User Files from Toms

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#637946158032733323 - 1-1 as Fire Mario (with RTA Rules)

1-1 as Fire Mario TAS with RTA Rules.fm2
In 00:28.92 (1738 frames), 179 rerecords
Uploaded 7/28/2022 2:36 PM by Toms (see all 42)
I did my best.
You can modify it to improve it.
I don't have any problem.

#637851304569723803 - Nightmare Buzz TAS (SNES, PAL)

Nightmare Buzz (SNES, PAL).bk2
In 00:42.78 (2571 frames), 29 rerecords
Uploaded 4/9/2022 7:47 PM by Toms (see all 42)
Nightmare Buzz fight done with the Europe ROM
Note: This movie must be played on the version 2.4 of BizHawk because the movie starts on a "Save State".

#637831662780840375 - Nightmare Buzz TAS

Nightmare Buzz JPN TAS.bk2.bk2
In 00:36.81 (2212 frames), 236 rerecords
Uploaded 3/18/2022 2:11 AM by Toms (see all 42)
Well, the fastest Nightmare Buzz time ever. This was done on the J ROM of Toy Story.

#637768372118648604 - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow TAS with cheats

AoS TAS with cheats.vbm
In 03:56.00 (14102 frames), 192 rerecords
Uploaded 1/3/2022 8:06 PM by Toms (see all 42)

#75211038017363773 - Prince of Persia (SNES, JPN) 'training mode' TAS

training mode TAS.bk2
In 03:35.05 (12924 frames), 994 rerecords
Uploaded 10/31/2021 3:12 AM by Toms (see all 42)
Prince of Persia, an Apple II game created by Jordan Mechner and released at the end of 1989 when the Apple II died and be an Obsolete platform for playing videogames for that computer. Fortunaletly, the game had ports for other platform like the MS-DOS which is one of the popular ports of the game, Sega CD, TurboGrafx CD, NES, Genesis and of course... the SNES.
The SNES version is much expanded because it has more rooms than the original game, so that's why the game gives you 120 minutes/2 hours to complete the game.
This time is a training mode TAS of the game.
Yes, the SNES port gives you a training mode if you want to practice before starting your adventures.
This movie uses a trick that you can do on the game, this works on the J, US, & EUR roms.
You have to go the continue screen & put SPECIAL(JPN) or SPCCMD!(US/EUR), then you put OK and you will hear the sound of the Prince getting damage, then you start the game or the training mode.
Now pause the and press B, Y, Up, Down, Left, Right, L & R you'll hear the sound of the Prince getting damage again & then press Start+Select. After that you've a Menu that it has 3 options:
Level Select
Sound Select
Boost Meter
If you choose Level Select you can select a level of the adventure.
If you choose Sound Select you can select a Music of the game.
If you choose Boost Meter increases you life adding 1 bar potion.
and if you press X you kill the enemies on-screen.

Movie goals:

  • Emulator used: BizHawk 2.6.2
  • Uses password & a cheat that you can use in the game
  • Doesn't uses cheat codes

#74290152453809895 - Escalator TAS but with RTA Rules

Escalator (with RTA Rules of SMB1) TAS.fm2
In 00:21.12 (1269 frames), 38 rerecords
Uploaded 9/19/2021 3:52 PM by Toms (see all 42)
RTA rules are simple: I can't press L+R or U+D at the same time
RTA timing: 00:17.70

#74279945263527453 - Masked Muscle TAS

Masked Muscle.bk2
In 00:24.06 (1446 frames), 183 rerecords
Uploaded 9/19/2021 4:50 AM by Toms (see all 42)
A TAS of Masked Muscle, the Mexican & 3rd boxer of the Major Circuit on Super Punch-Out!! (SNES) that I did.
-Mr. Muscle, ¿do you want to say something?
-Yes, my amigo.
-The emulator used on this TAS is: BizHawk 2.6.2
-The time that Little Toms beated me is 0:06.30
-That time is humanly posible.
-The TAS began on a savestate & on a SRAM
-¿Another thing?
-Yes, señor.
-Little Toms used the US rom (NTSC system).
-Adios, my amigo.
Well guys, that's all.

