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#638453509576686715 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte core in GBA mode) - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte GBA)].bk2
In 15:13.63 (54738 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:42 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
13.644952 s saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View

#638453509277635594 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte core in GBA mode) - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte GBA), in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:27.27 (55553 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:42 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
13.644952 s longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View

#638453509024569276 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte core) - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte)].bk2
In 15:15.89 (54873 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:41 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
13.644929 s saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View

#638453508703192743 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte core) - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (Gambatte), in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:29.53 (55688 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:41 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
13.644929 s longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View

#638453508402475872 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (GBHawk core) - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (GBHawk)].bk2
In 15:15.91 (54705 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:40 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:15.910 (54705 frames)
13.645 s (815 frames) saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View

#638453508058860983 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.9.1 (GBHawk core) - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.9.1 (GBHawk), in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:29.56 (55520 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:40 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:29.555 (55520 frames)
13.645 s (815 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View

#638453507768764320 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.5.2 - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.5.2].bk2
In 15:16.01 (54711 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:39 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:16.010 (54711 frames)
13.511 s (807 frames) saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View
30.003 s (1792 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.017 s (1 frame) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with BizHawk 2.3.3 - 2.5.2, same as (the previous published record-holder)

#638453507521174325 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.5.2 - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.5.2, in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:29.52 (55518 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:39 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:29.522 (55518 frames)
13.511 s (807 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
16.492 s (985 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.017 s (1 frame) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with BizHawk 2.3.3 - 2.5.2, same as (the previous published record-holder)

#638453507191887229 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.3.2 - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.3.2].bk2
In 15:08.71 (54275 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:38 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:08.710 (54275 frames)
13.662 s (816 frames) saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View
31.777 s (1898 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.033 s (2 frames) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below Compatible[1] with BizHawk 2.2.2 - 2.3.2, same as
[1] The GBHawk core must be manually selected for this to play properly (Config → Cores → GB → GBHawk)

#638453506868734197 - 2024-03-06 TAS - BizHawk 2.3.2 - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06 - BizHawk 2.3.2, in diagonal view].bk2
In 15:22.37 (55091 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:38 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:22.372 (55091 frames)
13.662 s (816 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
18.116 s (1082 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.033 s (2 frames) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below Compatible[1] with BizHawk 2.2.2 - 2.3.2, same as
[1] The GBHawk core must be manually selected for this to play properly (Config → Cores → GB → GBHawk)

#638453506542863012 - 2024-03-06 TAS - VBA-rr - Bird's-eye View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06].vbm
In 15:03.50 (53964 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:37 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:03.520 (53965 frames)
13.377 s (799 frames) saved by using Bird's-eye View instead of Diagonal View
47.064 s (2811 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.033 s (2 frames) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with a very wide range of versions of VBA-rr (including the latest, VBA-rr-svn480.LRC4-xp140), same as

#638453506280020538 - 2024-03-06 TAS - VBA-rr - Diagonal View

Kwirk (UA) [best as of 2024-03-06, in diagonal view].vbm
In 15:16.88 (54763 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Kwirk ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:37 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
15:16.898 (54764 frames)
13.377 s (799 frames) longer than Bird's-eye View, due to using Diagonal View
33.686 s (2012 frames) saved overall relative to the link below
0.033 s (2 frames) of additional delay between levels relative to the link below
Compatible with a very wide range of versions of VBA-rr (including the latest, VBA-rr-svn480.LRC4-xp140), same as

#638453505817884095 - BizHawk script - Log replay file intput frame, emulator-cycle frame, and polling-for-input (TAStudio-like but works with both Gambatte & GBHawk cores) info

Uploaded 3/6/2024 7:36 PM by Deadcode (see all 13)
Works with both Gambatte and GBHawk cores (by reimplementing lag-frame detection in the latter using a bus-read hook).
Tested with the following BizHawk versions:
  • 2.3.2 (GBHawk)
  • 2.5.2 (GBHawk)
  • 2.9.1 (GBHawk and Gambatte)