• Emulator used: Gens 9z
  • one person controls 2 players
  • aims for fastest completion
This is a 2 players movie of Altered Beast, 28.26 seconds (1696 frames) faster than Dan's 1 player version.
It abuses a programming error so that you only need to see the transformation once per level (normally, you need to see it twice on 2 players). Without this alone, a 2 player run would be about 15 seconds slower (not counting other improvements) compared to a 1 player run, because of having to see both players transform.

Bosses memory addresses (HP):

  • 00FFE365 = 1st, 4th and 5th boss
  • 00FFE3A5 = 2nd boss
  • 00FFE377 = 3rd boss

adelikat: The verdict is "accepted for publication". The movie should have used the hardest difficulty setting by using B+Start at the title screen. An improved movie that does not use this will be rejected. As a result, an "improved" movie will be longer than this submission.
Also, I am encoding this movie.

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God forbid that a speedrun contain a four second clip of two animated bears moving in a manner loosely resembling a natural sex act prominently featured in National Geographic school videos. After all, in the extremely unlikely but possibly nonzero chance that a 6 year old who knows nothing of sex and has never owned a dog, but browses Internet speedruns and knows how to use bittorrent, happens to see and somehow understand what it means....HE COULD END UP "INFECTED" BY THE GAYNESS!!!! What kind of despicable monsters are you people?!?! Those back and forth, grainy, random pixels will be the ruin and destruction of that poor kid's life!! Screw the fact that no one can prove that anyone younger than 14 visits these forums, or the assumption that they would be so offended that they would either be turned gay, or never visit the site again. We must THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
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^^ I don't think I've seen a post dripping with this much sarcasm in a long time (not unwarranted). And a yes vote.
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As for the "National Geographic" or "Discovery channel" argument, there may be sex but not "homosex". Well, I've never seen that. So...
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Phil wrote:
As for the "National Geographic" or "Discovery channel" argument, there may be sex but not "homosex". Well, I've never seen that. So...
1) There have been national geographic reports on observed homosexuality in animals. 2) We don't get to see both transformations, one of them could have turned into a female bear! 3) THEY ARE NOT ACTUALLY ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Yes reports... but was there live action? I guess not.
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I've seen gay sex on the discovery channel between monkeys. Pretty scary.
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Phil wrote:
Yes reports... but was there live action? I guess not.
What, you want them to invite you over so you can watch said sexual activity for yourself? Anyways, now we're straying WAY off topic. Could we just get back to talking about the run, please? I'd rather not have board members separate because of political issues.
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holy jesus this is the most pathetic argument I've ever seen if implied animal-fucking was even a valid issue, the gender of the animals is irrelevant, because there is no genetalia. In case you didn't know, if it were a male and female bear fucking, it would look exactly the same. Furthermore, no one will give a shit. The audience for these movies won't be horribly offended by anything in this run, and if the goal is to get a wider audience, this run would be far down on the list of runs to download by the time TASes go mainstream, providing that they ever do and if this run isn't obsoleted by then. I understand that this is bisqwit's site and he gets full control of the content in any event, and I do believe that FODA was a bit overzealous in pointing out the features in question, but seriously, you're blowing this way, way way out of proportion.
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mushroom wrote:
you're blowing this way, way way out of proportion.
Yup, that much I agree to.
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Sorry, I get a bit worked-up sometimes. Witnessing an argument over the gender of sprites does that. [edit: unless you're implying something other than "you're the one blowing this out of proportion!"]
<adelikat> tony hawk is porn for me <Comicalflop>my mom is hot
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I think the argument has to cease regardless, everything has already been said. Let's go on onto judging/publishing, or something. >_>
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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sounds awesome
<adelikat> tony hawk is porn for me <Comicalflop>my mom is hot
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I just finished watching this, and I cannot honestly say I was entertained by the movie. This seems like either a really boring or really bad game (the sound effects/music weren't very good), although maybe I would vote differently if I had played the game before. There wasn't very much action, and what little there was looked extremely simplistic. In my opinion, this is a bad game to TAS. For these reasons, I'll be voting no. Also, I found the "extra entertainment" extremely distasteful. In my opinion, we don't need that kind of humor to make movies entertaining to viewers. Publishing this movie will set a precedent that this sort of "entertainment" is acceptable, something that I strongly disagree with. (Note: The second paragraph is more of an aside, and was not the main reason for my "no" vote.)
