My masterpiece! ... Well, data collection can now be done entirely without my direct input, I hope.
I fixed up the display by flipping it. Rather than the type running off the edge to the right, it now runs downward, with value going to the right instead. I can make much better use of vertical space this way. It still has no concept of screen space, but there's a lot more effective space with the direction I'm having it head.
I also do better than just list out a bunch of IDs for each card. I even identify the name (though I hope I picked the right set of pointers)! The first seven characters of the name is provided, but the full 17 characters is provided if you use the print out button (default: Z) in the script.
Pick a moment just four frames before the white flash. Start the script. Unpause emulation. If you did something wrong, either the little red number goes up (too early or wrong situation), or the exact same card keeps showing up (too late).
I made this script so that all the data collection for prize cards does not have to rely on my hands, though it's also easier for me to use. Also, I'd love to know whether the script is identifying the wrong names.