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This is an "Any Percentage" completion of Mario Kart 64, to see the end credits players are required only to beat the Special Cup on 150cc and that's exactly what I do. This run began as the next step in proof-of-concept runs I'd been doing for my research work with ComicalFlop's 16 course run. I had done a Flower Cup run earlier this month and concentrated purely on strategy exploration with time and optimization as a secondary importance. As I began the Special cup I remembered that one need only beat this single cup to view the credits and be greeted by Mario saying "Hey, you're very good! See you next time" as the words "THE END" bounce across the screen. So, I figured I'd test out the TASing skills I'd been developing thanks to Comical Flop's guidance and make this cup as optimized as I could stand. I think the result is quite impressive and certainly entertaining. I developed new strategies, especially on RRd, with surprising results.
Mario Kart 64, Any Percentage Completion
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates luck
  • Genre: Racing
  • Video: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6
  • Sound: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6
  • Input: TAS Input Plugin 0.6
  • RSP: RSP emulation Plugin
Course Times:
DK: 20"21 (10"48, 6"21, 4"22)
YV: 29"43 (9"33, 10"33, 9"77)
BB: 1'29"80 (33"36, 22"99, 32"45)
RRd: 1'02"32 (34"95, 13"92, 13"45)
19,045 Last race frame (5 min 17.42 sec)
20,018 Second to last frame of necessary input (5 min 33.63 sec)
24,194 Last frame of input to initiate the End Credits (at 6 min 43.23 sec)
8317 rerecords
Credits end at about 9 min 34 sec.
Suggested Picture:
Frame 10,923
First, I use two extra frames at the beginning to choose Toad rather than Yoshi. For the record, I have no reason to believe that there is any difference between Toad, Yoshi or Peach in terms of performance and control (and the variety of characters used for WR’s over at is further proof of that). However, there is a discernable difference in weight between Toad and Yoshi/Peach. The difference is very small but every bit helps for SC’s like Banshee Boardwalk. So, I chose Toad to ensure maximum hops off of cpu players.
I tried two very different strategies on this level but neither panned out. They were: 1. CPU hop back through the trees on the left and somehow drop down into the tunnel while triggering the regular SC. This completely failed.
2. More promising, I drove forward and cut around the trees by the water towards the waterfall. I managed to get behind those trees and my hope was that I would be able to jump down into the cave from here to speed up the first lap. Unfortunately there is a large, invisible polygon that forces a tumble and put me right into the drink no matter what I did.
So, I ended up using the typical SC strategy and just optimizing it. The very first turn is more aggressive and direct than normally attempted on a console. Please keep in mind that if you try to compare this run to the WR times, I am playing in 150cc when Time Trials is approximately equivalent to 100cc. However, I have only two mushrooms.
Now for a course where the SC brings me nowhere near an item box. With no mushrooms I was forced to get creative with the strategy. The first lap was fine, the SC is perfectly doable without an extra shroom. It’s the second and third laps that are tricky. The third lap strategy is obviously the fastest (and just barely possible without a mushroom) but when Lakitu puts you back on the track it is further forward and just far enough to make it impossible to trigger the SC (at least based on my testing). So, I came up with what you see in lap two as a way to allow three quick SC’s because this strategy places me in the right spot for lap 3. I would like to dedicate this particular trick to the late Martin McMullan who discovered the fast lap strategy that uses a similar fence bouncing technique.
First, I’d like to mention that the wall-hit early on in this level was intended to demonstrate how some corners can be used to make abrupt corners. This is especially true in Bowser Castle (not shown in this run) but it may not have been faster here. No matter, I had to wait a bit for Bowser later on anyway. For the record, manipulating cpu movement is next to impossible. Hopefully, with time, a greater understanding of how to do this can be obtained. I first performed the massive jump about 2 years ago using save-states but no slow down or re-recording. I think it is worth noting that I cannot guarantee this jump will be possible in Comical Flop’s run that Fried and I are supporting. Bowser happened to swing wide and fast and I was just barely able to get enough speed by shroom-sliding.
