Movie features

  • Emulator used: dega-1.14a-win32
  • Aims for fastest time.
  • Takes damage to save time.


The main nearly naked character, Tom-Tom must rescue his beloved girlfriend (we will call her bikini-Sue) from the wicked monster (I don't think it has a name). I believe the Wonderboy series where Sega Master Systems most popular and best selling games.

About the run

At first, It was fairly easy to work on this game. Basically, all you need to do is jump over enemies and kill a few. But how wrong I was. A smile turned slowly into a said and painful face. there are two things to consider when watching this run. 1) the game lags here and there which sometimes can be avoided by avoiding killing enemies by jumping over them or sometimes actually taking fruits to minimize objects on the screen. This is why you see me occasionally getting fruits. The less fruit you get the better because the game counts them in the end at the bonus scene (I recommend fastforwarding through those boring scenes). I tried to avoid as many fruits as possible. 2) This game goes "apeshit" after a few levels. There is no chance in hell that you can move quickly with your speedy skateboard without tool-assistance.. The very frustrating and hard levels begins at 7-2 as each of your jump must be frame perfect for obstacle's and platforms ahead. I was thrilled when this game was finally over, because it really really exhausted me :(
(The rerecord count is a little messed up. It should be around 10 thousand rerecords).

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

adelikat: Verdict: This is accepted and will obsolete the NES Adventure Island. The precedent in regards to cross platform remakes is that the original is preferred. In addition, Wonderboy seems somewhat better suited for TASing.
Bisqwit: Processing. With adelikat.

Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1061] SMS Wonder Boy by AngerFist in 43:05.02
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I don't understand why this SMS game obsoletes a NES game. Plus the NES run was faster. I don't see anything in this discussion that suggests to do so. That run should be published but as separate movie.
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Looks like I'm not the only one thinking that way. I looked at that and went...what?!
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I'll have to consent to the above two posts. We have Marble Madness published on two different systems; why should this be any different?
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Phil wrote:
I don't see anything in this discussion that suggests to do so.
From the first post:
adelikat: Verdict: This is accepted and will obsolete the NES Adventure Island. The precedent in regards to cross platform remakes is that the original is preferred. In addition, Wonderboy seems somewhat better suited for TASing. Bisqwit: Processing. With adelikat.
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AngerFist wrote:
This post is mainly in response to adelikats post. I took the time to watch FODA's Adventure Island 1 TAS to compare with Wonderboy. I wholeheartedly tried to be objective as possible. Here are my conclusions/differences I found: The length of the bonus scene are somewhat the same. The graphic looks way better in wonderboy. I remember someone in IRC or elsewhere complained about the music in Wonderboy. Well if you take a look at Adventure Island 1, the music there does not offer variety. In Adventure Island, you can apparently destroy the rocks (even the big ones), which you cannot do in Wonderboy. Now this may seem like a very minor thing, but, if you look at my run, the rocks certainly caused more difficulty. Certain jumps must be pretty perfect in order not to bump into a rock and lose your skateboard. It appears that you have a stronger weapon in Adventure Island, which naturally makes things a lot easier for the author (FODA, in this case). Like destroying rocks, killing enemies and obviously the bosses. Adelikat complained about the lag in my run. There is noticable lag in area 3-4, 7-4, 4-4, 8-1 and 8-2 in the Adventure Island run. Seems like you travel slightly faster using the skateboard in wonderboy than in adventure island, which makes it a bit more difficult for the author of wonderboy (ME!) to maintain top speed. I hardly breathe in my run, I always seem to be jumping (to avoid getting hit, cause less lag and avoid fruits) to maintain top speed. With other words, the difficulty to maintain top speed in Wonderboy should be considered to be more harder than in Adventure Island. I seem to have used the skateboard more, even though I went through more stages. The character in Adventure Island looks different (different hair color and face), seem to move a touch slower than Tom-Tom in Wonderboy. There seemed to be more slowdowns between the moving platforms in Adventure Island than in Wonderboy.
Did you guys read that by any chance? Just making sure. Also, I have no problem with both of our runs (mine and FODA's) being published but again, take a look at the things I wrote above, they are pretty significant info.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
I'll have to consent to the above two posts. We have Marble Madness published on two different systems; why should this be any different?
A valid question. The two version of Marble Madness have gamplay differences that result in drastic differences in the TASes (i.e. the gens version has many radical shortcuts that the nes does not). There isn't enough gameplay differences between these two (wonder boy vs ai) to warrant having both. As far as the movie lengths, Wonderboy has 4 more levels that Adventure Island does not. Therefore, the fact that the movie is longer does not mean it is "slower" in terms of optimization.
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It looks that this game is very similar with Adventure Island.But I think it's so pity that this run have obsoleted the NES Adventure Island :(
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I can't understand why the movie can obsolete another one which was made on different system.
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I apologize for bumping such an incredibly old topic. However, I have several things to say regarding this particular run. For one, there used to be a Wonderboy arcade cabinet in a roller skating rink I used to frequent, so I have very fond memories of this game. Had I been a member of this site at the time, I would've voted this a Yes. (That, however, has no bearing now, of course.) Secondly, the author mentions in the submission that he grabs as few fruits as possible because of the tabulation; from what I can tell, the tabulation screen doesn't care how many fruits he got unless it would make tabulation take longer than the music, which it always waits for. However, he should indeed avoid grabbing the dolls, because those are worth lots of bonus points which would cause lots more tabulation. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but he could grab more fruits in order to minimize lag, as long as he does not grab so many that tabulation takes longer than the music on that screen. This is the case the majority of the time, although I recall seeing one instance where it actually cut off the last bit of the music (he only had 1 bar of vitality left to tabulate then, as I recall), and a couple where it seemed to wait a bit extra after the music finished for no reason. Perhaps it's on some sort of frame rule?
1/60 of a second is important; every frame matters.
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Sorry for asking in such of old thread In some levels there is "bonus levels" here and there(Lady stuff, like a purse, necklace, shoe etc.) In the first level directly after you have passed the "2" sign there is a fruit. Take that and a purse will appear and a lady takes you to a bonuslevel up in the skies. Jump down and you will begin at the "4" sign. I'm not home so I cannot test this. But what do you guys thinks. Could this be faster?
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