Submission #9207: Spikestuff's MacOS Myst in 03:16.21

(Submitted: myst.toast )
libTAS v1.4.6 // MAME 0.267
This expects that you have used MystVerificationv3.ltm beforehand.
And that mac761 from MAME's diff folder (~/.mame/diff) has been created.
Be sure to check that you have re-enabled Prevent Writing to Disk.

System Time: 799682400 

Submitted by Spikestuff on 7/30/2024 1:16 AM
Submission Comments
Do you ever think that nothing would make you go through a version cause it's basically 1:1 identical to a later, different engine release?
Yeah, that was me... until a Reverse Engineer known as Jeff Barbi walks on stage at Mysterium 2024 and practically goes "So there's an oversight on the fireplace code on the Hypercard release of Myst".

The stuff

  • MAME 0.267
    • -w -noka -skip_gameinfo -nomaximize macqd800 -bios default mac761 -cdrom "full/path/to/Myst.toast"
    • Disable Configure Options -> Miscellaneous Options -> Skip imperfect emulation warnings
  • libTAS v1.4.6
  • Myst (1993 release)
  • This verification file
The Mac OS release of Myst, the original version of Myst.
This is Myst, we've seen it enough times, we know what it is.
RIGHT? Wrong!
So this is just 1:1 identical to the later Mohawk Engine release.
Everything's the same. Everything... except the fireplace, we lose the smile.
The fireplace code drops from 27 inputs to 17 inputs. This is due to an oversight.
The intended code (Page 158) can still be placed into the fireplace, but why would you want to add 10 extra input when the unintended code is available.
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(dark squares is the code)
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(dark squares is the code)

Other than that?
Zip Mode and Fastest Transitions were enabled and Disabling Environment Sounds to improve loads (even though Mechanical Gears plays tunes).
Screenshot Suggestion:
It might not be the one true smiley face. But the smiley face is still going to be the suggested screenshot for Publication.
Special thanks to fsvgm777 for validating sync for me on both this and the verification file.

feos: Claiming for judging.
feos: While this version is close to the Windows scummvm release, a couple puzzle specifics are different (the final lock puzzle, as well as how you need to turn the clock island faucets), and screens can't be be skipped here via the lightning icon feature. Since this game is basically a slideshow, there's barely any physics to get differently in different engine ports. So if even the puzzles were identical, I'd have a hard time accepting this game separately. But since it's objectively different in those few places, I think it's fine for it to exist on its own.
Relying on fsvgm777's sync validation and accepting.
fsvgm777: Hi, that's me. Processing.
Last Edited by Spikestuff 8 days ago
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