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Swordless Link wrote:
Superflip off an enemy:
Genius trick! Wowie wow wow. Can we use it in a run without wasting time?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
Can we use it in a run without wasting time?
Hell yes.
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I've discovered a new application using a simalar technique to the mega flip, it called the [URL=] Super Side-Step [/url] , the way it works is exactly the same except instead of back flipping you side-step instead, it doesn't get the height but it gives a lot more distance. You should be able to reach the bomb bag early with it and possibly skip using Epona via using it to cross the bridge.
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Nice. Seems like it could have a lot of uses.
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Here's a video of me getting from Link's house to the sword. This beats comicalflop by 67 frames.
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Very Interesting. Very Interesting. I'm still not 100% on if MQ should be done, but.... up to you. Of course, you can just tell that all the lame-ass whiners who complained about backwalking are now going to complain about all the sidehopping. (All this new OoT stuff- super megaflip, super sidehopping, sidehopping being faster than backwalking, other things- makes me wish I hadn't gotten off the wagon, but can't turn back now...)
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Whoa, sidehopping is faster than backwalking?? When was this discovered?! >_>
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Laughing_gas was telling me this earlier this month. I'd wanted to get the memory address for this to test it, since SL saved 2 seconds from sidehopping in the intro for Majora's Mask.
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A MQ run will be faster than an OoT run. That's why I'm doing it instead of OoT. Regarding the anti-backwalkers: don't worry, they aren't real people anyway. Regarding you getting "off the wagon": you could always team back up with Guano. Frigz: it's been thought that it was faster for ages, I think only recently comicalflop and/or laughing_gas proved it by searching for speed values.
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I like the way the camera utterly fails to keep up with Link.
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mwl wrote:
MQ wouldn't be allowed to replace the current OoT run anyway. It's a different game.
This is sort of like saying that Half-Life is a different game from Half-Life: Game of the Year edition. Maybe a few things work slightly differently, but it is 98% the same material.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Except in MQ it is a lot different. The dungeons are all completely rearranged therefore different routes would have to be used.
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Talking about the route... what's happening after Jabu since we can't deathwarp in order to avoid changing the odd mushroom into "cojiro" (i think...) Bomb over the king from the other way too?
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DaShiznawz wrote:
Except in MQ it is a lot different. The dungeons are all completely rearranged therefore different routes would have to be used.
The game that the majority of players are accustomed to is The 'original' Ocarina of Time. Making a run using Master Quest and passing it off as the Ocarina of Time run would disgruntle a lot of people, I think.
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The game that the majority of players are accustomed to is The 'original' Ocarina of Time. Making a run using Master Quest and passing it off as the Ocarina of Time run would disgruntle a lot of people, I think.
I agree. On the topic of Swordless Link's run. It is amazing. I wish I could have figured that out :(
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I tried doing the super-side step as AL and it didn't work. I think its more to do with AL more clunkier movements.
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2 seconds is a lot to be saved in such a short segment. but I noticed only 1 rupee was gathered in the first grass patch. is that ok?
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Yes, collecting the other one in there would take too long.
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So you're officially doing the MQ run now?
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Swordless Link wrote:
Yes, collecting the other one in there would take too long.
So is it really faster, since you'll have to get an extra one later? I'm not doubting sidehopping is faster, it just seems silly to say it's x amount faster when it accomplishes less. Or am I being silly? :v Edit: I guess I am. I just remember DS's run gathering both and thought cf did too or something. :)
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mwl: Yes. bkDJ: It wouldn't be gotten even if I used backwalking. It's faster to get another rupee later on. You'll see what I mean when I post the next WIP, which hopefully will be later today.
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Comicalflop never got that Ruppee either it wastes too much time.
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Naming your character SL instead of A already makes your run a few frames suboptimal. If I were you, I'd just use A. It's not like the name shows up that many times, anyway -- and most of the time, you'll be fast-forwarding text.
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Yes, I'm quite aware that it makes it a few frames suboptimal. I don't particularly care. <_<