
This page lists movies that have been submitted for review.
Some of them will eventually end up on the movies page, while some of them will not make it.
Submitted movies can be published by certain people.

SystemGameGoalTimeByDate StatusVotes
GB Metroid II: Return of Samus 48:06.13 Cardboard 4/5/2007 Cancelled
100% (30/0/0)
NES Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 23:42.20 Cardboard 4/18/2007 Cancelled
85% (13/1/2)
NES Rygar 07:08.20 Cardboard 10/2/2007 Cancelled
68% (7/5/2)
NES Adventure Island IV 21:19.88 Cardboard 11/16/2007 Cancelled
86% (6/0/1)
Genesis Robocop vs. the Terminator 14:32.27 Cardboard 12/16/2007 Cancelled
98% (20/1/0)
GB Battletoads 09:04.34 Cardboard & Alyosha 1/13/2020 Cancelled
75% (3/0/1)