Here we go, new SMV ('39 mins):
For Misty Mine, you have to press "9" on your keyboard to remove the haze layer, otherwise you can't see anything.
Everything was faster than the 40:25 run except I think 3 parts - K Rool, Poison Pond and Torchlight Trouble (each about 1-5 frames slower). I got Squawks early on in Torchlight so you can at least see what's going on (trade off of 10 frames).
I looked at the game's internal timer a lot, and it's surprising how many different rolls or jump combinations end up with the same amount of frames (especially when exiting the level). Rambi and Expresso go at the same speed no matter what you do with them, as long as you don't snag an obstacle and lose momentum. I made up lots of time not from the rolling, but from entering/exiting bonuses quicker.. sometimes you can enter or exit a bonus in several different ways that look very similar/identical, but they can actually be up to 3-10 frames apart. It all adds up since there's over 60 bonuses (x2 for entering and for exiting) which is probably 10 seconds all up! Add to that the 20 seconds gained from the Millstone and Vulture Culture warps, and that's already 30 seconds.
The hardest parts were:
- The upwards-moving platform at the end of Elevator Antics, very tight fit.
- The two tires in Rope Bridge Rumble. ARGH! The second one is easy, but the first one is hell.
- Rolling underneath the second swinging rope in Blackout Basement. By far the hardest trick in the movie. The light are off and you can't see the rope, so you probably won't notice.
- Barreling the final bonus in Forest Frenzy. Looks very cool though.
- I decided to kill one of the Krusha's blocking the Millstone warp because it was too hard, but it's possible to move the tire underneath all three without slowing down much.
- Jumping over the 9th Army in Platform Perils (the middle of three).
- Thinking of ways to make the K Rool fight entertaining =/