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This is a TAS of River City Ransom. It's 139 seconds faster than the current published run, due to better precision, more use of weapons, and new glitches.
This run:
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Takes damage and uses death to save time
  • Controls 2 players
Here's a brief explanation of the bugs used:
Left+right bug If you double-tap left+right, the character gets a glitchy animation and can die. The death is usually used to reduce lag, but it is once used to death-warp. Also, if the character is carrying the other character, he can throw him through walls.
Bunny-hop kick glitch When jumping and kicking, you do a high-damage flying kick. However, if you kick just before hitting the ground, the character bounces, allowing several flying kicks to be delivered in a row. An offshoot of this is the trash-can trick, where you kick someone and a trashcan simultaneously, dealing double damage.
BIG thanks to DeHackEd, for fixing the .fcm into one that the site could accept. And thanks to my friend Flame_gamer, who discovered the bunny-hop glitch that inspired me to start this run.
About the ending:
  • Wait 3 minutes
  • Technically, it's allowed
  • If people bitch about it too much, I'll change it
  • If someone can make a version where the suicide happens faster, send it to me and I'll make this a team submission.

DeHackEd: Formatting and stuff

NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here. Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.

NESvideoagent regardless, here's my favourite screenshot
A new version has been made, a few seconds slower, but with a better ending.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1662: Chamale's NES River City Ransom in 06:40.38
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (978)
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>If people bitch about it too much, I'll change it Take this as your first official bitching then, that ending sucked. Other than that, the movie was actually enjoyable. So I hope you can make an interesting ending (using one player as a weapon, pretty please?) and resubmit it. Also, the bunny-hop glitch as you called it is old and well-known. I think it was in one of the previous submissions, even.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3566)
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I like the idea behind the ending but it is too long to be enjoyable. Change it and you have my yes vote. I also want to see a player being used as a weapon. Perhaps throw that in on that last fight.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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I don't mind the ending, can't recall any other games that complete themselves after 3 minutes without input.
Borg Collective wrote:
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Active player (253)
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Not quite sure how to vote -- so I vote meh. This movie had a solid 'yes' from me until the controverisal ending. The suicide glitch is interesting, but I don't know if it is worth turbo-ing for 3 minutes when you could've beaten the guy much faster manually. Anyway, this is a case where I think longer input time and shorter AVI is better than shorter input time and longer AVI. Also, if the input is 2:19 faster than the previous movie and we have to wait 3:00 at the end, it is slower overall anyway.
Player (86)
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Ok, i've been waiting for this. You missed one trick at the bridge. I did not like how the 4 warehouse gang members was handled, it almost looks slower than mine. did you test if it was? But the boss fight was excellent. Nice job. About the blade fight. Around the end when you knock down your partner, isn't it possible to pick him up and hit Blade for more damage? Also though, a nice fight. Strange way to get through the wall in the warehouse, though it looks faster. is it? At 11200, in that room it seems like you could have glitched-death alot faster. Turk can die that fast? very impressed. but, after the turk fight, you seem to head back to kill a gang member... couldn't you have made it so he appears in front of you? The Mojo fight was ok.. When you enter the factory building, in the long room you dont kill off anyone... is there a reason? because it looks like there is lag. The Thor fight seemed like player 2 handled it all. any reason? Hmm, nice randomness placements for the Gang before the otis fight, but after the otis fight I feel that you could have started to run away from him alot sooner than you did. Hmm, This seems to be a wrong submission? lol, no, this ending is very unentertaining.... I don't like it really. I am going to hold my vote until you answer my questions i have stated.
Experienced player (613)
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It's not a bad run, it's got enough diversity (while being relatively short) with a good use of tactics to keep my attention up pretty good. The lag was tolerable, it actually made it seem like they were using all their strength (not really). You gave them characteristics which is always welcomed in TASes, in my opinion. The ending is a bit annoying or different (whichever you prefer) but I really don't have too big a problem with it since I can (and did) just fast-forward over nothing happening. There's really not much more that I want to say other than I enjoyed this movie for the most part, I give it a yes vote, and you'll probably receive some more shit for the ending (whether it be good or bad, I don't know. Actually, I do but that's not the point).
Active player (437)
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I've never really watched anything or heard anything about this game, so on that note what I say is based on the game and the run combined. The music wasn't all that bad, rather enjoyable. When the movie finally got to the first fight it was incredibly slow because of the lag. This was distracting. The lag seemed to subside after this room though. I wasn't terribly satisfied at the level of teamwork between the two players. It felt like there could have been much more done between the two. Also when you had to wait for a message to pass on the screen(assuming this is why you had to wait) you just stood there doing nothing, anything other than this would have been more enjoyable. Lastly, right up until the end I was leaning toward a solid Meh.5 to Meh.6 . The ending however was just awful. I would vote no, but because it is likely you will fix it and resubmit, I will abstain from voting and await the evidential replacement
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The sprites of the game remind me of some S/NES football game I used to play as a child, but I can't remember the name.
