User Files from MESHUGGAH

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#38811493233618504 - NES Star Wars namco Warp good

Star Wars (Japan) (Namco) - Warp good.fm2
In 00:56.24 (3380 frames), 4003 rerecords
Uploaded 5/5/2017 8:51 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Uses FerretWarlord's WIP to check the warp thing.
30 sec improvement.

#38700517387910506 - NES Yume Penguin Monogatori WIP7

MESHUGGAH-Yume Penguin Monogatari-WIP7.fm2
In 01:25.70 (5151 frames), 10849 rerecords
Uploaded 4/30/2017 8:54 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Completes first level 16 frames faster than published [1789] NES Yume Penguin Monogatari by Yunshui & X2poet in 09:49.00
All lag frames manipulated out where it was possible
  • tutorial level 1 lag frame unmanipulatable
  • first level done with 0 lag frame
Possible improvements (for 1st level)
  • check how to keep the movement speed bonus from M powerup, maybe get more drinks?
  • manipulate falling tree trunks earlier
edit: rerecord count isnt valid. edit2: doesn't syncs on NESHawk (game can be started 2-3 frames earlier, and this obviously changes item drops)

#38627134914977985 - NES Zombie Nation WIP10

MESHUGGAH_Abarenbou Tengu_WIP10.fm2
In 03:38.22 (13115 frames), 5266 rerecords
Game: Zombie Nation ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/27/2017 1:35 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Movie syncs on FCEUX.
On bizhawk, this movie can be started 2 frames earlier. However, many times I get hurt while I'm not taking death in FCEUX.
Health units: 0x1C
edit: (because of the gameplay difference between the 2 emulators...) (15:41) <MESHUGGAHTAS> I think I take zombie nation on pause (and hopefully someone tests what happens on NES, all hits avoided or continously taken) and move onward the next ones

#38523455317776300 - NES Zhen Jia Hou Wang WIP1

MESHUGGAH_Zhen Jia Hou Wang.fm2
In 01:20.12 (4815 frames), 1592 rerecords
Game: Zombie Nation ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/22/2017 9:31 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Bootleg platformer game about the Journey to the West tale.
One of my older movies.
  • Monkey king (default character) has the worst special power throwing his rod slowly which is totally unuseful. Also other 2 has the same rolling which is much faster movement-wise.
  • You always need to avoid enemies. Recovery is hard.
  • Movie ends with bypassing 2 screens by "moving" around the camera borders.
Screen 1 top wall, jump to right -> Screen 2, move to left --> Screen 3, suicide, respawn in top left corner, continue to the left.

#38522784034505664 - NES Zombie Hunter WIP5

MESHUGGAH_Zombie Hunter (J)_WIP5.fm2
In 00:29.02 (1744 frames), 2367 rerecords
Game: Zombie Nation ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/22/2017 8:48 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Actually just a trick, but
  • Pressing the start button a few units/frames before the next screen's border let's you skip that screen's battle.
This isn't as useful as it sounds since
  • you need XP by killing enemies
  • different placements of enemies

#38522710007676970 - NES Zombie Hunter WIP4

MESHUGGAH_Zombie Hunter (J)_WIP4.fm2
In 00:31.20 (1875 frames), 2095 rerecords
Game: Zombie Nation ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/22/2017 8:43 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Uses default difficulty (game A). Game B increases enemy stats and level requirements, making it into a grinding festival.
edit: 0x448 xpos on screen
Game mechanics: 1 level consists of 32 screen. Every screen has a battle where enemies either fly out of the screen or killing them and picking up the chest.
  • Chests are solid objects and hitbox disappear after a few frames. Sometimes you need to jump inside the hitbox from top left corner to be able to jump off it before it disappears.
  • You can duck. Useful to dodge some unnecessary shots/hits.
  • After using B button, you can swing 1 frame to the direction you want to hit the enemy.
Maybe it worth to select game B for earlier XP farm? (HP/XP ratio difference between game A and B)

#38522290736484028 - NES Zombie Nation boss test WIP1

MESHUGGAH_Abarenbou Tengu (J)_onlybosswip1.bk2.bk2
In 00:10.86 (653 frames), 1044 rerecords
Game: Zombie Nation ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/22/2017 8:16 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Yet-another-long-and-boring-repetitive-generic-autoscroller-shmup alias...
Zombie Nation's japan version Abarenbou Tengu. There's 8 rounds, 1 autoscroller scene with deadly traps and "shoot level to make a path for yourself" stuff and 1 boss who takes ~20 hits which can be done by holding the right button and holding the fire button. Except the final boss battle which consists 4 snakes.
This movie uses a cheat code (25 reset and a button combinations) to check final boss lagginess. Other parts of the game could be done without having a lag frame, unsure about places where you need to shoot the path for yourself (and there are many sprites occasionally so you need to shoot).
0x418~0x41B for HP addresses. 11 HP / snake, they move depending on the player's position, player moves like skating with normal shoes.

