Published on 8/14/2024
Myst is the epic puzzle game whose puzzles will take you hours to solve. Unless, of course, you know the answer. Although you'll encounter many brainmelting puzzles when normally playing through Myst, all the game really requires you to do is flip the eight switches around the island, get the blank page and bring it to Atrus.
One of the hardest things about this is the fireplace code which must be obtained in order to get access to Atrus. However, this being a TAS, the code is known and is entered in the most entertaining fashion the author could think of.
The original MacOS version, known as the Hypercard release, however, features an oversight in the fireplace where a different code can be used, which is not possible on any other release. The animations of some cutscenes cannot be skipped either (e.g. at the clock tower) and the code sequence at the clock tower are different as well.
Spikestuff reaches Atrus in record time.

Game Version:
Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
libTAS v1.4.6 // MAME 0.267
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(Verification movie)

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