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Post subject: I'm an idiot
Joined: 5/1/2007
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God I feel so stupid not reading this topic and making a Duplicate of it.
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Don't say silly things; just post again what you posted in the other topic. This is what Lorenzo_The_Comic wrote in the other thread:
Lorenzo_The_Comic wrote:
I know this game is so hard (The US Version) but I really want someone do a TAS of it so bad. One that would be Uploaded on You Tube by webnations or someone.
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Thanks Wow Zan Dance. Ok I guess I'll Download and watch the movie.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Don't say silly things; just post again what you posted in the other topic.
I think that sentence is somewhat contradictory.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Wow, that was brilliant, and so much faster than the current run.
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That's not entertaining, using Shiva forces the player to do the same combo over and over again, which annoys the viewer past Stage 4. Besides, some tricks used in atro city's TAS aren't used, such as hitting the bikers in the first stages so they could disappear faster. I think that if a TAS must be submitted, it would be a 2-player run, without Shiva or Roo since both of them are boring in my opinion. Somebody take that unfinished TAS and finish it! At least there could be Shiva in the two last levels, but not during the whole game I think.
Joined: 10/19/2007
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Agreed, this 2 player run will stomp on the Shiva run, should it ever be completed.. But it will be, right?
Joined: 2/25/2006
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I really don't know what happened to Atro city, but my guess is, he left with that unfinished TAS. I don't really have enough time or patience to continue it. Too bad though, the TAS was incredibly promising, but we will have to wait until something happens.
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I'm sorry for vanishing like that. I kind of forgot about this after my few months of being burned-out by it. Funny how it came around full-circle once I recently started playing SOR2 again on the Wii's Virtual Console. I think I have gained enough motivation to continue where I left off, barring a possible crapton of work this semester could have in store for me. However, I still don't know what I should do for the third Yamato. Rythmic punching wouldn't work because it would waste far too much time to be worth it, and if I punched as fast as it let me, it wouldn't be in tune with the music. Here are a couple of ideas I have though: Beating him with just team attacks (not sure if it's possible to keep him on-screen all the time). Having both characters jump constantly, slamming him right when they land. Beating him without moving either character except to grab (not sure if it's possible). Having both characters do their dances simultaneously (this is a last resort as it would mean literally as much work and planning as the first two Yamatos combined). Let me know what you think of these ideas and their potential entertainment value. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll be more than glad to consider them. I don't want to bum-rush through the last Yamato just to get it over with, only to regret it later.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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ATRO CITY! <3 I'm so glad to hear you back, I fail in trying to describe it with words. But let's talk about the real deal shall we? I wanted rhythmic punching for the third Yamato, as I thought it would have been way cool, but now that I look at it, I don't have a clear idea of how it would look. I still think it should be to try, at least for like ten seconds, so spectators would get the idea, and then try something else. I know that many people have fallen against Yamato's sword attack, or got hit sometimes because they thought they would reach him when he was back dashing. There should be an idea about how bad you could punish that kind of move. I remember I made a neutral special w/ Blaze against it when I was supposed to get hit, that one was funny, but, again, that's my opinion, there may be other funnier moves to punish him, or maybe that idea would not be considered as funny for enough spectators, your choice. What do you mean by team attacks? You mean throwing one guy, Blaze or Zan, to Yamato? If that's what you're talking about, I think it would be a great idea, unless you can't keep him on-screen as you said about. The remaining ideas are all interesting, I think there should be some kind of melange, trying somehow to do all these things for five or ten seconds, then moving to another idea. The "both characters dancing" part should be a quick intermission that would occur when nobody do something useful, it doesn't even have to be 2 seconds long for the spectator to get it, in my opinion. Then again, good luck and good work for your TAS, keep it up, you rock.