#33669363111907735 - NG1 pacifisting WIP138

In 11:21.39 (40951 frames), 185002 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 9/16/2016 6:59 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Comparison to previously uploaded WIP137v5
  • 3 frames improved at 5-2 final screen by better manipulating bird slot 6 by adding 2 delays to spawn it later, this way it won't have enough time to accelerate back to the top vertically
  • 1 frame lost at 5-3 2nd screen because slot 3 sub y is bad, probably unrecoverable
  • 1 frame delay added at the end of 5-3 4th screen (required for next screen knife bitch's knife)
  • 1 frame recovered on 5-3 5th screen
2 frames faster than previous WIP137v5

#33324214600346324 - NG1 pacifisting WIP137v5

In 11:21.42 (40953 frames), 184645 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/31/2016 5:56 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
  • 1 frame faster 5-3 1st screen by better wallclimbing (Scumtron's improvement)
  • 2 frames faster 5-3 3rd screen by jumping 1 frame later into the wall
  • 1 frame faster 5-3 5th screen by changing slot 7 sub x, also different knife bitch knife / route.
4 frames faster than previous WIP137v3.
Notes to myself:
  • There's an extra frame at the end of 4-1 to change slot 6/7 sub x. Useless for pacifist.
  • Funky wallclimbing when jumping across the ladder (5-2 2nd screen start for example)... is it possible? Doesn't seems to be.
edit3 (rewrote frame numbers): 5-2 final screen can be improved with 3 frames.
  • 2 frame save ruins 5-3 edit2: 1st screen slot 6 tyson 4th screen slot 4.
  • 3 frames save ruins 5-3 2nd screen slot 7/4...

#33010152077387938 - NG1 pacifisting WIP137v3

In 11:21.49 (40957 frames), 184306 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/17/2016 2:29 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start. This WIP starts from 5-1 but changes come after 5-2 screens.
  • 16 frames faster 5-1 using RTA boost (Scumtron's route)
  • 2 frames lost on 5-2 last screen to get a better knife bitch (delay added before birdy so we can escape it too)
  • 1 frame lost on 5-3 3rd screen due slot2 bat
  • 5-3 5th screen: 1 frame lost due jumper and 3 frames due knife bitch
9 frames faster than previous (136v4) WIP and we end with 1HP (boss fight refills HP).

#32921298710043507 - NG1 pacifisting WIP137v2b

In 11:21.38 (40950 frames), 184087 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
1 comment, 1278 downloads
Uploaded 8/13/2016 2:27 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Resynced up to 5-2 final screen with Scumtron's 14 frames faster + 2 frames for better ending and good sub Xs.
Knife bitch was a little bit better with only 14 frames (and 1 blank frame, so 13 total) (GIF here again: ), but with the additional 2 frames:
  • Going without delay: second knife hits us while jumping over him
  • 1 empty frame: first knife hits us while climbing the platform
  • 2 empty frame: second knife hits us while jumping over him
Putting 1 empty frame before spawning knife bitch is used to manipulate him to walk to the right side so we have space to land next to him.
Knife bitch timer in this movie is 24, 17 frames of waiting and 46.
With scum's + blank frame: 26, 16 frames of waiting and 48.
edit: since we sacrifice 1HP at 5-1 start, we have 3 HP to spend in this level, which used to do the birdy boost. Other alterative use of 3 HP is boost from 5-2 3rd screen ballerinas (2dmg) and 5-2 last screen boost from the knife bitch's knife (1dmg) and avoid birds to finish.

#32904451437562432 - NG1 RTA boost

In 11:21.78 (40974 frames), 183482 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/12/2016 8:14 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Saves 5 frames, but can't be improved with WIP136v4 comment improvement.

#32902584480113206 - NG1 pacifisting WIP136v4

In 11:21.64 (40966 frames), 183938 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
3 comments, 1198 downloads
Uploaded 8/12/2016 6:13 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Continuation of previous WIP136v3, 5 frames faster boss fight by using the pillar instead of catching the fireball to recover and attack.
Remaining tests: half-pixel starts on 5-2, 5-3 with different slot sub x's.

