User Files for Bugz

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#66500734480859310 - Bugz Player Position Script

Bugz Position Script.lua
Game: Bugz ( Uzebox, see all files )
Uploaded 10/3/2020 8:42 PM by Invariel (see all 16)
Game: Bugz - Uzebox
Draws the player's positions for the previous and next X frames, and displays useful position information at the top of the screen.
Change line 21 to alter the text colour.
Change line 22 to alter Player 1's line colour.
Change line 23 to alter Player 2's line colour.
Change line 25 to adjust how many look behind / look ahead frames to draw player positions for.
(Fixes an issue with the previous script where I had mostly removed a piece of information that was unnecessary.)

#66498135760650053 - Bugz Enemy Position Script

Bugz Enemy Position Script.lua
Game: Bugz ( Uzebox, see all files )
Uploaded 10/3/2020 5:53 PM by Invariel (see all 16)
Game: Bugz - Uzebox
Draws path lines for the six bugz, as well as displaying their coordinates at the top of the screen.
Change line 26 to alter the path line colours for each of the bugz in order. Change line 28 to alter the information text colour. Change line 29 to adjust how many look behind / look ahead frames to draw positions for. Comment out lines 61 through 68 to remove the information text.

#66486917398392995 - Bugz RAM Watch

Game: Bugz ( Uzebox, see all files )
Uploaded 10/3/2020 5:45 AM by Really_Tall (see all 11)
Subpixel and speed addresses for both players, and subpixel addresses for all six bugs.

#66486052768391750 - Bugz - Consolidated Fastest File

1356 synced.bk2
In 02:43.77 (9829 frames), 30358 rerecords
Game: Bugz ( Uzebox, see all files )
Uploaded 10/3/2020 4:49 AM by Samsara (see all 72)
Team 3 (Bear and Bird): 1, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17, 20
Team 5: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19
Team 6 (Team 5): 7
Team 1 (Sisterhood of the Travelling Frames): 21

#47802345641707818 - Bugz uzebox test

In 00:58.35 (3502 frames), 2222 rerecords
Game: Bugz ( Uzebox, see all files )
Uploaded 6/14/2018 6:35 PM by EZGames69 (see all 155)
trying out 2 player tasing, pretty interesting yet difficult to route