User Files for Color a Dinosaur

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#638255087602508378 - Four Color a Dinosaur - Ultimate Ultimate ULTIMATE Submission Candidate

In 08:09.93 (29444 frames), 17309 rerecords
Uploaded 7/21/2023 3:59 AM by warmCabin (see all 30)
Am I done yet? 62 frames saved over the previous submission candidate. These hot takes are backed up by FractalFusion's adjacency lists. Thank you for those!

Crested Duckbill (11)

Saved 24 frames by fixing a gray chest region that could obviously have been yellow. It was right along the way, too. Saved another 6 by swapping the gray and yellow mouth regions.
30 total

Mini Stego (13)

Saved 22 frames from changing that one spike to yellow.

T-Rex (14)

Saved 10 frames by changing that one toenail to pink.

#638253472486465559 - Four Color a Dinosaur Ultimate Submission Candidate

In 08:10.96 (29506 frames), 16683 rerecords
Uploaded 7/19/2023 7:07 AM by warmCabin (see all 30)
Can I be done with this yet? 178 frames faster than the previous submission candidate.

Spino (2)

Saved 24 frames from better routing around those fingers.

Tricera (5)

Realized one of those pupils could be purple, saves a measly 5 frames.
Implemented my routing improvements from morefix, saved another 9 frames. Still waiting for 10 frames on that final A press, though... This seems to be inevitable. There's just no way to fill all the grays in one pass without waiting.
Saved another 8 frames by doing the pink horn region thing first. All button presses are now frame perfect except for the very first (1 frame slow), the left pupil (2 frames slow) and the very last (10 frames slow). Cycling from gray back to pink also happens to cost 13 frames, so it MIGHT be possible to break even with a color cycling strat. Why is this game so good???
Just to clarify, you can't cycle your color during a fill animation. You gain access to A (fill), B (select color), select (select palette) and start (finish drawing) on the same frame. You CAN cycle the color while the pencil is moving, but that doesn't apply here.
22 total

Ptero (7)

Saved 15 frames using my hot take.

Mini Stego (13)

Non frame perfect delays:
 9, 3, 13, 5, 3
Looks like there are 33 frames of potential timesave from pencil routing.
First pass:
 6, 3, 13, 5, 0
Saved 6 frames by altering the toenail order. The 13 and 5 are gonna be tough to crack because it's the little sliver in the bottom right. Making that inner crotch region yellow is also really tough.
New route:
 3, 3, +13 for the loopback, +1 for the extra yellow transition
In this crazy new path, I switch colors early so I can have frame perfect transitions out of those tiny secluded regions.
Apparently adds up to 5 frames all told.
11 total

Proto (16)

Saved 106 frames using my hot take.

#638253299285074921 - Four Color a Dinosaur - new submission candidate

In 08:13.92 (29684 frames), 15095 rerecords
Uploaded 7/19/2023 2:18 AM by warmCabin (see all 30)
Alright, here's the splice. Looks like it's 132 frames slower, but that's OK.
Differences from the published run:
  • Stego (1) - My fixes & improvements from April
  • Spino (2) - My fixes & improvements from April
  • Tricera (5) - Randomno's fixes from June (which are an improvement!)
  • Vinny (6) - My improvements from April
  • Ptero (7) - Unchanged, no hot takes. This has already been complicated enough for the judges...
  • Mini Stego (13) - Randomno's fixes from June
  • Proto (16) - Unchanged, no hot takes

#638252789553792720 - 4color_2023_morefix

In 08:08.95 (29385 frames), 15046 rerecords
Uploaded 7/18/2023 12:09 PM by warmCabin (see all 30)
My Four Color a Dinosaur publication has some pretty glaring mistakes, which people noticed after it got published, and Randomno is working to fix. Feel free to not believe me, but I did notice some of those mistakes back in April, and was working on a movie to address them. I noticed the toenail thing on #1 and the eye thing on #2, but #5 and #13 slipped by me a second time. Apparently I had some hot takes on #6, #7, and #16. Get out your Voronoi diagrams...
Compared to Randomno's submission, my #1 is 8 frames faster, and my #2 is 34 frames faster. I'll see if I can't work your fix into my improvements to #5; your #13 will be spliceable.

Here is my original notes draft file:

Stego (1)

I realized one of the toenails, which I considered to be at a corner with another, might actually be a proper adjacency. I went and recolored it ugly, and in the process, I saved 4 frames. I sacrificed 2 frames to show the eyes.
Future note: Apparently I saved another 4 frames by doing pink first.

Spino (2)

I actually bothered to redo this with the yellow spots routed into the main yellow pass. 16 frames. Then I realized I left both the eyes pink. How embarassing! I also realized I could color that nostril pink, saving some frames. This actually saved another 7 frames.

Tricera (5)

I managed to combine more long waits with long movements. 16 frames.

Vinny (6)

It's always vague with these large outlined regions, but I realized Vinny's right pupil could probably be considered touching his yellow body. I changed it to purple, which saved me 5 frames. Not only from avoiding the fill, but from avoiding a slight backtrack to reach it as well. I sacrificed 2 frames so you could actually see this.
Future note: I can't help but wonder why I decided to color it yellow in the first place...

Ptero (7)

I realized that little leg...socket...thing could be yellow, since it touches the body at a corner. 15 frames

Proto (16)

I changed my mind about that last splotch. It's only a corner, so I saved 106 frames for free.
Total = 169 (not incl. time/ent tradeoffs)

On Corners

Having seen all these drawings, you might think it's a little cheesey that the corners are allowed to be the same color. Well, that's just the way the theorem works. I believe the stego would be impossible if corners counted, but to really drive this point home, consider this dinosaur:
It's got 8 wedges all touching in the center, so you'd need eight colors. You could slice it into as many wedges as you want and there'd be no bound on the number of colors required. So yeah.

#638223815589266422 - Color a Dinosaur 4 color (fixed?)

In 08:14.42 (29714 frames), 13440 rerecords
Uploaded 6/14/2023 11:19 PM by Randomno (see all 25)
Appel and Haken are rolling in their graves.