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#638723765819061460 - c64 flooder solver

Uploaded 1/13/2025 2:49 PM by Cephla (see all 24)

Syntax Error

Syntax Error on line 98
  1. from collections import deque
  2. import copy
  4. class FlooderGameSolver:
  5.     def __init__(self, board):
  6.         self.initial_board = board
  7.         self.size_x = len(board[0])
  8.         self.size_y = len(board)
  9.         self.max_moves = 20  # Set the maximum number of moves
 11.     def flood_fill(self, board, x, y, target_number, replacement_number):
 12.         if target_number == replacement_number:
 13.             return board
 15.         if board[x][y] != target_number:
 16.             return board
 18.         queue = deque([(x, y)])
 19.         while queue:
 20.             cx, cy = queue.popleft()
 21.             if board[cx][cy] == target_number:
 22.                 board[cx][cy] = replacement_number
 23.                 if cx > 0:
 24.                     queue.append((cx - 1, cy))
 25.                 if cy > 0:
 26.                     queue.append((cx, cy - 1))
 27.                 if cx < self.size_y - 1:
 28.                     queue.append((cx + 1, cy))
 29.                 if cy < self.size_x - 1:
 30.                     queue.append((cx, cy + 1))
 31.         return board
 33.     def is_winner(self, board):
 34.         first_number = board[0][0]
 35.         for row in board:
 36.             for cell in row:
 37.                 if cell != first_number:
 38.                     return False
 39.         return True
 41.     def find_solutions(self):
 42.         initial_board = self.initial_board
 43.         queue = deque([(initial_board, 0, [])])  # (current_board, steps, path)
 45.         visited = set()
 46.         visited.add(tuple(map(tuple, initial_board)))
 48.         solutions = []
 49.         min_steps = None
 51.         while queue:
 52.             current_board, steps, path = queue.popleft()
 54.             if steps > self.max_moves:
 55.                 continue  # Skip processing this path if it exceeds the move limit
 57.             if self.is_winner(current_board):
 58.                 if min_steps is None:
 59.                     min_steps = steps
 60.                 if steps == min_steps:
 61.                     solutions.append((steps, path))
 62.                 continue
 64.             if min_steps is not None and steps >= min_steps:
 65.                 continue
 67.             top_left_number = current_board[0][0]
 68.             possible_numbers = set()
 69.             for row in current_board:
 70.                 possible_numbers.update(row)
 72.             for number in possible_numbers:
 73.                 if number != top_left_number:
 74.                     new_board = copy.deepcopy(current_board)
 75.                     self.flood_fill(new_board, 0, 0, top_left_number, number)
 76.                     new_board_tuple = tuple(map(tuple, new_board))
 77.                     if new_board_tuple not in visited:
 78.                         visited.add(new_board_tuple)
 79.                         if steps + 1 <= self.max_moves:  # Add the new state only if it stays within the move limit
 80.                             queue.append((new_board, steps + 1, path + [number]))
 82.         return solutions
 84.     def validate_solution(self, solution_path):
 85.         board = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_board)
 86.         for step in solution_path:
 87.             top_left_number = board[0][0]
 88.             self.flood_fill(board, 0, 0, top_left_number, step)
 89.             self.display_board(board)
 90.         return self.is_winner(board)
 92.     def display_board(self, board):
 93.         for row in board:
 94.             print(" ".join(map(str, row)))
 95.         print()
 97. # Define the board
 98. board = [Unexpected EOL parsing text in []
 99.     [3, 5, 2, 7, 7],
100.     [1, 5, 8, 1, 7],
101.     [3, 2, 3, 4, 3],
102.     [1, 2, 4, 8, 2],
103.     [2, 3, 2, 5, 8],
104.     [3, 6, 7, 2, 4],
105.     [7, 5, 7, 3, 5],
106.     [3, 1, 2, 3, 1],
107.     [4, 8, 6, 7, 6],
108.     [7, 3, 8, 6, 4],
109. ]
111. solver = FlooderGameSolver(board)
112. solutions = solver.find_solutions()
113. if solutions:
114.     print(f"Found {len(solutions)} solutions with {solutions[0][0]} steps:")
115.     for steps, path in solutions:
116.         print(f"Steps: {steps}, Path: {path}")
117.         print("Validating solution...")
118.         if solver.validate_solution(path):
119.             print("Solution is valid.")
120.         else:
121.             print("Solution is invalid.")
122. else:
123.     print("No solution found")

#638723764524161960 - c64 flooder manipulation script

Game: Flooder ( C64, see all files )
Uploaded 1/13/2025 2:47 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
Script that randomly produces inputs to change the configuration of the board

#638723763920964939 - c64 flooder board reader

Game: Flooder ( C64, see all files )
Uploaded 1/13/2025 2:46 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
Reads the board and outputs a text file that can be copied directly into the solver program

#638723762797864834 - c64 flooder watch file

Game: Flooder ( C64, see all files )
Uploaded 1/13/2025 2:44 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
Contains values of every square on the board (only contains one value for each square rather than the two that make them up)