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I'm wondering what are those people thinking. There IS a published movie of this game already, whether you like it or not. I think it should be discussed if this is BETTER than the published movie. Or else you want the published movie to be removed.
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I certainly think that there are movies on this site that should be removed. The Altered Beast movie is probably one of them. However, that's irrelevant and should be discussed elsewhere. The issue here is whether this movie should be published; the poll question asks "Did you like watching this movie?", and my answer was no.
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shallow wrote:
What, you want them to invite you over so you can watch said sexual activity for yourself?
I don't know what you are talking about. (It looks like some provocation. It's better to ignore this.)
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Bisqwit wrote:
mushroom wrote:
you're blowing this way, way way out of proportion.
Yup, that much I agree to.
mushroom, I did not mean to retort that you were doing that. I simply meant that people are taking my words as if they mean more than they do. Or perhaps someone else's words. I mean, from my point of view, discussion is already over, all things have been covered, and bashing Phil or Phil bashing someone does not contribute towards any good conclusion at all.
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Chef Stef wrote:
I certainly think that there are movies on this site that should be removed. The Altered Beast movie is probably one of them.
After I die, I will haunt you and your family for all eternity.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I would still like to clarify that my only concern is with the immature obsession towards "HEY, SEX, HAHAHA" that the author manifests with this movie (and the submission text) and the occasional responses in this thread that manifest it. That obsession made me emphasize my "no" vote, and those responses make me doubt whether this movie is good idea to be published. And since everyone seems to be arguing with Phil here... Remember, Phil is not a judge here; although he may contribute to a discussion just like anyone else, his words carry no more weight than anyone else's. Do not get too heated up. (Pun not intended).
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Bisqwit wrote:
I would still like to clarify that my only concern is with the immature obsession towards "HEY, SEX, HAHAHA" that the author manifests with this movie (and the submission text) and the occasional responses in this thread that manifest it.
Err, obsession? 25 seconds over 2 events in a ~6 minute movie hardly seems like an obsession. That's less than 7% of the submission file. He spent more time wobbling/doing symmetrical acts than he did imitating something sexual. I think everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. It's not like there is rampant sexual imagery for the whole duration of this submission. FODA wanted to make his waiting periods not boring, so he found a method to pass the time that many people are finding humorous. Would you rather he had just stood still and done nothing for those 25 seconds? I can't really fault him for at least trying to make his submission more entertaining, even if it is a bit raunchy to <10% of the viewership (so far).
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This is the same Bisqwit that said the Donkey Kong run could have been more entertaining.
Bisqwit wrote:
Less talk, more entertaining TAS movies, please!
Bisqwit wrote:
mmbossman, so you're saying, because you think this movie cannot be made more entertaining, so nobody should even try?
Don't back down on me now man.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
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Most people are fine with the couple seconds of the run that is under discussion. A few people, including a homophobe who's afraid people will be turned gay by the clip (Phil), are against it. What's the problem then? Some people are also against utilizing any glitches in speedruns, but the overwhelming majority are in support of it, and hence it's a part of the site. I feel it's important to reiterate what exactly is going on here; FODA didn't splice National Geographic clips of wild bears mating with the speedrun, but used the same input available to anyone playing the game to create a scene only an adult would even understand the meaning behind. Obviously, Bisqwit owns the site, and can do whatever he wants, but as an avid viewer and fan of these videos, I would be disappointed if the run wasn't published.
Chef Stef wrote:
This seems like either a really boring or really bad game
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME....this is like someone saying that "Space Invaders", "Galaga", and "Pacman" are "really boring, really bad games". "Altered Beast" is one of the most influential, famous, revolutionary games ever made, and as well-considered by 20-somethings as "Super Mario Brothers".
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Personally I think that the movie would be better if you actually got to see some of the monsters getting crushed instead of killing them off-screen. I think I'll stay out of the discussion about the semi-sexual content.
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Mechuyael wrote:
Personally I think that the movie would be better if you actually got to see some of the monsters getting crushed instead of killing them off-screen.
That I agree with, as stated somewhere close to the first page. I had similar sentiment regarding the last two Golden Axe runs which sacrificed entertainment for speed in a similar fashion. >_>
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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