Removed PlaceObject2 (73: API Connector (NewgroundsAPI)) Depth: 17 1bba8b45c781baaf751c34d7212ea216 (533001_PrisonNG.swf)
Paused due to Ruffle rounding inaccurate compared to 32-bit adobe flash player SWF MD5 hash: 06770325cd1207378441fb853b21b90a (also syncs on RB4V1TASv1.5.swf: 73fe8a06167f48778e215c4a0626594d)
SWF with API Connector removed MD5 Hash 048d85d7ee5963d877f3f0baa5654cc5 Only removed "PlaceObject2 (75: API Connector (NewgroundsAPI)) Depth: 17" from frame 1 on original SWF (Link to video)
I can't TAS Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker due to lack of TAS-Studio, keybinds for save/load states, Virtual Pad and mostly notable: Desync. (Link to video)
Confirmed to resync on SWF with MD5 hash of 542945bd96db65ed95833dba88a35339 named 665992_complex.swf Not sure about SWF with MD5 hash of 051c1e9657a91f2153def86702bbdbbd named fleeingthecomplexgame.swf (Link to video)
Only syncs on SWF with MD5 hash of 542945bd96db65ed95833dba88a35339 named 665992_complex.swf It desyncs (on the title screen) on SWF with MD5 hash of 051c1e9657a91f2153def86702bbdbbd named fleeingthecomplexgame.swf (Link to video)