#638723761875212228 - c64 flooder wip

In 08:03.56 (24238 frames), 906 rerecords
Game: Flooder ( C64, see all files )
Uploaded 1/13/2025 2:43 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
WIP that I likeley won't come back to (uploaded as bk2 as I had issues with the .tasproj)

#638405033601703225 - nova world 6 5 frame improvement

In 01:02.71 (3769 frames), 1334 rerecords
1 comment, 90 downloads
Uploaded 1/10/2024 5:09 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
level 2 improvement thanks to lgr

#638359336767167200 - flooder custom board + brute force intergrated

Uploaded 11/18/2023 7:47 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
It's been a while but I've managed to get the script working with the new custom board generator functions. This one is for the first level in the C64 flooder and I've already got a solution down to 7 moves which I think is the lowest possible but I'm testing currently to see if 6 is possible, though I'm doubtful

#638249598867174906 - mario and sonic at the olympic game (DS) 100% run WIP start of first circuit but I'm stuck because of course I am

In 28:23.30 (101902 frames), 2365 rerecords
Uploaded 7/14/2023 7:31 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
My attempt at making a DS TAS fails once again, though this is definitely a TAS I want to finish even if it takes 10+ years.
The requirements I've drawn up since there's no SRC leaderboard for 100%:
All emblems
There's more but pretty much anything that would contribute to 100% is covered by an emblem except crowns, I think but if they're not covered by an emblem, that's added to the 100% requirement too. The requirements for all emblems is:
All character emblems (completing all character's missions) Olympic Record Emblem World Record Emblem Track Emblem (Gold medals in all track events) Field Emblem (^ field events) Aquatic Emblem (^ aquatic events) Gymnastics Emblem (^ gymnastic events) Dream Emblem (^ dream events) Full Play Emblem (Play all events) Fencing Emblem (10-0 score in fencing) Archery Emblem (120 points in archery) Shooting Emblem (40 points in shooting) Bouncing Emblem (10 points in trampolining) Somersault Emblem (10 points in vault) Table Tennis Emblem (5-0 score in table tennis) Full Game Emblem (Unlock all events) Thanks for playing Emblem (Load your save 50 times) Collaboration Emblem (Play as each character once) Mario Family Emblem (Get a gold medal with every member of the Mario family) Sonic Family Emblem (Get a gold medal with every member of the Sonic family) Gallery Owner Emblem (Complete the gallery) Friendly Emblem (play versus mode except this one has to be skipped due to network play being required) Rocket Emblem (perform a start dash) Penalty Emblem (Commit a foul)
So far, I've unlocked the entire gallery, got the Thanks for Playing Emblem and have started on the first circuit but have stopped due to being unable to get a perfect 100m. I've reached out to MKDasher who has uploaded a perfect 100m for every character to YT but am yet to get a response (it's been a couple weeks already so doubt I'll get anything back).
The reason I'm doing circuits now is to unlock all events first. This allows me to do all missions next and I can also snag some perfect score emblems along the way. Getting all gold medals for every character will be the last objective.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be over here sitting on WIP all words nes wordle tas, debating on doing a 100 flooder rounds in a row and perhaps starting on postman pat and peppa pig ds tases

#638232040648189420 - misplaced 34143

misplaceden 222.bk2
In 09:29.78 (34143 frames), 12605 rerecords
Game: Misplaced ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 6/24/2023 11:47 AM by Cephla (see all 24)

#638227877963196274 - misplaced -55f

misplaceden 4.bk2
In 09:53.35 (35555 frames), 8805 rerecords
Game: Misplaced ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 6/19/2023 4:09 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
missed it

#638201181626369727 - flooder c64 custom board script

Game: Flooder ( GBC, see all files )
Uploaded 5/19/2023 6:36 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
ok, this one's going to need a bit of an explanation. I found another flooder game this time for the C64. The gameplay is identical to the GBC game which this script is written for except it's a level based game with all patterns being preset and the solutions gradually getting harder with the board getting bigger with each level. There's also no limit on the amount of moves that can be made, just as long as you can beat the level, you win. But that's not good enough for a TAS and I want to find the optimal solution for each level. My first thought was to adapt the brute force script for the GBC version for this version, but unfortunately the colour changes are not instantaneous and it takes a million years for the board to change colour one pixel at a time. It also doesn't help that you can only have 10 colours loaded at a time and you have to wait for the game to change colour ten times before you can load the next ten so this isn't a viable solution. Or is it? I've already got a script for the GBC game so why not recreate the C64 game in that game? What an absolutely fool proof solution. This file recreates the first level of the easy mode in the C64 mode by using colours 1-4 and a 6th grey colour to make the empty space.
I'm yet to modify the brute force script to make all pixels turn grey when the board is solved but I've got ideas for that. The C64 game isn't particularly fun to TAS and it takes ages so I haven't made much progress and I haven't actually used this custom pattern script properly yet. The best method I've tried so far to find the fastest solutions is good ol' google sheets (at one point I was using google slides lmao) but I haven't worked on this for weeks and probably won't again but thought it'd be worth uploading anywa

#638185264480958107 - dino advance script

Uploaded 5/1/2023 8:27 AM by Cephla (see all 24)

