit. If nothing can be done about that, no more sequence breaking is possible with my current knowledge. If zipping straight out of one room into another can be manipulated, though, then we'll have to test room after room after room and see where we end up--who knows what potential sequence breaks can be found that way? Just so you know, I've tried to glitch so many times in a row that you can skip an entire screen. All I could get to happen was graphically warping to the other side of Area 2. Seems from this that we can't warp from one zone to another :/ I'm thinking of just starting a new run using all we know. If anyone can come up with a controllable way of vertical zipping, let me know. As it is, it seems that the only place it can be done is at one of those retracting walls, which are only in Areas 1 and 4 and neither is useful at all in this run. If any destructible wall works by pressing start to respawn (although that'll disrupt the dislocation glitch) then there miight be a shortcut somewhere, but it would require a continue afterward to get back to the Sophia. With all we have though we have enough to get the run under 30 minutes no doubt. -I began to worry about the fact that in my Skip Area 4 .fcm, two continues were required just to make it work, meaning that two big backtracking skips present in Namflow's runs would have to be skipped, making it possible that the Area 4 Skip might actually be slower than just going through the level! But I believe I may have found a way to get one of those continues back by getting all the way to 5's boss without the tank--GERP and as I typed that, I found a way to do almost the exact same thing but a couple thousand frames faster, DURR go for the obvious first, dude. SO lucky that the "Use Jason Only" level is right after the "Use Jason to sequence break" level! ---Well, Namflow used continues in 3, 4, 5, and 7, and that's exactly I'll be doing. So yeah this'll way be worth the time spent. Excellent.
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wow nice sequence break, what makes it work? I saw left+up+right
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Yo what's up guys? Just a quick drop in to let you all know I'm still here, at least as a lurker. I tried to download the sequence break movie but the page wouldn't load. :'( Anyways it'd be awesome if someone else made a Blaster Master TAS, I'd really like to see the TAS improved. What are the actual known improvements out there? I remember some dude saying you can use missles and other special weapons on the face on the wall to level 2 after you defeat the boss on level 1, and that can save some time. I'm sure getting the hover points to get ffrom level 1 to level 4 could be improved. As the crab boss, I don't think that fight is as fast as it could be. As well as when you are in the tank jumping from a lower level to a higher level and changing directions, I think it would be good to find just the right frame to jump and just the right frame to change directions to maintain momentum and get the max speed going in the other direction. Good luck to anyone out there trying to improve my TAS. I wonder if we could get this game to under 30 mins...?
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Something's borked with the dns, but the site works, so will give you the page that should be linked
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Any progress on an improvement?
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