#74206627305658856 - Escalator speedrun in 0:18.336 *World Record*

Escalator speedrun.fm2
In 00:24.76 (1488 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 9/15/2021 9:35 PM by Toms (see all 42)
ATA's ROM Hack speedrun with improvement
This speedrun gets an improvement of 1.78 seconds (107 frames) & beated in 0:18.336 (1102 frames)

#74189446696476777 - Escalator speedrun in 0:20.117 *Obsoleted Record*

In 00:44.59 (2680 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 9/15/2021 3:01 AM by Toms (see all 42)
A speedrun that I did, this is the movie input.
Yes, I record my quickest attempt to beat the ATA's ROM hack.
The time is: 0m 20s 117ms (1209 frames 60.098813897441 FPS)
Really, I don't why I'm uploading this speedrun of a TAS website.
But never mind, it's just the userfiles

#74112780116024321 - Ninja Gaiden "Dragon sword only" TAS

Ninja Gaiden 'sword only'.fm2
In 11:37.97 (41947 frames), 3699 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 9/11/2021 4:09 PM by Toms (see all 42)
Ninja Gaiden (NINJA外伝) (Also know as Ninja Ryukenden (忍者龍剣伝) & as Shadow Warriors is Europe) is a hard NES game.
It was released on SNES with the game Ninja Gaiden Trilogy(NINJA外伝 Trilogy), PC Engine, Mobile phones & Virtual consoles.
Is a hard game of the NES library including Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, Castlevania trilogy, Contra, Super C, etc.
In this time I'm not using any subweapons, well sometime on the run but the weapons hitbox doesn't hit enemies. So that's very lucky.
In this TAS I don't use any subweapons just only the sword.

Movie goals:

  • Emu. used: FCEUX 2.2.3
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Has some slowdowns
Note: If you find an Improvement you're free to send me in the comments an Improvement of this TAS.

#73900529955392459 - My recommendation of Super Punch-Out!! NTSC TASs

Super Punch-Out!! (Japan) (NP).smv
In 00:49.93 (3001 frames), 27 rerecords
6 comments, 226 downloads
Uploaded 9/2/2021 2:45 AM by Toms (see all 42)
If you want to TAS Super Punch-Out!! but with NTSC mode set, here is my recommendation. You need to use the J version because the Referee Mario(?) count when the "Opponent" & the player (which is Little Mac LOL!) gets knockdown is faster than the US version.
Click these links if you want to see the Super Punch-Out!! TASs list
The Europe version of the game has a faster timer because of the PAL system (I think)

#73651755339862935 - Super Mario Bros. TASed on Nintendo World Championships 1990

SMB in NWC1990.fm2
In 05:13.95 (18868 frames), 913 rerecords
Uploaded 8/21/2021 9:51 PM by Toms (see all 42)
If you wanted to see (Maybe not) a TAS of Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo World Championships 1990, your wish come true.
Nintendo World Championships 1990 is a NES game a that it has challenges of some NES games on the cartridge.
Super Mario challenge: you have to collect 50 coins
Rad Racer challenge: you have to complete the course Tetris Type-A challenge: you have to get a high score
When it says TIME! is game over
Super Mario Bros. is the NES game that can be playable in this ROM before the game says "TIME!".
So you have to have less than 50 coins.
RTA timing: 05:00.62 (Dawn, I lose 00:01.03 seconds)

Movie goals:

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.3
  • 2 players input
  • A few glitches are in the movie to save time
  • Uses warps
  • Heavy luck manipulation

#73633340460220936 - Super Castlevania IV (SNES, Japan) death fight

scv4 death fight.smv
In 00:35.67 (2144 frames), 34 rerecords
Uploaded 8/21/2021 1:57 AM by Toms (see all 42)
Death: "Time to test your strength"
Toms: *test his strength*
Death: "This time, it wouldn't be so easy"
Toms: *fights the Death in Super Castlevania IV*
Toms using TAS: "It's easy"
RTA (Real Time Attack) timing: 00:26.87

Goals of the movie:

  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.51 rerecording v7.1
  • Start on a SAVESTATE
  • Uses a password to the fight the Boss
  • Uses cancelling whip attack trick

#73581045217285198 - I REALLY need the credits of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

I REALLY need the credits of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!.fm2
In 00:11.83 (711 frames), 19 rerecords
Uploaded 8/18/2021 5:26 PM by Toms (see all 42)
You have to put these Pass Key: 106 113 0120,then after put that Pass Key hold SELECT and press A+B (At the same time), then you have the credits that everyone wants.
This works too in Punch-Out!! featuring Mr. Dream/Punch-Out!! (1990), but it doesn't work on Punch-Out!! Gold Edition (Famicom)
RTA timing: 00:01.15