#638173277142257583 - gbc flooder brute force script

Game: Flooder ( GBC, see all files )
Uploaded 4/17/2023 11:28 AM by Cephla (see all 24)
actually wrote this one myself (which explains why it's so bad) and it works exactly as intended. to run, you need to start the game and do the first move yourself, then modify the section inside the first while loop before the second so it can only select neighbouring colours. After that, it should run smoothly and may give you a solution in 10 or so minutes depending on which pattern you choose.
I'm currently working on the second possible pattern and after slimming it down, it's 348 frames long, only 16 longer than my none botted tas I did ages ago. Will see what happens when I optimise this solution further

#638165709301046281 - nova the squirrel useful ram addresses

Uploaded 4/8/2023 5:15 PM by Cephla (see all 24)

#638151929780573148 - dttf with new version

In 02:26.66 (8814 frames), 3468 rerecords
Uploaded 3/23/2023 6:29 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
uses latest version

#638118199007314594 - backyardigans DS wip

In 02:03.44 (7385 frames), 309 rerecords
Uploaded 2/12/2023 5:31 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
I've lost the little motivation I had for this game but I may come back to it in the future

#638039288102790040 - blobquest -10f

In 03:35.31 (12940 frames), 5306 rerecords
Game: BlobQuest ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/13/2022 9:33 AM by Cephla (see all 24)
improvement found in ruby 4

#638002375499678579 - kubo but his legs are stuck in the wall

In 00:05.87 (353 frames), 360 rerecords
Game: KUBO ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 10/1/2022 4:12 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
the logical step to take now is working out how to bypass wall collisions
I also found out that if his y level is at a sepcific value, he can walk in the wall

#637986935236734484 - Misplaced WIP

In 02:03.01 (7371 frames), 1609 rerecords
Game: Misplaced ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 9/13/2022 7:18 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
Fun puzzle game with an interesting central mechanic. Towards the end of where I'm up to, I realised you could just walk through the guy who talks to you and blocks your path which will save a bunch of time when I implement that. There are also 2 versions of the game, english and russian. Once I'm done with the TAS, I'll see if the russian version saves any time in cutscenes.

#637955627071727609 - WIP DS Flushed Away up to end of level 2

In 02:33.65 (9192 frames), 293 rerecords
Game: Flushed Away ( DS, see all files )
Uploaded 8/8/2022 1:38 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
quite a bit of timesave I can see in lvl 1, level 2 maybe. Currently at a dead end with The Getaway due to dodgy collisions or something. This movie shows that the Jammy Dodger can't hit the boat for some reason (emulator bug?)

#637941057318707931 - WIP that can't get past mountains 2

In 02:56.38 (10570 frames), 1779 rerecords
Uploaded 7/22/2022 4:55 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
so far, I believe everything before mountains 2 is faster than the current publication even though it doesn't look like it because of framerate differences but I'm really stuck on this level. if I put in a lot more work, I might be able to but I'll probably shelve it for a bit unless someone else decides to improve upon this

#637883162989869124 - GB There's Nothing to do in This Town in 3:27.09

In 03:27.09 (12369 frames), 1287 rerecords
Game: This Town ( GB, see all files )
Uploaded 5/16/2022 4:44 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
TNtdiTT is a homebrew Gameboy game developed during the first 2020 lockdown and is heavily inspired by it.
The player must go around town completing 3 tasks to complete the game but there's not much to it; just some frame perfect A presses here and everywhere.
By RTA timing, this comes out (roughly) as 5.967 seconds faster than wr (a 3:32.2)

#75130429246554011 - DS Peppa Pig: The Game "100%"

In 17:05.39 (61345 frames), 1574 rerecords
Uploaded 10/27/2021 12:05 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
  • Emulator used: DeSmuME 0.9.9
  • Aims for 100% completion
This is one of three Peppa Pig games released for the NDS, with Peppa Pig: The Game being released in 2009.
The game consists of 11 poorly built minigames:
  • Bubble popping in the bath with naked pigs
  • Pancake flipping at the speed of light
  • The classic happy Mrs Chicken game (which I adored watching Peppa play as a child)
  • Making an attempt to converse with Polly
  • Trying to beat George at a game of "Who Can Jump In The Most Muddy Puddles Before The Time Runs Out"
  • An infinitely long memory game
  • Painting pictures
  • Flying a kite without string while trying to avoid very spaced out rain
  • Making a snowman
  • Washing the Pigmobile with purple water
You can earn up to 3 stars for each minigame depending on either how many times you did something, how quickly you did something or how many times your kite got damaged.
This TAS aims to collect all 33 stars as quickly as possible.

#74600693893897276 - DS Postman Pat Any%

In 12:52.61 (46222 frames), 653 rerecords
Game: Postman Pat ( DS, see all files )
Uploaded 10/3/2021 3:31 PM by Cephla (see all 24)
I don't have much info, the game doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. It's basically just a bunch of minigames you can't speed up. Just imagine a very low budget Mario Party but without the multiplayer, and in 2D, and with Postman Pat's face slapped on everything instead of Mario. That's this game.
Here's a youtube encode anyway.