I would like to thank Malcolm Young for making a video of a lap trick on this course back in 2001. He used toad to jump off of Bowser in Versus mode to trigger the strange SC. This was largely an inspiration to me to search for more interesting GP mode SC’s involving cpu jumps and items. In this course I took Malcolm’s discovery to another level and used items readily available to me from the conveniently close item boxes behind the finish line. My hope was that I could go back to those item boxes and grab two sets of triple green shells never to return. However, I was surprised to discover that it is impossible to get triple green shells in last place (a strange predicament). So, I decided to try my luck with red shells. Unfortunately, if you hit yourself with a red shell and fall off the side, you continue to tumble straight down (unlike the green shells). So, I grabbed a set of mushrooms as well (triple rather than golden, so I could use more after Lakitu brought me back). I knew that one way to protect yourself against a red shell was to jam a mushroom at the last possible and hope and, if you were lucky, your character would make a big hop rather than tumble. With TASing I didn’t have to hope, but I did have to experiment to see the cause. Turns out this occurs if you use a shroom the frame you would normally get hit the jump occurs on its own. In fact, if you press R to jump during this frame, you will get hit.
After this strange part of the first lap, I used the magic of AB-spin-shrooming to make some tight maneuvers and grab a set of triple green shells. Please note that hitting the wall at the very end was somehow “01 faster than not hitting the wall. If you watch the speedometer, it indicates that this does not slow me down but it does allow me to spend less time turning.

Truncated: Firstly, I don't like the idea of running only one cup. That would either mean that we publish every cup as a different movie, or have both a "full run" and an "any % run" which would be identical for the last cup. Neither of these is a good idea.
Secondly, some people have pointed out that this movie is badly played.
For these two reasons, this submission is rejected.

Reviewer, Active player (286)
Joined: 12/14/2006
Posts: 717
Watched the avi, and I was less than impressed. The glitches in this run aren't really the kind of glitches I like. It seems that most of the run was spent running off the road (I have the same issue with Sonic 2 Oil Zone). Aside from that, it really didn't have the action that I was expecting. That boardwalk course was my favorite of the bunch. I want more of that, and getting hit so that you end up skipping most of the track was fun to see, but for the run as a whole, I'll have to vote "meh". By the way is the sound in the video staticy for anyone else?
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Oh wow that was great! Yes vote!
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nice job. I found the run interesting and amusing. vote yes.
Joined: 6/9/2006
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wow that was very nice, nearly most of the shortcuts have been used on sda mariokart movies when i remember right but... one thing made it much better then the sda movies - it is (sure the perfection due tools and stuff..) the freaking mega reverse jump in the third course through the enemy! - that really was awesome² ! yes from me!
Joined: 5/2/2006
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PRetty good, yes vote. Even though it didnt have the strellar feel that the other run had, its good and deserves to be published.
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Editor, Expert player (2172)
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Haven't read everything in the thread so don't blame me for that... There's no doubt that it is an impressive movie. But as you know that Comicalflop is working with a full run, it is just stupid to submit these four tracks... It's like starting from a savefile in like Mega Man, complete the final lvls to the credits and then submit a run. Would that be accepted? Of course not! I can agree with some points, Comical. But people will still love your run, no doubt. People would find it awesome to see the SMB run be improved. So why not show us an improvement of this cup along with the other three? Don't give up on us. I'm counting on you anyway! Btw, voting no.
Joined: 1/3/2006
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voted no because this run wasn't that entertaining. sure there were quite a few glitches but I think they would be even more impressive in a full game run. this run was just too short...
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Looks like we got a Biased bunch of viewers.
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Yeah, just too little too soon...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Didn't watch it. Voted no. I don't consider the game beaten when only 1 cup is played. EDIT: I realize the question asks "Did you like watching this movie" but in the end it still just means "Do you think this should be published".
