New glitch I found. Could be helpful. . . Definately harmful. . .

Pause just before the room shifts over to black. If you do, the boss graphics will be really screwed-up,
but. . .you actually
can wander around in the level. The boss has a "clipping radius," however. If it gets too far off-screen, it'll warp on over to the other side of the screen, thus making it very very deadly.
Uses for This Trick: To lock the boss in place, block some of the boss' shots, and things like that. If, for some reason, you feel compelled to work your way back outside, however, you can also run around the levels with the boss theme blaring.
Side-Effects: You can't see where you're going outside of the boss room due to the fact that, apparently, bosses use the room's palette as well as its tiles(in-memory). However, if you pause and unpause, for a couple frames, you can see the path. Also note, you still have to walk back to the boss room to collect your part.
Works in MetaFight?: Yes.
Works in Blaster Master?: I would think so.