User Files from The_Brookman

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#637922911377908987 - Armored Core 1 WIP update

In 44:03.38 (158628 frames), 133074 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 7/1/2022 4:52 PM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
this represents about 80,000 frames since my previous WIP.
I have about . . . . 16 missions left and if I keep my current pace will be done in 2-3 weeks.

#637907239103227916 - Armored Core 1 WIP update

In 23:00.21 (82826 frames), 92508 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
1 comment, 127 downloads
Uploaded 6/13/2022 1:31 PM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
after going through a personal hell for the last . . . .18 months or so I've finally got to a point where I can start working on the AC TAS again.
This represents progress from February-June 2021 and is about 30,000 more frames than the previous wip.
if you don't want to deal with the file, I uploaded the new segments to YT and the first part is linked in the description:

#69524015732069837 - AC1postprototypeMTwip

In 18:41.09 (67198 frames), 40231 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 2/17/2021 12:24 AM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
this will be my last update for a bit, things have been tumultuous and i might be moving so I want to make sure my progress is up to date if i have to start working on a different machine down the line

#69347940261518852 - Armored Core 1 TAS progress

In 14:29.90 (52142 frames), 25578 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 2/9/2021 2:05 AM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
I took about 5 months off from working on the TAS but I have since produced quite a bit more. Just uploading this in case of freak occurrences that would cause me to lose my machine or w/e

#66746228916241238 - CurrentArmoredCore1

In 08:11.51 (29461 frames), 12068 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 10/14/2020 10:02 PM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
ive been on hiatus for about 2 months now and i am not certain i will be able to progress moving into the end of the year so i wanted to upload this as a back up in case of horrible accidents or something that would cause me to lose access to my machine.

#65242490406210810 - PSX - AC1 Final Cosmetic Input

In 03:40.44 (13213 frames), 2441 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 8/8/2020 4:43 AM by The_Brookman (see all 10)

#64999587377231861 - PSX - Armored Core - 100% wip Cosmetics

In 03:56.17 (14156 frames), 710 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 7/28/2020 6:11 AM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
After about 2 months of dedicated RTA testing for routing and builds (spoiler: large rocket OP) its finally time to progress further in the TAS.
This is an "up to date" version of my wip ("optimized" raven test and eliminate strikers)
As a 100% category, I believe this will be more of an "entertainment showcase" than a "Fastest completion" - leaning into the customization to make individual missions more interesting as opposed to relying on a single cookie cutter build to clear every mission the same way. As such, I have taken the liberty to design some cosmetics to further spice up the presentation.

#63970345441487750 - PSX - Armored Core - w/Shop

In 07:06.29 (25276 frames), 26245 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 6/11/2020 9:44 PM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
In this branch I opt to upgrade the booster and generator.
This makes a fairly significant difference in individual mission times although due to extra time shopping is an overall improvement of only ~100 frames.
I have since gone back again, to test a different build and mission path as well as optimize the raven test.

#63969457160493794 - PSX - Armored Core - No Shop

In 07:58.91 (28396 frames), 16378 rerecords
Game: Armored Core ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 6/11/2020 8:46 PM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
This was the first branch of AC that I tested before deciding to go backwards to test other routes and builds. some strategies have since changed on my current wip but this is still a good display of gameplay granted the "no shop" restriction.

#26586886511421597 - Demon's Crest 100% improvement

In 34:48.38 (125509 frames), 3076 rerecords
Game: Demon's Crest ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/2/2015 7:55 AM by The_Brookman (see all 10)
This is a "completed" ~1,000 frame improvement of the 100% movie that was published a few months ago. The improvement comes from getting the urn in stage 2 on the first visit, which allows me to use MORE mercury potions to avoid extra trips to the world map and other shenanigans.
Skull Bash minigame was improved by 20 frames and there were other movement optimizations I was able to make through out as well as avoiding lag in some areas.
Ironically, due to the new potion strategy 2 boss fights become longer (one MUCH longer) but still the trade-off is significant. I'm not sure what else there is to say right now but after a few weeks of testing a pushing I JUST completed the TAS and immediately came to upload.
I'll be looking for spots that can be improved over the next few days and if anyone is interested in viewing or providing feed back that would be much appreciated.
thanks again hope you enjoy this improvement.