adelikat wrote:
I like the idea behind the ending but it is too long to be enjoyable. Change it and you have my yes vote.
Editor, Active player (475)
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The concept of waiting for 3 minutes for the game to finish itself is an amusing idea, but it certainly wasn't very entertaining to watch. It would have been much better to watch you fight the boss rather than just watch him kill himself. Otherwise, I thought that the battles had too much lag to enjoy properly (not just the first one, nearly all of the battles seemed to have way too much lag), and I agree that it seems like this 2-player TAS didn't utilize enough interesting 2-player action (i.e. watching two players complete the game wasn't any more interesting than watching one). Even without the early input ending, my opinion is barely on the "no" side of things (it just wasn't that entertaining to watch). So, I'm voting "no" on this submission.
Joined: 6/7/2006
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If it were not for the suicide glitch at the end this would have easily been a yes vote from me (just on the basis of the old run being so outdated). However, I am withholding my vote until you redo it without that suicide glitch. It's an example of a technicality being taken too far. If it is not redone I will be giving this a "no" vote.
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MUGG wrote:
The sprites of the game remind me of some S/NES football game I used to play as a child, but I can't remember the name.
You're thinking of "World Cup" for NES, I think.
Joined: 5/29/2004
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I am a complete fence sitter on this... while for the most part it WAS entertaining! [The Otis fight amused me the most] That ending.. um I could STILL push buttons to affect the input [Select], which could cause the movie to last wayyyyyyyyy longer. NOW! The suiciding of the boss was awesome! I NEVER saw that coming! If there was a way you both commit suicide, but luck manip. him to die 2 and a half minutes faster... that would be totally awesome! Other then that, the glitches were nice, the odd fight was boring, but the 3 min wait was what made it a Meh. Sorry... but it was damn good otherwise. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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There are some complaints, and it seems the general attitude about the suicide is "cool, but slow". Hence, I have made a new version which I want to replace this movie.
Experienced player (613)
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It's better but why not make him kill himself in one hit instead of two? Overall, I think that it would be/look better that way.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
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Chamale, I personally advise you to resubmit instead of replace because some people already voted negative because of that ending. Randil, thank you. ;)
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Chamale, While the ending this time was MUCH improved, I do echo the sentiment of letting him die off with 1 self inflicted blow instead of 2... it would look MUCH better! FURTHER TO THAT! You still end the movie TOO soon! When the Black screen comes up, THEN you can not enter input to stop things. Until that point, I could still hit Select during the death monologue and prolong the ending indefinitely. If you can tweak the ending, and end the movie properly, I'd suggest to immediately cancel this movie and submit the new updated version so everyone can vote properly. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Reviewer, Active player (286)
Joined: 12/14/2006
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I thought the movie was suppposed to end on the last input needed to finish the game. If the game ends without any more input, then it's fine.
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arkiandruski wrote:
I thought the movie was suppposed to end on the last input needed to finish the game. If the game ends without any more input, then it's fine.
Yeah, this is usually true. Because there are some games when you never lose control, even after you beat the game... (atlantis no nazo)
Player (88)
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In general, the run was very good. The death glitch was a good addition, and sped the run along nicely. One thing that wondered me though, was the vast amount of "friendly fire". Surely if one of your characters is stunned, or on the ground, they're not doing anything, and therefore not dealing any damage? Also, the concept for the ending is excellent, it just took way too long. If I counted correctly, he only needs to hit himself six times? And that takes three minutes? That's an average of once every 30 seconds, which is ridiculous. I guarantee you that nobody is going be entertained, nor enjoy watching that. I would like to see the ending manipulated in such a way, that he hits himself six times in a row, with very little in between. That, I would vote yes for. For this, I vote no.
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Just fix the end, that would make it a no-brainer.
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I actually thought the protracted ending made it more entertaining, since this is the kind of behavior you'd never expect from a game.
Borg Collective wrote:
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Skilled player (1820)
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I thought this was a fun and well made run. But, as with so many else, I'm not a big fan of the ending - I have the same opinion that primorial#soup here, that the ending was clever and original but took way too much time for anyone to watch the whole way through. I believe almost everyone will just fast-forward through this part of the run. Besides this, thumbs up for a good job, though I await, and will hold my vote until, an updated movie. ;)
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I like it. Final boss kill himself, it's funny :D If you can manipulate finalboss faster somehow then I give yes vote.
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Experienced player (760)
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This is decent. I was entertained at some points, and I think it should obsolete the old run. I do think it could be more entertaining, though. There were a lot of "run to the next screen" parts, and I think the glitch was used too much, even though it reduces lag. I think a run of this game would be best as a complete playaround rather than going for speed on everything except the bosses. Anyway, my vote is meh.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)