Movie objectives:

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.3
  • Start from Power-On
  • Problably a TAS for April Fools 2022 but it's NOT LOL

#73523853128046702 - NES Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (JPN) Level 1 TAS WIP

Jekyll & Hyde (Japan).fm2
In 03:59.59 (14399 frames), 485 rerecords
Uploaded 8/16/2021 3:37 AM by Toms (see all 42)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Also know in Japan as Dr. Jekyll's Hour of the Wandering Monstrosity(ジーキル博士の彷魔が刻)/Engraved (彷魔が刻/Houma ga Toki) is one of the worst NES games.
It was developed by Toho and it was distributed by Bandai for the USA.
You're probably wondering "¿Why this is one of the worst NES games?"
Well, this is why.
The Jekyll controls are useless.
You have a sitck to attack & kill enemies but it doesn't work
People want you dead WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT!!!! The Bomb are so bad that you METER bar goes to 0 and then you transfrom to Mr. Hyde
Now with Mr. Hyde the controls are different than the Hated one. (¿Who can be? ¿LJN? ¿Ocean Software? NO. IT'S JEKYLL):
The Jekyll controls are like A REAL GAME:
With B button only you punch with your fist.
By pressing Up+B you throw the Psycho Wave.
You can die with 2 ways with Hyde Note: if you die as Hyde it's GAME OVER:
  • The simple ways is to being hitted
  • The 2nd one is that you got far away as Jekyll, o for that reason a lightning bolt falls from the sky and you're dead.
And I can forgot that you have to see these AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd episodes reviewing this game
Well, with ALL that information let's go to see

Movie objectives:

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.3
  • ROM used: The Japanese version of this game called Dr. Jekyll's Hour of the Wandering Monstrosity(ジーキル博士の彷魔が刻)/Engraved (彷魔が刻/Houma ga Toki)
  • Take damage to save time
Note: RTA timing of this movie is: 03:46.48

#73325522665956171 - Battle Kid "first boss only, passwordless" with Famtasia improvement

Battle Kid ''first boss only, passwordless'' improvement.fmv
In 02:18.35 (8315 frames), 199 rerecords
Uploaded 8/7/2021 5:15 AM by Toms (see all 42)
Well, the improvements are improvements
This movie has an improvement of 3382 frames (Am I not wrong)

Movie goals:

  • Emulator used: Famtasia 5.1
  • Doesn't uses password for some checkpoint
  • Uses normal difficult (Timmy's green suit)
In this movie to make it kinda perfect I use the speed trick to do some improvements

#73302999988799997 - Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril "first boss only, passwordless" but with Famtasia

Battle Kid - Fortress of Peril (Unl).fmv
In 03:14.63 (11697 frames), 310 rerecords
Uploaded 8/6/2021 4:54 AM by Toms (see all 42)
This was a stress to do in minutes or hours (I don't know)
Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, it's SHOWTIME!!!!!

Game context:

Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril or Battle Kid is Homebrew game released in 2010 by Sivak Games for the NES (Nintendo Entretainment System) that is just like the game I Wanna be the Guy because if you get one hit of damage the game is OVER.
Obviously, I can't forget that Game Grumps play this game.sorry for that spam :(
A few minutes ago I have the idea of do a Human Theory TAS/"TAS" of Battle Kid but with Famtasia(an obsoleted NES emulator) and it was a stress to do it.
Famtasia doesn't have the Input Display, Frame & Lag Counter and a hotkey for the Frame Advance.

Movie Goals:

  • Emulator used: Famtasia 5.1
  • Uses the easy mode (Timmy's pink suit)
  • TAS finishes when the Purple Plant is beated
  • Doesn't uses passwords for Checkpoint

#73230207431818893 - Top Gear 2 (Genesis) 'one track' TAS in 02:41.16

Top Gear 2 (USA).gmv
In 02:41.16 (9657 frames), 44 rerecords
Game: Top Gear 2 ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 8/2/2021 10:14 PM by Toms (see all 42)
Top Gear 2 (Also know is Japan as Top Racer 2) is a racing game released for the Amiga, Amiga CD32, Sega Genesis & Super Nintendo
Top Gear 2 (Sega Genesis) BoxBox of the game
Game title screenGame title screen
Game menu screenGame menu screen
GameplayGameplay in Low-Resolution (256x224/Original resolution)
TAS screenshotTAS screenshot
This version of Top Gear 2 was created by Vic Tokai & it was released one year later of the release of the original game.
This port has some limitations, for example: the race sound has different sound options to listen
The list here for the context
Genesis version limits
Race sound:
You can listen to the Sound Effects or Music only separated.
So you can't listen the Sound Effects & Music at the same time in the game
The soundtrack has 4 tracks
There are 13 sound effects in the game
This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun of the Genesis version of Top Gear 2 (One track only (Auckland), so this ISN'T a TAS of the Entire game)

