Post subject: MegaMan Zero 4
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I know some people will hate me for reposting a topic about this game, but i've begun a TA and i really need some opinions or advice... And I wanted to be sure that everyone see it :D :D Hehe... so i've finished so far 5 levels : -First mission -Secod Mission -Nobile Mandrago -Pupula Cockapetri -Heat Genblem (though it has to be improved) here the link : So... a little help or opinions would be welcome :) THX
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Is this game different from RockMan Zero 4? (I'm guessing no.) If not I think we will hear someone's forum ninja avatar shout 'topic combine no jutsu!' very soon.
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Here are some suggestions: - Use a charged Saber rather than normal slashes when facing the Spy-Rarriers (Infact, use the charged Saber on monsters that have less invulnerability frames if you have the room to perform it). It lasts longer and does more damage when rapidly going back and forth. - Imo, the order for bosses should be like this: Nobile Mandrago Purpura Cockapetri Tech Kraken Monumental Death Saint Heat Gemblem Fenrir Lunaedge Titanyan Pegasolta Ekrail - In the last section of Purpura Cockapetri's stage, where the big area of spikes are, just get hit and dash across the spikes. You can make it across faster that way. - In Heat Gemblem's stage, the Red Hot Canons right before him, you kinda slowed down there. You should be able to get to that section faster without the canons actually having to fire.
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whoos didn't see this thread. sorry i should look before i post haha. Here are some suggestions: - Use a charged Saber rather than normal slashes when facing the Spy-Rarriers (Infact, use the charged Saber on monsters that have less invulnerability frames if you have the room to perform it). It lasts longer and does more damage when rapidly going back and forth. - Imo, the order for bosses should be like this: Nobile Mandrago Purpura Cockapetri Tech Kraken Monumental Death Saint Heat Gemblem Fenrir Lunaedge Titanyan Pegasolta Ekrail - In the last section of Purpura Cockapetri's stage, where the big area of spikes are, just get hit and dash across the spikes. You can make it across faster that way. - In Heat Gemblem's stage, the Red Hot Canons right before him, you kinda slowed down there. You should be able to get to that section faster without the canons actually having to fire.
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Thw for your suggestions mukka, -though you may have noticed that i'm collecting parts in Heat Genblem's level to make the Galacta Armor... and this made me lose time especially in the big Particle Beam section... -My boss order is the following : Nobile Mandrago Pupula Cockapetri Heat Genblem Fengli Lunaedge *Intermission 1&2* Tech Kraken Sol Titanyan Minos Magnaxe Pegasolta Eclair it takes into account various points such as : -collecting the necessary parts for the Galacta Armor in order to make it as soon as possible -Obtaining useful EXskills early to dispose of the bosses rapidly (and the most useful ones are Madrago's and Genblem's ones...) You're right with the section of pupula cockapetri stages, it would have been fatser to do so, though as i have progressed a lot since i've posted this i'm not sure i want to redo all those level... maybe next time And you're right, but only for the fisrt slash against the Spy-Rarriers, it would have been fatser to use a charged slash as the first slash... I'm going to see if i want to redo it again... and if anyone desire it i can post my new WIP... Though as i did not get answers last time... except yours, mukka... So let me know if someone is interested in this TA... Though i still want to finish it :D :D Thx
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what does this galacta armor do exactly? you did not mention that you were gonna aim for upgrades in your first post although i did notice you were collecting parts. Imo, I would've just stuck with no upgrades at all. other than that, im looking forward to this TA. everything seems good so far yet i have to see what the other sections.
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The Galacta armor doubles all damage. This is both the damage you give out and the damage you receive. I have looked at Xaphan's newest WIP (he's up to Weil stage 1) and when you see how fast he takes care of bosses with the Galacta armor, you will see why he takes time to collect the parts.
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I've been interested in this run from the very start. However, I have not played this game, since, for some reason, the dump of the ROM I have found will not work on the latest VBA here. So I can't offer my advice on the run... other than cheering you on to the finish!
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Thx for that Wren, however it's strange that you didn't find a Rom with a good dump forthe latest VBA, but did u try with the previous version of Nitsuja??? I still have it i think so if u want to try... (though i'm not sure)
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BTW, mukka i've checked for what you were saying about Pupula Cockapetri's level... However getteing does not make me invincible enough to travel through the spikes to reach the platform, and so it does not save so much time (though it may still save a little...)