#32900954570689473 - NG1 pacifisting WIP136v3

In 11:21.73 (40971 frames), 183685 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/12/2016 4:27 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
This WIP includes previous (v2) slot4 change on 5-2 last screen. Comparison to WIP136v1:
  • 1 frame faster 5-3 2nd screen (to dodge shuriken)
  • 2 frames faster 5-3 3rd screen by better positioning at the first few enemies
This way knife bitch is OK. Lost frames recovered, but I want to make sure that all screens from 5-2 to 5-3 is perfect.

#32851544908981277 - NG1 pacifisting WIP136v2 (desync)

In 11:21.76 (40973 frames), 183680 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
1 comment, 1274 downloads
Uploaded 8/10/2016 11:03 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
In the search of recovering the lost frames.
Apart from added interrupt jugglings:
  • 5-2 last screen changed slot4 sub x to recover 5-3 2nd screen 1 lost frame (at the very end to dodge the shuriken earlier)
  • 5-3 3rd screen start changed a bit but slot2 sub y is bad (not sure if it's possible to manipulate somewhere), same length
  • 5-3 5th screen slot5 knife bitch is very bad, unable to boost from her/him.
My hopes are getting lower.

#32829448429403214 - NG1 pacifisting WIP136v1

In 11:21.78 (40974 frames), 183409 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
6 comments, 1245 downloads
Uploaded 8/9/2016 11:10 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
  • Added interrupt jugglings to places where Scumtron mentioned in previous WIP comments, subtimer is optimal now (3 frames)
  • 5-3 5th screen knife bitch improved by 1 frame with better positoning.
4 frames faster total.
Unsure about the possibility to save the lost frames:
  • 5-3 2nd screen slot1/2 needs a 1 frame slower 5-2 3rd screen
  • 5-3 3rd screen slot4 change ruins next screen slot4 bat
edit after 6 comments: slot 4 can be changed on 5-2 last screen, making 5-3 2nd screen 1 frame faster. But this way slot7 and slot4 bad, nullifying the improvement.

#32812989479067544 - NG1 pacifisting WIP135v4

In 11:21.84 (40978 frames), 183307 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
2 comments, 1240 downloads
Uploaded 8/8/2016 5:23 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start. Scumtron's improvements are marked with his name.
Difference between WIP133 in HP route:
  • avoid 5-2 3rd screen ballerinas (2dmg)
  • avoid 5-2 last screen knife bitch's knife (1dmg)
  • boost from slot7 bird (3dmg)
This way we end the stage 5 with 2 HP since we don't boost from the 1dmg bullet (previously mentioned bat inaccurately)
  • 5-2 3rd screen 13 frames longer (ballerinas)
  • 5-2 last screen 13 frames faster (look above)
  • 5-3 1st screen 3 frames faster by better jumping between tysons and at the very end (Scumtron)
  • 5-3 2nd screen lost 1 frame because bad slot1 or slot2
  • 5-3 3rd screen has bad slot4 so 2 frames lost but very end jump is 2 frames faster (Scumtron)
  • 5-3 5th screen 5 frames faster by better jumping at the very end (Scumtron) and different method to approach knife bitch
20 frames faster total. Subtimer probably off (not perfect). edit: rewrote some miswrotes. fucking television distracts me since yesterday.

#32745468831563642 - NG1 pacifisting WIP133

In 11:22.17 (40998 frames), 182692 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/5/2016 4:24 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
  • changed some slots position on edit: 5-2 start by being half pixel behind (without losing frame), but couldn't get a better final screen (slot6 bird)
  • final screen changed because of different slot4 (knife) pos
  • 6 frames improved on 5-3 3rd screen by avoiding bat differently while delaying gunner to avoid dmg boost and added even more interrupt jugglings to get ahead of the 3 NFL guy
  • 3 frames lost because of subtimer.
5-3 3rd screen probably improvable even more, but also need to rethink HP route.

#32726080826842871 - NG1 pacifisting WIP130

In 11:22.26 (41003 frames), 182320 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/4/2016 7:27 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
  • 5-3 3rd screen 5 frames improved by avoiding bat by jumping (to manipulate Y pos) and without interrupt juggling. 1 frame delay at first enemy required for better slot5 next screen
  • 3 frames improved because of subtimer (and added a few more interrupt juggles)
8 frames improved total, can't see other possible improvements.

