This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotId TitleDescription
6027 GBA Snood "Puzzle" by g0goTBC & Alyosha in 04:52.46
6028 NES DuckTales "bad ending" by Jvuln33 in 07:55.98
6029 NES Maniac Mansion by Arc & ShesChardcore in 05:19.47
6030 Coleco Mouse Trap by nymx in 02:10.53
6031 Coleco Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom by nymx in 02:05.29
6032 C64 Mind Boggle by nymx in 00:14.02
6033 GBA Donkey Kong Country by illayaya in 40:12.49
6034 Flash The Big Adventure of Owata's Life "Jukai path" by ruru-ta in 01:06.66
6035 SNES Super Mario World "arbitrary code execution, glitchfest" by IgorOliveira666 in 42:49.44
6036 NES Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers "2 players" by Dimon12321, Aglar & dragonxyk in 08:43.47
6037 N64 Golf with Your Mario "maximum score" by DyllonStej in 00:56.13
6038 NES Batman by DreamYao in 09:11.76
6039 Flash The Impossible Quiz Book: Chapter 1 by Mikewillplays in 01:04.84
6040 DS Gummy Bears MiniGolf by Sam_Underscore in 07:39.06
6041 NES Monopoly by FractalFusion in 00:28.92
6042 NES Rockman 2 Claw: Wild Version by longbao in 25:07.47
6043 NES Rockman Exile by nightingale & CUI in 24:49.23
6044 SNES Killer Instinct by KusogeMan in 07:53.92
6045 GBA Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis by ninespaces in 1:42:39.81
6046 Flash Magnet Face by Mikewillplays in 01:17.77
6047 NES Rockman 2 Claw by longbao & CUI in 23:47.43
6048 NES Little Lancelot by Induviel in 16:15.21
6049 Flash Rokko Chan by ruru-ta in 19:12.63
6050 NES Rockman 5: Metropolis by NemoRuby in 30:50.64
6051 NES Rockman: Install Metal by NemoRuby in 29:17.84

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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