User Files from FractalFusion

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#638595168763566191 - Blue sphere (S&K + Sonic the Hedgehog) level and password generator

System: Sega Genesis
Uploaded 8/17/2024 6:41 PM by FractalFusion (see all 87)

#638585240848962683 - Mega Man X-X6 and MM7 (and Rockman&Forte) RNG monitor

mmx-x6 and 7 RNG monitor.lua
Game: Mega Man 7 ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 8/6/2024 6:54 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
This is a small Lua script which is used for Mega Man games that use the "MMX RNG". In case you don't know what I mean by this, it's a 16-bit period-43534 RNG starting with the value 0xD37 and governed by the following formula:
local function nextrng(rng)
	local rngh=(math.floor(rng*3/256))%256
	local rngl=(rngh+rng)%256
	return rng
This Lua script uses a reverse lookup to display the index of the RNG (0xD37 = index 0, 0x275E = index 1, etc.).
This Lua script also displays the R-F value for X-X6, which is (RNG index minus current framecount) mod 43534. When inside a stage, a ROM subroutine auto-runs the RNG at one cycle per frame without using it, so this value can be used to detect unusual RNG advances which *are* used by the game. MM7 has similarly a "R-2F" value (since RNG runs at two cycles per frame), whereas R&F does not run the RNG except when needed and so does not need to display such a value.
This Lua script also displays the current RNG value, the 3 RNG values before it, and the 6 RNG values after it.

#638559997684048557 - Monopoly 7 CPUs (TDrop's strategy)

In 03:21.60 (12116 frames), 2481 rerecords
Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/8/2024 1:42 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)

#638559428512876193 - Monopoly "vs 7 CPUs, fastest completion"

In 02:40.07 (9620 frames), 2200 rerecords
Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 7/7/2024 9:54 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Aims for fastest completion (as opposed to fastest input).
Last CPU bankruptcy at 9620 frames.

#638548878630620764 - monopoly_7cpus_ending.lua

Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/25/2024 4:51 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Script for finding possible RNGa and RNGb values for an ending to the 7 CPUs TAS.

#638548877920087482 - monopoly_7cpus_starting.lua

Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/25/2024 4:49 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Script for finding delays to RNG-manipulate first part of 7 CPUs TAS.

#638548876573099359 - monopoly_rngvalues_cards.lua

Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/25/2024 4:47 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Returns initial Chance and Community Chest cards depending on the RNGa value. See the file for a description of what the output file values mean.

#638548875293857769 - monopoly_rng_monitor.lua

Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/25/2024 4:45 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Displays the index number for RNGa and RNGb. Reverse lookup for RNGa and 139*value mod 256 for RNGb. Might need to raise "max_number" value if not enough RNGa values.

#638539506846324308 - Monopoly (RTA-ending timing) in 1738 frames.

In 00:28.92 (1738 frames), 697 rerecords
Game: Monopoly ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 6/14/2024 8:31 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Bankrupt at frame 1976. Fastest RTA-ending TAS (faster than adelikat's TAS by 37 frames)

#638045382211316561 - Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2

Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2
In 5:00:14.05 (1082623 frames), 94 rerecords
Game: Battle Chess ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/20/2022 10:50 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Battle Chess (U) [!] - stockfish(30s) vs battle chess.bk2
Move_number Frame Your_move Stockfish_rating CPU_move CPU_thinking_time
1 622 e4 (0.51) e5 3146 2 4668 Nf3 (0.40) Nf6 12717 3 19983 Nxe5 (0.80) d6 12641 4 35166 Nf3 (0.74) Nxe4 7445 5 45901 Bd3 (0.77) d5 11916 6 58587 O-O (0.62) Bc5 16948 7 77645 Nc3 (0.64) Nxc3 29471 8 111269 dxc3 (0.65) Nc6 27941 9 141718 Re1+ (0.92) Kf8 13899 10 156473 Rb1 (1.80) Qd6 58635 11 216094 b4 (2.30) Bb6 65582 12 282484 b5 (2.45) Na5 78047 13 362124 Ng5 (6.13) g6 104085 14 467381 Qf3 (7.64) f5 138818 15 607172 Ba3 (11.1) Qxa3 60526 16 669712 Qxd5 (M12) Kg7 145893 17 817582 Qe5+ (M9) Kg8 11585 18 829957 Rb4 (M8) Qxa2 102032 19 933951 Qe8+ (M7) Kg7 31662 20 966636 Qe7+ (M6) Kg8 30305 21 997794 Qd8+ (M5) Kg7 20062 22 1018500 Re7+ (M4) Kf6 31642 23 1051632 Re6+ (M3) Kg7 28309 24 1080918 Qe7+ (M2) Kg8 871 25 1082618 Qf7# (M1)
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