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um guyz k u don vote no jus coz u don like it ok u watch it den u vote if u enjoid it. thx
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Didn't watch it. Voted no. I don't consider the game beaten when only 1 cup is played. EDIT: I realize the question asks "Did you like watching this movie" but in the end it still just means "Do you think this should be published".
If you havent watched it, don't vote.
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<jimsfriend> if the question is more than just "did you enjoy watching this movie?", but includes that and whether you think it should be published (and any other factors blah blah) then perhaps there shouldn't be a question. the choices of yes/no/meh with no question would be pretty self explanatory i think. and it would allow people to vote on whatever reasons they feel are worth voting for, since that seems to be what's happening anyway i voted yes for, "should i go to sleep now?"
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Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that the BB run is sloppier than the non-TAS runs. If he uses plenty of re-records and still can't reach the skill level of a non-TAS run, then to call this a publish-worthy TAS is an insult to the non-TAS MK64 players. There's very little new or interesting stuff in this TAS. The DK strat is identical to the non-TAS strat, except 1 less shroom and just a tiny bit cleaner, even though there is a harder and faster strat that should've been used. The YV strat is something most people haven't seen, but still, everyone already knew that it's possible, just no one needed to do it in the past because you get shrooms in time trials. The BB strat, we've already seen a vid of how the shortcut works. This TAS just combined that shortcut with mediocre racing. The RR strat is the only original part of this TAS. I think the optimization is more important and interesting than just the shortcuts themselves. An unoptimized MK64 TAS isn't publish-worthy.
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Sorry you feel that way Micheal, but to a MK64 newbie this movie looks nice to watch. I'm sure alot of viewers would like to watch it.
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they can watch the bunch of runs from normal speedrunners :p they also do crazy shortcuts on console, most notably luigi raceway
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Vatchern wrote:
Sorry you feel that way Micheal, but to a MK64 newbie this movie looks nice to watch. I'm sure alot of viewers would like to watch it.
However, "Micheal" has a point. A TAS should beat known world records if aiming for speed, and if it isn't the case, as he has reported, then it shouldn't be published. Rules say:
If your movie is going to beat something, be sure it beats it. If your tool-assisted movie is slower than the non-tool-assisted world record of the game you play, your movie will almost certainly be rejected.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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The file desyncs for me after the first two courses. Also, the time at the end of each race in the movie is different from what you listed in the submission. Can anyone tell me if it gets more interesting to watch after the first two courses? Otherwise I'll be inclined to vote no from lack of entertainment and beating the game half-assedly.
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After watching the .avi twice, I'd give this a firm "meh." Convincing Lakitu that you'd completed a lap you hadn't actually finished gets old after the 4th or 5th time, and the only course that doesn't do that is apparently very poorly optimized. On the other hand, I did laugh at the great lengths he went to and marveled at the techniques he used to actually land in those spots that tricked Lakitu. -shrug- It's ok and I wouldn't be put off if it was published, but I firmly believe that it could be better, and I'd definitely like to see some more variety.
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moozooh wrote:
Vatchern wrote:
Sorry you feel that way Micheal, but to a MK64 newbie this movie looks nice to watch. I'm sure alot of viewers would like to watch it.
However, "Micheal" has a point. A TAS should beat known world records if aiming for speed, and if it isn't the case, as he has reported, then it shouldn't be published. Rules say:
If your movie is going to beat something, be sure it beats it. If your tool-assisted movie is slower than the non-tool-assisted world record of the game you play, your movie will almost certainly be rejected.
Weatherton didn't fail. the TT WR for 3 laps is 1"44"44. Weatherton got 1"29"80. He got a faster time than the real time record, but Fried is trying to point out that it can be still faster. it's a question of the precision. The WR real time runs are nigh unbeatable by real time runners, because of the limits of human skill and reflex that they possess, they've taken the course and pushed it to its theoretical limits within TT mode that is possible by human players that play the game on a daily basis. This TAS pushes the limit on real time TT mode, but in its own category of tool assisted, a future TAS can beat this one.
