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EDIT: Never mind I am wrong ignore this post.
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I wasn't able to beat him but I finally opened the chest containing the Kokiri Sword on the same frame as Comicalflop.
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Excellent job. But I suspect that you can save a few frames somewhere; I'd keep hunting until you find them, since I'm almost certain that there's still room for improvement to be found.
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I have to say, that is good progress :) now you just have to keep that quality up.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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I think I realized something and I hope I am not right because then I have to start over. I think that the pause menu takes 1 more frame to open when using Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 than with glN64 v0.4.1. If this is already known I am sorry.
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Well, we'd rather lose those frames than have to use gln64. Jabo's 1.6 is the supreme plugin for OoT and MM. BTW, does anyone know what causes that anomalous pause in OoT? It doesn't happen in MM, so what's the deal?
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petrie911 wrote:
(1)Well, we'd rather lose those frames than have to use gln64. Jabo's 1.6 is the supreme plugin for OoT and MM. (2)BTW, does anyone know what causes that anomalous pause in OoT? It doesn't happen in MM, so what's the deal?
(1): No. Jabo 1.6 is NOT the supreme plugin. While it may have better rendering and compatibility, you're going to find that people using other plugins (like Linux users) are going to find it hard to play back without desyncs. Please read my under construction plugin explanation page @ (2): I think its because the game is waiting for the framebuffer to update, but it takes time to time out. Project64 fixes this using a built-in cheat code that tells the game the framebuffer has been updated.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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So I have two questions. 1. Should I continue using Jabo and lose a few frames 2. When manipulating luck from a bush. If you do not change your inputs will the outcome never change or do you just keep doing it again and again. The reason I ask is because I got the perfect angle for cutting this bush but the rupee never comes out. Let me know thanks.
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For the rupees, no matter where/when you are, the "rupee set" (i.e. what you will get) is determined by frame number. frame 11234 you'll get 3 rupees, 11234 1 rupee, 11236 nothing, 11237 1 rupee, etc. (for example.) So stand near the bush, and vary what frame you press B. Also, if you redo and use gln64, you know, I'll be able to watch your .m64's.
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I would the only problem is that on my computer glN64 looks so bad that I can't even TAS. What about Rice? I wonder if it's pause is shorter the same or longer?
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Heh. I linked you above a list of plugins that I recommend you try. ( Rice is 3rd on the list, so its probably your best bet. Don't worry too much about how many frames extra here and there a plugin causes. Its the cross compatibility and quality of video that really matter.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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I will probably just use glN64 so everyone can watch it. It doesn't look THAT bad. Either that or Rice 6.0.0
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When I said supreme, I meant graphically. And do not use Rice's 6.0.0. 6.1.1 beta 10, maybe, but 6.0.0 looks almost as bad as Jabo's 1.5.2. I suppose gln64 is acceptable, but my computer has issues with it.
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Well assuming I can get it to sync I'll be happy to make wips videos. no matter what you pick some people will have problems. My personal preference as far as video quality goes is jabo 1.6. All linux encoders and watchers will hate you if you pick that one but whatever. You're the one willing to run it so... :)
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Jabo 1.6 FTW :)
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This just got added to SDA: Might be interesting to watch. :)
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Randil wrote:
This just got added to SDA: Might be interesting to watch. :)
It's a great run, nice to watch. :) My 6:35 100% run got posted along with it, but unfortunately, there was a problem with the encoding so it is temporarily unavailable.
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That new SDA run was brilliant, not far off a TAS if you ask me. He was really good at activating infinite sword and supersliding. Although saying that, I bet he had like 200 failed attempts.
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Flip wrote:
That new SDA run was brilliant, not far off a TAS if you ask me. He was really good at activating infinite sword and supersliding. Although saying that, I bet he had like 200 failed attempts.
Considering YautjaElder had 800 attempts at one single segment (out of what, 63?), I bet he had lots more than 200. ;) In my own opinion, a very impressive run, featuring tricks I wasn't even aware of. And in realtime at that.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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jupp 64, shame I can't watch it yet. Oh well gonna fall asleep to the other run now Edit: first segment is only the intro tho
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YautjaElder's run is extremely entertaining, imo. Despite the fact that it clocks in at over six hours long, seeing someone play through the entire game rather than speeding through it and just barely glimpsing the best parts is awesome shame SDA doesn't upload the stuff at any higher than 'normal' quality =/.
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(Majora's mask Thread)
comicalflop wrote:
Link's speed: 00CD2D0A Type: Byte
For some reason I am having a hard time finding the speed address for OoT, whereas I found MM's within a minute. Hrm. :-/
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Hina98 wrote:
shame SDA doesn't upload the stuff at any higher than 'normal' quality =/.
Uh, yes it does? don't get them through torrents. About him needing to retry a lot, the whole point of a speedrun is to fail a lot of times before getting it right, especially if the run is segmented. Like the example that has been oft cited, one guy over on the quake side of SDA spent 4 hours a day for 3 months optimizing one level. Over 80,000 attempts estimated (probably low). That is dedication that I don't think many people will ever have.
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I don't see the point of "speedrunning" a game by chopping it into 20 tiny pieces. If you ask me, that's no different from making a TAS, except that an actual TAS is much more entertaining to watch.
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stanski wrote:
Hina98 wrote:
shame SDA doesn't upload the stuff at any higher than 'normal' quality =/.
Uh, yes it does? don't get them through torrents. About him needing to retry a lot, the whole point of a speedrun is to fail a lot of times before getting it right, especially if the run is segmented. Like the example that has been oft cited, one guy over on the quake side of SDA spent 4 hours a day for 3 months optimizing one level. Over 80,000 attempts estimated (probably low). That is dedication that I don't think many people will ever have.
File details: 621 MB / 1.77 GB size (low / normal quality)
I'm aware that some files can be in very high qualities (I have the hl1 and hl2 runs in extreme). I was saying that it's a shame that didn't do the same for OoT.