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Wow, I didn't expect a reply so quickly. Glad to see that you're still around. Well, I tested out the team attack idea, and there's good news plus bad news. The good news is you can keep Yamato onscreen infinitely (albeit barely). The bad news is there's only one way you can do it, so it'll get boring fast. I think I'll just do it 4 or so times to prove to the viewer that it can be done infinitely, and then move on to something else. I like the idea of using all of the ideas for a few seconds to spice things up. Maybe I'll throw in some infighting between Zan and Blaze to see who will kill the Yamato at the end. I might not be able to finish Stage 4 this weekend, which would postpone it to next weekend because I have 3 exams and a program due next week. Regardless, it will be done relatively soon. Interesting note: Yamato can be hit before he even lands from getting up.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Yeah, I thought about some quick rhythmic punching moment like : *Zan punch* *Zan punch* *Blaze punch* *Blaze punch* *Blaze punch* *Zan punch* (Blaze grabs) *flurry* *flurry* *throw* Like dadada--dadada--da--da--da, but I don't really know how you would be able to do that, considering those limitations about the jab combos. Maybe some aerial should do, but I still think 2 seconds during the whole fight of rhythmic punch like that would be worth it.
Joined: 10/16/2006
Posts: 174
Great to know you've come back to finish the run, even if it'll take a while. I think I might know an interesting way to finish the run. It doesn't go with the 'rhythm of the song', but I don't think that's really important anyway. But anyway... When me and my friend play this on the Wii, we stay on opposite sides of the screen (usually me on the right and him on the left.) What you COULD do is have one person do a Jumping Down attack (not sure of the official name, so for now I'll just abbreviate it JDA), two punches, grab, two knees then toss the Yamato back to the other person. Then, before the Yamato gets up, the other person executes a JDA early so that when the Yamato does get up, he automatically gets hit, and the other person does the same exact thing the first person did. Kind of repetitive, but it at least shows teamwork, and I think it'd be a bit more entertaining to watch than the ways the other Yamatos were handled.
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That's an idea, but I think that a lot of people who tried to beat Yamato with 2 players in real time have chosen that strategy, so, in my opinion, even though it could be the fastest way to kill Yamato it wouldn't be the most entertaining one for spectators who've played the game. There should be some unexpected combos involving crazy glitches or things nearly impossible to do in real time, but that doesn't mean your idea is to forget. It's all atro's choice anyway.
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There should be some unexpected combos involving crazy glitches or things nearly impossible to do in real time, but that doesn't mean your idea is to forget. Funny you should mention that, because that's similar to the next thing I have planned. You can actually use moves that have knockdown hits against Yamato (like Zan and Blaze's directed specials) and use the other player to hit Yamato at the right time so he won't be knocked down and you can continue the combo.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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Wow, that sounds even better!
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That's awesome! I thought it would not have worked so I didn't tell you about it, but if that one is possible, I have even MORE reasons to watch your wip.
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What's this? An update? Impossible! The combo thing didn't go as well as expected (it's a bit limited in what moves you can cancel), and if you guys don't feel like it's up to par, I could try to redo it, although I don't know how I could make it any more entertaining. Oh, and here's a nifty little one-frame Yamato glitch: Edit: Here's the savestate for the beginning of the Yamato fight. I imagine that by now whatever link I posted it as is now broken.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
Experienced player (613)
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Nice to see you back! As for the WIP, the way you ended that fight was just insane. Keep up the great work, I'll be watchin'.
Joined: 5/15/2006
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Wow, I wasn't really expecting an update! Hopefully this will finally be completed! Its been on my wishlist for so long now :)
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We talked about a lot of ideas, but these appear to be the best chosen. I found that fight to be very funny, I just hope there's going to be more moments like that. Thumbs up. Continue.
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Atro city is back? Hoeray! The boss fight looks better than great, go on with ninja ass-kicking in the next level.
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yeah, and don't forget that stupid trick I found about the doors.
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go on with ninja ass-kicking in the next level One step ahead of you. The ninjas got their asses handed to them in around 30 seconds total. However, I'm a bit confused about the door. I know the first one has different mechanics than the second one (on the first one, player 2 loses control while player 1 chooses the door), but I'm having trouble doing anything other than what you showed me in your demo (Zan using his forward jump attack). His dash attack doesn't seem to work on the door, and I want to make sure that there isn't something I'm missing before I move on to the next set. Edit: Just out of curiosity, has anyone figured out what circumstances make the robots in Stage 6 explode? My guess is that it's completely random, which means I would have to look in the game's memory to be able to manipulate them. Unfortunately, I know nothing about RAM watching...
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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