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For those who are concerned : Do not worry, I'm working on it and i'm almost done, though i don't have access to the net during July and August as i have the rest of the year... Expect it soon... :)
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Fred, you're not online much... But i've just started making my own speedrun (speedrun, not timeattack) with Z4, and have discovered something i should've thought about when you were starting to run this game... I discovered something very handy, the double jump; It'll madly save a lot of time. I don't know what parts you need (i'm doing a new game+ run) but i think you should be able to produce it pretty early on in the game. I hope you're not very far, coz that'd mean you'd have to redo all kinda stages again. :( Btw, to give yah an idea of just how handy the double jump is, you can check the 2 stages i've currently ran. It's really handy for enemies such as the flamethrower, (or the blue drilling droids in the flame turle's level) and i'm sure i'm gonna discover more shortcuts when i progress into the game. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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I've also had some interesting mid-boss fights... The first one might be slitghly more entertaining than interesting, but still, i think it would be possible for you to do this (i believe you have these ex-skills) 1st: 4-way midboss Self-explanatory. 2nd: Ice Dragon Pure sweetness! I'm not pretty sure how this works... perhaps it's due to that both the fire bomb and the charged slash use 1-frame pauses. Maybe they exchange damage frame after frame and are like, hey, i'm new in this set of frames, i'm gonna do damage again! Anyway, just watch it :P Btw, isn't there a better way for us to communicate? Since i'm running this game myself i discover thing after thing. However, i don't feel like posting everything from my run to the public just yet, not until after it's done :P I could set up a site with vm0/vmv files, but yeah, i haven't heard a thing of you yet, so... - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Hi McBain, i'll try to be connected on MSN until now around 6-7 o'clock PM every evening... I didn't watch your little movies yet, because i'm at work... I'm very interested in all what you've written... I let you know that i've begun to redo the entire game and so far i've redone the first three stages and i improved them a lot, i'll try to post my WIP(s) this evening on this topic... It's a chance that i'm not up to those mini bosses yet :) :) I'm really curious about that... And about the double jump chip, i'm going to make research about it, and i'm also sure that it can save a lot of time... However for now, i don't have a clue on how to make it, but i'm sure that i can find this on gamefaqs forum... (I found the way to build the galacta armor here...) THOUGH, it's rellay hard to obtain the good chips from enemies with luck manipulation, so i hope it's not as hard as the galacta armor to make... But I'm sure it's really worth it... I have a last question... If anyone could answer... What are the main criteria for a movie to be published... Does the number of votes count a lot??? and the confidence??? And how come people are not more interested by that game than that (i mean only 6 votes... that's a pity :( ) Anyway i'm into it, and i shall perfect this game the most I can... And thx a lot McBain for your help...
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Moreover, I thought of something else : I've planned my boss order in order to get : First : The best ExSkills ASAP Second : The Galacta Armor ASAP So I hope that I can gather the parts for the double jump chip within the first few levels, because planning another boss order would be hard... It would have so many things to take into account... I shall check about that as well...
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Might anyone be interested: My own normal speedrun is finished, and can be downloaded at - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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I'm reviving this topic, beacause I noted some inerests into this game again... I planned to improve this run (I already began) but I wish this time to share my run with someone... I've used the (E) version of the rom
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I would propose help, but I am too irresponsible `^^
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Xaphan wrote:
I'm reviving this topic, beacause I noted some inerests into this game again... I planned to improve this run (I already began) but I wish this time to share my run with someone...
Awwww, you're not continuing with you Zero2 run? :( Or, if you're gonna do both, slow the process down of the new run that is Zero2. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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No, I shall finish Zero 2 first... Anyway, maybe someone will be interesting in improving my current run of MMZ4... If that's the case I can give him my file with the first two levels improved and take part into the run too when I'm done with MMZ2
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I don't know if it would be useful for normal mode run, but charged Knuckle is your friend, really. You can hit with it few times, like with aerial saber slash, but... there is NO 3 frames of lag during each hit ^_^ Useful for fighting with those three dragons for example. And on Icy level (hibernation chamber) taking upper path with taking claw weapon would be nice idea when you have double jump. (You chose "hidden" lower path in published movie, thanks for showing that way ^__^) You can get CLAW there, then move one level down on elevator, make it move upwards and fall down - I did it with killing enemies on every floor during falling and got to the midboss only ~1 second later. If you just fall without slowing down to kill enemies, it will be faster. Also I killed midboss with claw faster then you in your published movie, using turning to do multiple hits and double jump to stay in air, I killed left part of it with one big jump, and finished all the other parts with another jump. You can take a look at it here: (just fast-forward through first few levels to frame 33800, they are really unoptimized, it's not my current wip, but in current run it's only next level for me, so it's not redone) And don't forget to skip "Inticreates" screen using start+select+A+B (if you did not - you can hex edit it, it wont affect anything luck-related) By the way I would like to know if my hard mode run WIP (in corresponding thread, not one in this post) looks much worse than your current work ) I think I tried hard~
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zefiris wrote:
Useful for fighting with those three dragons for example.
I can't watch your movie but.... This works well for the other 2 dragons as well. - THE site for the ultimate MegaMan Zero superplay movies.
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Cool =) You just have to have corresponding element then... If you are going to have double jump after third level, you won't have element for first fragon though )
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Which version of the rom do you use Zefiris to make your run ??????
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Megaman Zero 4 (E) title: MEGAMANZERO4 serial: AGB-B4ZP-EUR CRC32: B7F022B9