#32693971265109303 - NG1 pacifisting WIP129

In 11:22.39 (41011 frames), 182152 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
1 comment, 1248 downloads
Uploaded 8/3/2016 8:44 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Back to saving frames, syncs up to 6-1 start. (desyncs later)
  • 5-1 1 frame improved by avoiding instead despawning last to final enemy
  • 5-2 3rd screen 2 frames improved by better walljump right at the end
  • 5-2 last screen 5 frames improved because of better knife bitch. 1 frame delay added after knife bitch boost (at the wall) because of slot 6 bird
  • 5-3 3rd screen 1 frame delay added at first enemy for better slot 5+7 next screen
edit: 9 frames improved total

#32548221835839746 - NG1 pacifisting WIP126v4 (full)

In 11:22.42 (41013 frames), 180912 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
7 comments, 1239 downloads
Uploaded 7/27/2016 7:12 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
First WIP that ends the game. 1170 frames faster than feos' initial attempt.
  • only 1 suicide route test, final (non-boss) level is a miserable series of interrupt juggling.
  • I can't kill the core with damage boosting, because it doesn't come down and Ryu doesn't jump high enough, feos or scumtron, any tips on this?
edit: last (non-boss) level is 153 frames slower than feos' one, so it's faster with 1 suicide (which takes 230 frames), but obviously a different dmg route is required to avoid too many interrupts.

#32456852918958602 - NG1 pacifisting WIP125

In 11:28.62 (41385 frames), 179222 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/23/2016 4:27 PM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1.
  • this WIP includes the 4-1 end improvement but it's nullified because of 4-3 knife bitches
  • 2 frames improved on 5-2 1st screen because of better slot5 position
  • 6 frames improved on 5-2 last screen because of landing further the edge of last platform and manipulating final slot 7 bird. 1 frame delay added because 5-3 2nd screen slot7 was bad.
  • 1 frame lost on 5-3 4th screen because the avoidable slot7 bullet was bad.
  • 3 frames saved on 5-3 5th screen because of better knife bitch boost
  • 3 frames lost after boss battle because of timer.
9 frames faster than previous WIP(123)
I think I miswrote some frame saves/losses or the timer took more than 3 frames?
edit: I've polished the input up to 5-2 hence the rerecord number. tried to make some scenes more exciting (closer jumping to enemy hitboxes).

#32450395815128976 - NG1 pacifisting WIP123v1

In 11:28.77 (41394 frames), 177607 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/23/2016 9:28 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start. Knife bitch will ruin 6-1.
  • 1 frame improved on 5-2 last screen knife bitch
  • 1 frame improved on 5-3 4th screen end by avoiding last to final bullett better
Can't think of any other possible improvements. Starting to plan 6-1/6-2 hp planning and despawn route. It will be fun.
edit: it's possible to save 1 frame at 5-2 final screen by landing the last platform further the edge to avoid 0.0 speed and remove 2 frame delay at 5-3 2nd screen but fucks up 4th screen slot5 enemy, failing to land on the next platform where I avoid the bullet.
Probably preservable by some interrupt juggling somewhere.

#32449548716373660 - NG1 pacifisting WIP122v1

In 11:28.80 (41396 frames), 177321 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/23/2016 8:33 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
  • 15 frames improved 5-2 3rd screen by ballerinas boost
  • 3 frames improved 5-2 4th screen by better knife bitch but maybe improvable by 1-2 frames (had to manipulate birdy)
  • 7 frames improved 5-3 4th screen by avoiding 1 bullet at the end
  • 7 frames improved 5-3 5th screen by better positioning for knife bitch
  • 3 frames improved because of timer after boss battle
35 frames improved total since last WIP(121), 785 frames faster than feos' initial attempt.

#32427653283970768 - NG1 pacifisting WIP121

In 11:29.38 (41431 frames), 176942 rerecords
Game: Ninja Gaiden ( NES, see all files )
3 comments, 1087 downloads
Uploaded 7/22/2016 8:53 AM by MESHUGGAH (see all 294)
Syncs up to 6-1 start.
Committing suicide takes 230 frames. Thanksfully, we get full hp refill before boss start, so this WIP is 156 frames faster than previous (WIP 118) one.
Birdy boost takes 3 dmg so it should be used only when it saves a lot more than 1 dmg boosts.
First route test
  • no dmg boost at 5-2 3rd screen start (jumping ballerinas/roundhouse kickers), they have 2 dmg
  • no dmg boost at 5-2 4th screen first and last bird
  • dmg boosting from tyson 5-3 1st screen (1 dmg)
  • dmg boosting from knife bitch 5-3 5th screen (1 dmg) instead of bird
This way we end with 1 hp.
edit: fixed stage+screen numbers
edit2: possible improvements:
  • 5-2 3rd screen dmg boost jumping ballerinas (14 frames, 2dmg)
  • maybe better knife bitch on next screen (knife bitch / knife 1dmg)
  • 5-3 4th screen avoid 2dmg bullet boost (7 frames)
  • maybe better knife bitch on next screen (knife bitch / knife 1dmg)
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