#73160704331563462 - Popeye no Eigo Asobi 'Country' TAS

PnEA 'Country' TAS.fm2
In 03:22.63 (12178 frames), 359 rerecords
Uploaded 7/30/2021 7:06 PM by Toms (see all 42)
Well, I can explain this.
I was watching the new TAS of this homepage of Popeye no Eigo Asobi in 02:43.56 by Jigwally (Current Vault movie).

Game context:

Popeye no Eigo Asobi is a Japanese Educational game of Popeye.
In this game the player controls Popeye and you need to translate the words in Japanese to English.
In the movie of Jigwally he select the category 'Others' but in my movie I select the category 'Country'.
RTA timing: 03:21.02

Movie objectives:

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.4.0
  • Nothing more LOL.
  • Category: Country

#72903537506394732 - The Desert Trip (SMB1 Hack) 1-1 TAS

The Dessert Trip 1-1 TAS.fm2
In 00:28.75 (1728 frames), 43 rerecords
Uploaded 7/19/2021 5:09 AM by Toms (see all 42)
After 1 week of inactivity, "It was time to go home"
This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun of a ROM Hack of Super Mario Bros.: The Desert Trip (on his current version 1.2)
In this TAS, I play the first level.
If you want to edit the input of the movie or continue the TAS, you can.
It's obvious that it's necessary to give credits.
And... thank you for some people that put my name on his/her homepage of this website, I don't feel angry with that, I just feel happy and get me thinking that I'm getting the popularity that I like.
I'll see you next time, bye.

#72735395645509263 - Richter Improvement TAS

Richter mode TAS.dsm
In 02:06.23 (7552 frames), 30 rerecords
1 comment, 248 downloads
Uploaded 7/11/2021 3:25 PM by Toms (see all 42)

The fast movement input is like this:

When your going to the right:
1 >
2 < L
3 v >
4 < L
5 v >

When your going to the left:
1 <
2 > L
3 v <
4 > L
5 v <

When you press the Y button is like this:

When your going to the right:
1 >
2 < L Y
3 v >
4 < L Y
5 v >

When your going to the left:
1 <
2 > L Y
3 v <
4 > L Y
5 v <

Movie objectives:

  • Emulator used: DeSmuMe 0.9.9
  • "Enable Advanced Bus-Level Timing"
Credits to Kristian Olenfalk (aka. Kriole) for the fast movement input trick from the submission of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow "all souls" run (Submission #3780).

#72609554109603005 - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Beta) TAS

cvdos demo TAS.dsm
In 03:38.55 (13075 frames), 178 rerecords
Uploaded 7/5/2021 11:24 PM by Toms (see all 42)
The people: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? A beta of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow?
Me: YES.
This is the Kiosk Demo of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
This TAS is kinda playaround mixed with an any%


  • Emulator used: Desmume 0.9.9
  • Take damage to save time
  • One thing that I recomend to watch the movie correctly is disable the option Advance Bus-Level Timing

#72605362418844602 - Castlevania: PoP - Richter Belmont TAS (WIP)

In 02:28.55 (8887 frames), 81 rerecords
Uploaded 7/5/2021 6:52 PM by Toms (see all 42)
richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont
Emulator used: DesMuMe 0.9.9
Only 1 thing to say is: richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter belmont richter BELMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#72501055536458977 - Super Mario All Stars: SMB2J "game end L+R trick"

Super Mario Collection (Japan).bk2
In 00:31.78 (1910 frames), 179 rerecords
5 comments, 240 downloads
Uploaded 7/1/2021 2:07 AM by Toms (see all 42)

#72249059835263123 - another Escalator improvement

SMB1 - Escalator (SMB1 Hack)-0.fm2
In 00:20.88 (1255 frames), 63 rerecords
Uploaded 6/19/2021 5:45 PM by Toms (see all 42)