Rising Tempest wrote:
The file desyncs for me after the first two courses. Also, the time at the end of each race in the movie is different from what you listed in the submission. Can anyone tell me if it gets more interesting to watch after the first two courses? Otherwise I'll be inclined to vote no from lack of entertainment and beating the game half-assedly.
Did you have the right settings? I've seen the movie a few times and everything works out fine. Weahterton posted an AVI of the entire run. I'd definitely recommend watching the next two courses. Regardless of how imprecise Fried says it is, the best courses of this run are the two that you haven't seen yet.
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why is there something wrong with the audio of the avi?
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Hm, if there's something wrong with the AVI, and enough people would prefer to see it in AVI form and don't like the audio issues I can take time today to make a good encode of it.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Didn't watch it. Voted no. I don't consider the game beaten when only 1 cup is played.
Didn't know you could do that.
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Now you do. I stand by my decision.
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Would you consider playing the hardest path on Star Fox and defeating Andross as beating the game? After all, you haven't played all of the levels... MarioKart64 game designers considered players good enough to beat the Special Cup on 150cc as having beaten the game. It's the hardest cup in terms of cpu competition and level design and when beaten in first place, the credits role and the last screen says "THE END." Really, the all-cups run seems to be a more arbitrary be definition of having beaten the game, because the first three cups are not necessary to get to the ending. Plus, you can't call it a 100% completion because you haven't beaten the game on Extra mode (or 50 and 100cc for that matter) and those modes would have different stratgies. I'd be willing to bet that you can't make the BB SC in 100cc, so that course would be different. Heck, I'm not sure if the Luigi Raceway MyleStyle is possible on 50cc. As for extra mode, that is completely redundant to 150cc EXCEPT for Toad's Turnpike where you are now going AGAINST the traffic. If Zelda Ocarina of Time can skip straight to the spirit temple, why can't I skip straight to the Special Cup, it wasn't a code, it was a gameplay decision offered right at the beginning. As for people who claimed the SC's were too redundant and that more racing should be performed, my run "aims for fastest time." More racing would be slower and a "No shortcuts" run would take a lot of the fun jumping and hopping out of the game and make all three laps even more identical! If you step through each lap of my TAS you will see that there are very few that are similar in strategy: DKJP -- Use sloppy finish line definition to cut back around the course in one motion. Also, significantly different lap times demonstrate the difference in each lap. YV -- Confuse Lakitu to put you down in front of the finish line having completed a lap. All three laps are performed differently! BB -- The course you all like is the one with two nearly identical laps... And, I would like to point out once again. It IS possible that Bowser will not be in the right place on an all-cups run. If this jump is not possible, there goes another 10 or so seconds slapped on the course/total time. As for this being "sloppy." I honestly think Fried is making a stretch when comparing it to the TT WR. I think this for two reasons: 1. 150cc has different physics and MT's do not seem to give as signifcant a difference in speed on 150cc as in TT. Therefore, the strategies will likely not be identical (for example, I take a single MT on the zig zag section so that I can get a straighter path and spend less time sliding because apeared to not be worth it). 2. I made certain in most cases that I built up my mt's in as few frames as possible, this means I spend less time sliding than in the TT run and, as a result, take turns slightly different. Is the race perfect? No Is it sloppy? I think only if you're looking through Fried's robotic eyes. RRd -- Confuse Lakitu, this time to put me down behind the finish line, requires clever use of shells and the first lap has a completely different way of using shells. Most posters have described being surprised by this course. If that is not variety (when all 3 laps could have been nearly identical for each race) then I do not know what is! PS FOR THOSE HAVING TROUBLE WITH THE VIDEO. As I mentioned in the post, for some reason it doesn't seem to play well in VLC player but plays fine in WMP (at least for me). I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you, I could try other settings.
Current Project: - Mario Kart 64